SortKey.Equals メソッド
指定したオブジェクトが現在の SortKey と同じインスタンスかどうかを確認します。
Overrides Public Function Equals( _
ByVal value As Object _) As Boolean
public override bool Equals(objectvalue);
public: bool Equals(Object* value);
public override function Equals(
value : Object) : Boolean;
- value
現在の SortKey と比較するオブジェクト。
指定したオブジェクトが現在の SortKey と同じインスタンスの場合は、 true 。それ以外の場合は false 。
このメソッドは、 Object.Equals をオーバーライドします。
2 つの SortKey インスタンスが、同じ文字列と同じ CompareOptions を使用して、互いに等しいと見なされる CompareInfo インスタンスから作成された場合、その 2 つのインスタンスは等しいと見なされます。
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] 異なる SortKey オブジェクトと比較した場合の Equals の結果を次のコード例に示します。
Imports System
Imports System.Globalization
Public Class SamplesSortKey
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Creates two identical en-US cultures and one de-DE culture.
Dim myComp_enUS1 As CompareInfo = New CultureInfo("en-US", False).CompareInfo
Dim myComp_enUS2 As CompareInfo = New CultureInfo("en-US", False).CompareInfo
Dim myComp_deDE As CompareInfo = New CultureInfo("de-DE", False).CompareInfo
' Creates the base SortKey to compare with all the others.
Dim mySK1 As SortKey = myComp_enUS1.GetSortKey("cant", CompareOptions.StringSort)
' Creates a SortKey that is derived exactly the same way as the base SortKey.
Dim mySK2 As SortKey = myComp_enUS1.GetSortKey("cant", CompareOptions.StringSort)
' Creates a SortKey that uses word sort, which is the default sort.
Dim mySK3 As SortKey = myComp_enUS1.GetSortKey("cant")
' Creates a SortKey for a different string.
Dim mySK4 As SortKey = myComp_enUS1.GetSortKey("can't", CompareOptions.StringSort)
' Creates a SortKey from a different CompareInfo with the same culture.
Dim mySK5 As SortKey = myComp_enUS2.GetSortKey("cant", CompareOptions.StringSort)
' Creates a SortKey from a different CompareInfo with a different culture.
Dim mySK6 As SortKey = myComp_deDE.GetSortKey("cant", CompareOptions.StringSort)
' Compares the base SortKey with itself.
Console.WriteLine("Comparing the base SortKey with itself: {0}", mySK1.Equals(mySK1))
' Prints the header for the table.
Console.WriteLine("CompareInfo Culture OriginalString CompareOptions Equals()")
' Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
' created from the same CompareInfo with the same string and the same CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine("same same same same {0}", mySK1.Equals(mySK2))
' Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
' created from the same CompareInfo with the same string but with different CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine("same same same different {0}", mySK1.Equals(mySK3))
' Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
' created from the same CompareInfo with the different string
' but with the same CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine("same same different same {0}", mySK1.Equals(mySK4))
' Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
' created from a different CompareInfo (same culture)
' with the same string and the same CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine("different same same same {0}", mySK1.Equals(mySK5))
' Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
' created from a different CompareInfo (different culture)
' with the same string and the same CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine("different different same same {0}", mySK1.Equals(mySK6))
End Sub 'Main
End Class 'SamplesSortKey
'This code produces the following output.
'Comparing the base SortKey with itself: True
'CompareInfo Culture OriginalString CompareOptions Equals()
'same same same same True
'same same same different False
'same same different same False
'different same same same True
'different different same same False
using System;
using System.Globalization;
public class SamplesSortKey {
public static void Main() {
// Creates two identical en-US cultures and one de-DE culture.
CompareInfo myComp_enUS1 = new CultureInfo("en-US",false).CompareInfo;
CompareInfo myComp_enUS2 = new CultureInfo("en-US",false).CompareInfo;
CompareInfo myComp_deDE = new CultureInfo("de-DE",false).CompareInfo;
// Creates the base SortKey to compare with all the others.
SortKey mySK1 = myComp_enUS1.GetSortKey( "cant", CompareOptions.StringSort );
// Creates a SortKey that is derived exactly the same way as the base SortKey.
SortKey mySK2 = myComp_enUS1.GetSortKey( "cant", CompareOptions.StringSort );
// Creates a SortKey that uses word sort, which is the default sort.
SortKey mySK3 = myComp_enUS1.GetSortKey( "cant" );
// Creates a SortKey for a different string.
SortKey mySK4 = myComp_enUS1.GetSortKey( "can't", CompareOptions.StringSort );
// Creates a SortKey from a different CompareInfo with the same culture.
