MimeTextMatchCollection クラス
MimeTextMatch クラスのインスタンスのコレクションを提供します。このクラスは継承できません。
この型のすべてのメンバの一覧については、MimeTextMatchCollection メンバ を参照してください。
NotInheritable Public Class MimeTextMatchCollection
Inherits CollectionBase
public sealed class MimeTextMatchCollection : CollectionBase
public __gc __sealed class MimeTextMatchCollection : public
public class MimeTextMatchCollection extends CollectionBase
この型の public static (Visual Basicでは Shared) のすべてのメンバは、マルチスレッド操作で安全に使用できます。インスタンスのメンバの場合は、スレッドセーフであるとは限りません。
MimeTextMatch は、HTTP 伝送での検索対象となる MIME テキスト パターンを表します。XML Web サービスのプロトコルの指定については、「 ASP.NET を使用した XML Web サービスの作成 」を参照してください。WSDL (Web Services Description Language) の詳細については、http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl/ の仕様を参照してください。
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] MimeTextMatchCollection クラスによって公開されるプロパティとメソッドを使用する例を次に示します。
' Create the 'InputBinding' object.
Dim myInputBinding As New InputBinding()
Dim myMimeTextBinding As New MimeTextBinding()
Dim myMimeTextMatchCollection As MimeTextMatchCollection
' Get an array instance of 'MimeTextMatch' class.
Dim myMimeTextMatch(3) As MimeTextMatch
myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding.Matches
' Initialize properties of 'MimeTextMatch' class.
For myInt = 0 To 3
' Create the 'MimeTextMatch' instance.
myMimeTextMatch(myInt) = New MimeTextMatch()
myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Name = "Title"
myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Type = "*/*"
myMimeTextMatch(myInt).IgnoreCase = True
If True = myMimeTextMatchCollection.Contains(myMimeTextMatch(0)) Then
myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Name = "Title" + Convert.ToString(myInt)
myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Capture = 2
myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Group = 2
myMimeTextMatchCollection(myInt).RepeatsString = "2"
End If
Next myInt
myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding.Matches
' Copy collection to 'MimeTextMatch' array instance.
myMimeTextMatchCollection.CopyTo(myMimeTextMatch, 0)
' Add the 'InputBinding' to 'OperationBinding'.
myOperationBinding.Input = myInputBinding
' Create the 'OutputBinding' instance.
Dim myOutputBinding As New OutputBinding()
' Create the 'MimeTextBinding' instance.
Dim myMimeTextBinding1 As New MimeTextBinding()
' Get an instance of 'MimeTextMatchCollection'.
Dim myMimeTextMatchCollection1 As New MimeTextMatchCollection()
Dim myMimeTextMatch1(4) As MimeTextMatch
myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = myMimeTextBinding1.Matches
For myInt = 0 To 3
myMimeTextMatch1(myInt) = New MimeTextMatch()
myMimeTextMatch1(myInt).Name = "Title" + Convert.ToString(myInt)
If myInt <> 0 Then
myMimeTextMatch1(myInt).RepeatsString = "7"
End If
Next myInt
myMimeTextMatch1(4) = New MimeTextMatch()
' Remove 'MimeTextMatch' instance from collection.
' Using MimeTextMatchCollection.Item indexer to comapre.
If myMimeTextMatch1(2) Is myMimeTextMatchCollection1(1) Then
' Check whether 'MimeTextMatch' instance exists.
myInt = myMimeTextMatchCollection1.IndexOf(myMimeTextMatch1(2))
' Insert 'MimeTextMatch' instance at a desired position.
myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Insert(1, myMimeTextMatch1(myInt))
myMimeTextMatchCollection1(1).RepeatsString = "5"
myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Insert(4, myMimeTextMatch1(myInt))
End If
// Create the 'InputBinding' object.
InputBinding myInputBinding = new InputBinding();
MimeTextBinding myMimeTextBinding = new MimeTextBinding();
MimeTextMatchCollection myMimeTextMatchCollection;
// Get an array instance of 'MimeTextMatch' class.
MimeTextMatch[] myMimeTextMatch = new MimeTextMatch[4];
myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding.Matches;
// Initialize properties of 'MimeTextMatch' class.
for( myInt = 0 ; myInt < 4 ; myInt++ )
// Create the 'MimeTextMatch' instance.
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] = new MimeTextMatch();
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Name = "Title";
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Type = "*/*";
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].IgnoreCase = true;
if( true == myMimeTextMatchCollection.Contains( myMimeTextMatch[ 0 ] ) )
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Name = "Title" + Convert.ToString( myInt );
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Capture = 2;
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Group = 2;
myMimeTextMatchCollection.Add( myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatchCollection.Add( myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatchCollection[ myInt ].RepeatsString = "2";
myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding.Matches;
// Copy collection to 'MimeTextMatch' array instance.
myMimeTextMatchCollection.CopyTo( myMimeTextMatch, 0 );
// Add the 'InputBinding' to 'OperationBinding'.
myOperationBinding.Input = myInputBinding;
// Create the 'OutputBinding' instance.
