
Debug Hardware Considerations (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


To debug a networked media device (NMD), you must have an Ethernet debug port that supports 10/100 megabits per second (Mbps) 10BaseT/100BaseT (802.3). This Ethernet connection is independent of the end-user 10/100 Mbps 10BaseT/100BaseT Ethernet connection that is required for the NMD.

For additional debugging capabilities, you can add a serial debug port or a USB debug port. These debug ports are optional and are independent of any other end-user serial ports or USB ports.

For more information about debug hardware for NMDs, see Diagnostics and Debugging for Mobile and Embedded Development.

See Also


Hardware Architecture Diagram for Networked Media Devices

Other Resources

Performance Considerations for the Hardware Components of Networked Media Devices
CETK Tests
Core OS Services
Developing a Board Support Package
Developing a Device Driver
Developing an OEM Adaptation Layer