SortKey mySK5 = myComp_enUS2.GetSortKey( "cant", CompareOptions.StringSort );
// Creates a SortKey from a different CompareInfo with a different culture.
SortKey mySK6 = myComp_deDE.GetSortKey( "cant", CompareOptions.StringSort );
// Compares the base SortKey with itself.
Console.WriteLine( "Comparing the base SortKey with itself: {0}", mySK1.Equals( mySK1 ) );
// Prints the header for the table.
Console.WriteLine( "CompareInfo Culture OriginalString CompareOptions Equals()" );
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from the same CompareInfo with the same string and the same CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine( "same same same same {0}", mySK1.Equals( mySK2 ) );
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from the same CompareInfo with the same string but with different CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine( "same same same different {0}", mySK1.Equals( mySK3 ) );
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from the same CompareInfo with the different string
// but with the same CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine( "same same different same {0}", mySK1.Equals( mySK4 ) );
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from a different CompareInfo (same culture)
// with the same string and the same CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine( "different same same same {0}", mySK1.Equals( mySK5 ) );
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from a different CompareInfo (different culture)
// with the same string and the same CompareOptions.
Console.WriteLine( "different different same same {0}", mySK1.Equals( mySK6 ) );
This code produces the following output.
Comparing the base SortKey with itself: True
CompareInfo Culture OriginalString CompareOptions Equals()
same same same same True
same same same different False
same same different same False
different same same same True
different different same same False
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
// Creates two identical en-US cultures and one de-DE culture.
CultureInfo * MyCI = new CultureInfo(S"en-US", false);
CompareInfo* myComp_enUS1 = MyCI -> CompareInfo;
MyCI = new CultureInfo(S"en-US", false);
CompareInfo* myComp_enUS2 = MyCI -> CompareInfo;
MyCI = new CultureInfo(S"de-DE", false);
CompareInfo* myComp_deDE = MyCI -> CompareInfo;
// Creates the base SortKey to compare with all the others.
SortKey * mySK1 = myComp_enUS1 -> GetSortKey(S"cant", CompareOptions::StringSort);
// Creates a SortKey that is derived exactly the same way as the base SortKey.
SortKey * mySK2 = myComp_enUS1 -> GetSortKey(S"cant", CompareOptions::StringSort);
// Creates a SortKey that uses word sort, which is the default sort.
SortKey * mySK3 = myComp_enUS1 -> GetSortKey(S"cant");
// Creates a SortKey for a different String*.
SortKey * mySK4 = myComp_enUS1 -> GetSortKey(S"can't", CompareOptions::StringSort);
// Creates a SortKey from a different CompareInfo with the same culture.
SortKey * mySK5 = myComp_enUS2 -> GetSortKey(S"cant", CompareOptions::StringSort);
// Creates a SortKey from a different CompareInfo with a different culture.
SortKey * mySK6 = myComp_deDE -> GetSortKey(S"cant", CompareOptions::StringSort);
// Compares the base SortKey with itself.
Console::WriteLine(S"Comparing the base SortKey with itself: {0}",
__box(mySK1 -> Equals(mySK1)));
// Prints the header for the table.
Console::WriteLine(S"CompareInfo Culture OriginalString CompareOptions Equals()");
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from the same CompareInfo with the same String* and the same CompareOptions.
Console::WriteLine(S"same same same same {0}",
__box(mySK1 -> Equals(mySK2)));
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from the same CompareInfo with the same String* but with different CompareOptions.
Console::WriteLine(S"same same same different {0}",
__box(mySK1 -> Equals(mySK3)));
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from the same CompareInfo with the different String*
// but with the same CompareOptions.
Console::WriteLine(S"same same different same {0}",
__box(mySK1 -> Equals(mySK4)));
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from a different CompareInfo (same culture)
// with the same String* and the same CompareOptions.
Console::WriteLine(S"different same same same {0}",
__box(mySK1 -> Equals(mySK5)));
// Compares the base SortKey with a SortKey that is
// created from a different CompareInfo (different culture)
// with the same String* and the same CompareOptions.
Console::WriteLine(S"different different same same {0}",
__box(mySK1 -> Equals(mySK6)));
This code produces the following output.
Comparing the base SortKey with itself: True
CompareInfo Culture OriginalString CompareOptions Equals()
same same same same True
same same same different False
same same different same False
different same same same True
different different same same False
[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン をクリックします。
プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ
SortKey クラス | SortKey メンバ | System.Globalization 名前空間 | Object.Equals