MimeTextMatch.Matches プロパティ
検索によって検出された、テキスト パターンの一致のコレクションを取得します。
Public ReadOnly Property Matches As MimeTextMatchCollection
public MimeTextMatchCollection Matches {get;}
public: __property MimeTextMatchCollection* get_Matches();
public function get Matches() : MimeTextMatchCollection;
Group プロパティのメンバを表す MimeTextMatchCollection 。
' Create an OutputBinding.
Dim myOutputBinding As New OutputBinding()
' Create a MimeTextBinding.
Dim myMimeTextBinding As New MimeTextBinding()
' Create a MimeTextMatch.
Dim myMimeTextMatch As New MimeTextMatch()
Dim myMimeTextMatchCollection As MimeTextMatchCollection
' Initialize properties of the MimeTextMatch.
myMimeTextMatch.Name = "Title"
myMimeTextMatch.Type = "*/*"
myMimeTextMatch.Pattern = "'TITLE>(.*?)<"
myMimeTextMatch.IgnoreCase = True
' Initialize a MimeTextMatchCollection.
myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding.Matches
' Add the MimeTextMatch to the MimeTextMatchCollection.
' Add the OutputBinding to the OperationBinding.
myOperationBinding.Output = myOutputBinding
// Create an OutputBinding.
OutputBinding myOutputBinding = new OutputBinding();
// Create a MimeTextBinding.
MimeTextBinding myMimeTextBinding = new MimeTextBinding();
// Create a MimeTextMatch.
MimeTextMatch myMimeTextMatch = new MimeTextMatch();
MimeTextMatchCollection myMimeTextMatchCollection ;
// Initialize properties of the MimeTextMatch.
myMimeTextMatch.Name = "Title";
myMimeTextMatch.Type = "*/*";
myMimeTextMatch.Pattern = "'TITLE>(.*?)<";
myMimeTextMatch.IgnoreCase = true;
// Initialize a MimeTextMatchCollection.
myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding.Matches;
// Add the MimeTextMatch to the MimeTextMatchCollection.
myMimeTextMatchCollection.Add( myMimeTextMatch );
myOutputBinding.Extensions.Add( myMimeTextBinding );
// Add the OutputBinding to the OperationBinding.
myOperationBinding.Output = myOutputBinding;
// Create an OutputBinding.
OutputBinding* myOutputBinding = new OutputBinding();
// Create a MimeTextBinding.
MimeTextBinding* myMimeTextBinding = new MimeTextBinding();
// Create a MimeTextMatch.
MimeTextMatch* myMimeTextMatch = new MimeTextMatch();
MimeTextMatchCollection* myMimeTextMatchCollection ;
// Initialize properties of the MimeTextMatch.
myMimeTextMatch->Name = S"Title";
myMimeTextMatch->Type = S"*/*";
myMimeTextMatch->Pattern = S"'TITLE>(.*?)<";
myMimeTextMatch->IgnoreCase = true;
// Initialize a MimeTextMatchCollection.
myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding->Matches;
// Add the MimeTextMatch to the MimeTextMatchCollection.
myMimeTextMatchCollection->Add( myMimeTextMatch );
myOutputBinding->Extensions->Add( myMimeTextBinding );
// Add the OutputBinding to the OperationBinding.
myOperationBinding->Output = myOutputBinding;
[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン をクリックします。
プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ
MimeTextMatch クラス | MimeTextMatch メンバ | System.Web.Services.Description 名前空間