
Pocket Outlook Object Model API Enumerations

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This section provides detailed information about the Pocket Outlook Object Model API enumerations.

The following table shows the enumerations for Pocket PC and Smartphone, with a description of the purpose of each. The enumerations are listed in Vtable order.

Pocket PC Enumeration PPC SP Description
OlBusyStatus X X Identifies a recipient's availability status for an appointment.
OlCurrentCity X   Identifies whether or not the user's current city is the user's home city.
OlDaysOfWeek X X Identifies the days used in an IRecurrencePattern object.
OlDefaultFolders X X Identifies the default folder container objects that ship with Outlook Mobile.
OlImportance X X Identifies task priorities.
OlItemType X X Identifies Outlook Mobile item types.
OlMeetingStatus X X Identifies the function of an appointment.
OlRecurrenceType X X Identifies the type of recurrence pattern assigned to an appointment.
OlReminderOptions X X Identifies the kind of reminder used for appointment and task items.
OlSensitivity X X Identifies the sensitivity level assigned to appointment and task objects.
PIMSRC_COLOR X X Identifies the colors that a Source Provider can use as alternate background colors for Appointments in the Agenda and Day views.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: pimstore.h
Library: pimstore.lib

See Also

Pocket Outlook Object Model API

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