OutputBinding myOutputBinding = new OutputBinding();
// Create the 'MimeTextBinding' instance.
MimeTextBinding myMimeTextBinding1 = new MimeTextBinding();
// Get an instance of 'MimeTextMatchCollection'.
MimeTextMatchCollection myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = new MimeTextMatchCollection();
MimeTextMatch[] myMimeTextMatch1 = new MimeTextMatch[5];
myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = myMimeTextBinding1.Matches;
for( myInt = 0 ; myInt < 4 ; myInt++ )
myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] = new MimeTextMatch();
myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ].Name = "Title" + Convert.ToString( myInt );
if( myInt != 0 )
myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ].RepeatsString = "7";
myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Add( myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatch1[4] = new MimeTextMatch();
// Remove 'MimeTextMatch' instance from collection.
myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Remove( myMimeTextMatch1[ 1 ] );
// Using MimeTextMatchCollection.Item indexer to comapre.
if( myMimeTextMatch1[ 2 ] == myMimeTextMatchCollection1[ 1 ] )
// Check whether 'MimeTextMatch' instance exists.
myInt = myMimeTextMatchCollection1.IndexOf( myMimeTextMatch1[ 2 ] );
// Insert 'MimeTextMatch' instance at a desired position.
myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Insert( 1, myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatchCollection1[ 1 ].RepeatsString = "5";
myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Insert( 4, myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
// Create the 'InputBinding' object.
InputBinding* myInputBinding = new InputBinding();
MimeTextBinding* myMimeTextBinding = new MimeTextBinding();
MimeTextMatchCollection* myMimeTextMatchCollection;
// Get an array instance of 'MimeTextMatch' class.
MimeTextMatch* myMimeTextMatch[] = new MimeTextMatch*[4];
myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding->Matches;
// Initialize properties of 'MimeTextMatch' class.
for( myInt = 0 ; myInt < 4 ; myInt++ )
// Create the 'MimeTextMatch' instance.
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] = new MimeTextMatch();
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Name = S"Title";
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Type = S"*/*";
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->IgnoreCase = true;
if( true == myMimeTextMatchCollection->Contains( myMimeTextMatch[ 0 ] ) )
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Name = String::Format( S"Title{0}", Convert::ToString(myInt) );
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Capture = 2;
myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Group = 2;
myMimeTextMatchCollection->Add( myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatchCollection->Add( myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatchCollection->Item[ myInt ]->RepeatsString = S"2";
myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding->Matches;
// Copy collection to 'MimeTextMatch' array instance.
myMimeTextMatchCollection->CopyTo( myMimeTextMatch, 0 );
// Add the 'InputBinding' to 'OperationBinding'.
myOperationBinding->Input = myInputBinding;
// Create the 'OutputBinding' instance.
OutputBinding* myOutputBinding = new OutputBinding();
// Create the 'MimeTextBinding' instance.
MimeTextBinding* myMimeTextBinding1 = new MimeTextBinding();
// Get an instance of 'MimeTextMatchCollection'.
MimeTextMatchCollection* myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = new MimeTextMatchCollection();
MimeTextMatch* myMimeTextMatch1[] = new MimeTextMatch*[5];
myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = myMimeTextBinding1->Matches;
for( myInt = 0 ; myInt < 4 ; myInt++ )
myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] = new MimeTextMatch();
myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ]->Name = String::Format( S"Title{0}", Convert::ToString(myInt) );
if( myInt != 0 )
myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ]->RepeatsString = S"7";
myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Add( myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatch1[4] = new MimeTextMatch();
// Remove 'MimeTextMatch' instance from collection.
myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Remove( myMimeTextMatch1[ 1 ] );
// Using MimeTextMatchCollection.Item indexer to comapre.
if( myMimeTextMatch1->Item[ 2 ] == myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Item[ 1 ] )
// Check whether 'MimeTextMatch' instance exists.
myInt = myMimeTextMatchCollection1->IndexOf( myMimeTextMatch1[ 2 ] );
// Insert 'MimeTextMatch' instance at a desired position.
myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Insert( 1, myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Item[ 1 ]->RepeatsString = S"5";
myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Insert( 4, myMimeTextMatch1[ myInt ] );
[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン をクリックします。
名前空間: System.Web.Services.Description
プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ
アセンブリ: System.Web.Services (System.Web.Services.dll 内)
MimeTextMatchCollection メンバ | System.Web.Services.Description 名前空間