DataSourceControl.RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent(EventArgs) メソッド
一部の情報は、リリース前に大きく変更される可能性があるプレリリースされた製品に関するものです。 Microsoft は、ここに記載されている情報について、明示または黙示を問わず、一切保証しません。
DataSourceChanged イベントを発生させます。
virtual void RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent(EventArgs ^ e);
protected virtual void RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent(EventArgs e);
abstract member RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent : EventArgs -> unit
override this.RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent : EventArgs -> unit
Protected Overridable Sub RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent (e As EventArgs)
次のコード例では、バインドされたコントロールに影響を与える可能性のある方法でデータ ソースまたはその基になるデータが変更されたときに メソッドを呼び出す RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent 方法を示します。 この例では、 クラスを拡張するファイル ベースの DataSourceControl データ ソース コントロールで、 プロパティが変更されるたびに を DataSourceChanged 呼び出 RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent して イベントを FileName
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
// The CsvDataSource is a data source control that retrieves its
// data from a comma-separated value file.
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
public class CsvDataSource : DataSourceControl
public CsvDataSource() : base() {}
// The comma-separated value file to retrieve data from.
public string FileName {
get {
return ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).SourceFile;
set {
// Only set if it is different.
if ( ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).SourceFile != value) {
((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).SourceFile = value;
// Do not add the column names as a data row. Infer columns if the CSV file does
// not include column names.
public bool IncludesColumnNames {
get {
return ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).IncludesColumnNames;
set {
// Only set if it is different.
if ( ((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).IncludesColumnNames != value) {
((CsvDataSourceView)this.GetView(String.Empty)).IncludesColumnNames = value;
// Return a strongly typed view for the current data source control.
private CsvDataSourceView view = null;
protected override DataSourceView GetView(string viewName) {
if (null == view) {
view = new CsvDataSourceView(this, String.Empty);
return view;
// The ListSourceHelper class calls GetList, which
// calls the DataSourceControl.GetViewNames method.
// Override the original implementation to return
// a collection of one element, the default view name.
protected override ICollection GetViewNames() {
ArrayList al = new ArrayList(1);
return al as ICollection;
// The CsvDataSourceView class encapsulates the
// capabilities of the CsvDataSource data source control.
public class CsvDataSourceView : DataSourceView
public CsvDataSourceView(IDataSource owner, string name) :base(owner, DefaultViewName) {
// The data source view is named. However, the CsvDataSource
// only supports one view, so the name is ignored, and the
// default name used instead.
public static string DefaultViewName = "CommaSeparatedView";
// The location of the .csv file.
private string sourceFile = String.Empty;
internal string SourceFile {
get {
return sourceFile;
set {
// Use MapPath when the SourceFile is set, so that files local to the
// current directory can be easily used.
string mappedFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(value);
sourceFile = mappedFileName;
// Do not add the column names as a data row. Infer columns if the CSV file does
// not include column names.
private bool columns = false;
internal bool IncludesColumnNames {
get {
return columns;
set {
columns = value;
// Get data from the underlying data source.
// Build and return a DataView, regardless of mode.
protected override IEnumerable ExecuteSelect(DataSourceSelectArguments selectArgs) {
IEnumerable dataList = null;
// Open the .csv file.
if (File.Exists(this.SourceFile)) {
DataTable data = new DataTable();
// Open the file to read from.
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(this.SourceFile)) {
// Parse the line
string s = "";
string[] dataValues;
DataColumn col;
// Do the following to add schema.
dataValues = sr.ReadLine().Split(',');
// For each token in the comma-delimited string, add a column
// to the DataTable schema.
foreach (string token in dataValues) {
col = new DataColumn(token,typeof(string));
// Do not add the first row as data if the CSV file includes column names.
if (!IncludesColumnNames)
data.Rows.Add(CopyRowData(dataValues, data.NewRow()));
// Do the following to add data.
while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {
dataValues = s.Split(',');
data.Rows.Add(CopyRowData(dataValues, data.NewRow()));
DataView dataView = new DataView(data);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectArgs.SortExpression)) {
dataView.Sort = selectArgs.SortExpression;
dataList = dataView;
else {
throw new System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException("File not found, " + this.SourceFile);
if (null == dataList) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("No data loaded from data source.");
return dataList;
private DataRow CopyRowData(string[] source, DataRow target) {
try {
for (int i = 0;i < source.Length;i++) {
target[i] = source[i];
catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) {
// There are more columns in this row than
// the original schema allows. Stop copying
// and return the DataRow.
