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The End property gets or sets the point in time when the appointment ends.

To set the value of the End property, call the property method described here.

To get the value of the End property, see the IAppointment::get_End property method.


HRESULT put_End(
  DATE st


  • st
    [in] Reference to the date object that defines the end.

Return Values

This method returns the standard values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_FAIL, as well as the following:

  • S_OK
    The method completed successfully.


Dates must be between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2999 inclusive.

The default start time is the top of the next hour. For example, if the current time is 10:37 A.M., the default start time is 11:00 A.M.

If you set the Appointment's End to a time before the Appointment's Start, Outlook Mobile ensures that the Appointment remains valid by automatically updating the Start time to maintain the original Duration.

get_Start returns the Start value that will be saved, not the last value set.

The Start and End times for recurring Appointments are set in terms of the Timezone property (PIMPR_TIMEZONE), but the Start and End times for individual Appointments are set and read in terms of the local (mobile device's) Timezone. For example, a recurring Appointment set to recur at noon London time, would occur at 4:00 AM Pacific time.

For All Day Events, the End date should be set to the day after the event. For example, if the All Day Event is scheduled to occur on 5/10/2006, then the End date should be set to the next day, 5/11/2006.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: pimstore.h
Library: pimstore.lib

See Also

IAppointment | Pocket Outlook Object Model API Interfaces | Pocket Outlook Object Model API Enumerations

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