return target;
return target;
// The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
// permit deletion. You can modify or extend
// this sample to do so.
public override bool CanDelete {
get {
return false;
protected override int ExecuteDelete(IDictionary keys, IDictionary values)
throw new NotSupportedException();
// The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
// permit insertion of a new record. You can
// modify or extend this sample to do so.
public override bool CanInsert {
get {
return false;
protected override int ExecuteInsert(IDictionary values)
throw new NotSupportedException();
// The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
// permit update operations. You can modify or
// extend this sample to do so.
public override bool CanUpdate {
get {
return false;
protected override int ExecuteUpdate(IDictionary keys, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues)
throw new NotSupportedException();
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Namespace Samples.AspNet.VB.Controls
' The CsvDataSource is a data source control that retrieves its
' data from a comma-separated value file.
<AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level:=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)> _
Public Class CsvDataSource
Inherits DataSourceControl
Public Sub New()
End Sub
' The comma-separated value file to retrieve data from.
Public Property FileName() As String
Return CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).SourceFile
End Get
' Only set if it is different.
If CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).SourceFile <> value Then
CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).SourceFile = value
End If
End Set
End Property
' Do not add the column names as a data row. Infer columns if the CSV file does
' not include column names.
Public Property IncludesColumnNames() As Boolean
Return CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).IncludesColumnNames
End Get
' Only set if it is different.
If CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).IncludesColumnNames <> value Then
CType(Me.GetView([String].Empty), CsvDataSourceView).IncludesColumnNames = value
End If
End Set
End Property
' Return a strongly typed view for the current data source control.
Private view As CsvDataSourceView = Nothing
Protected Overrides Function GetView(viewName As String) As DataSourceView
If view Is Nothing Then
view = New CsvDataSourceView(Me, String.Empty)
End If
Return view
End Function 'GetView
' The ListSourceHelper class calls GetList, which
' calls the DataSourceControl.GetViewNames method.
' Override the original implementation to return
' a collection of one element, the default view name.
Protected Overrides Function GetViewNames() As ICollection
Dim al As New ArrayList(1)
Return CType(al, ICollection)
End Function 'GetViewNames
End Class
' The CsvDataSourceView class encapsulates the
' capabilities of the CsvDataSource data source control.
Public Class CsvDataSourceView
Inherits DataSourceView
Public Sub New(owner As IDataSource, name As String)
MyBase.New(owner, DefaultViewName)
End Sub
' The data source view is named. However, the CsvDataSource
' only supports one view, so the name is ignored, and the
' default name used instead.
Public Shared DefaultViewName As String = "CommaSeparatedView"
' The location of the .csv file.
Private aSourceFile As String = [String].Empty
Friend Property SourceFile() As String
Return aSourceFile
End Get
' Use MapPath when the SourceFile is set, so that files local to the
' current directory can be easily used.
Dim mappedFileName As String
mappedFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(value)
aSourceFile = mappedFileName
End Set
End Property
' Do not add the column names as a data row. Infer columns if the CSV file does
' not include column names.
Private columns As Boolean = False
Friend Property IncludesColumnNames() As Boolean
Return columns
End Get
columns = value
End Set
End Property
' Get data from the underlying data source.
' Build and return a DataView, regardless of mode.
Protected Overrides Function ExecuteSelect(selectArgs As DataSourceSelectArguments) _
As System.Collections.IEnumerable
Dim dataList As IEnumerable = Nothing
' Open the .csv file.
If File.Exists(Me.SourceFile) Then
Dim data As New DataTable()
' Open the file to read from.
Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(Me.SourceFile)
' Parse the line
Dim dataValues() As String
Dim col As DataColumn
' Do the following to add schema.
dataValues = sr.ReadLine().Split(","c)
' For each token in the comma-delimited string, add a column
' to the DataTable schema.
Dim token As String
For Each token In dataValues
col = New DataColumn(token, System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
Next token
' Do not add the first row as data if the CSV file includes column names.
If Not IncludesColumnNames Then
data.Rows.Add(CopyRowData(dataValues, data.NewRow()))
End If
' Do the following to add data.
Dim s As String
s = sr.ReadLine()
If Not s Is Nothing Then
dataValues = s.Split(","c)
data.Rows.Add(CopyRowData(dataValues, data.NewRow()))
End If
Loop Until s Is Nothing
End Try
Dim dataView As New DataView(data)
If Not selectArgs.SortExpression Is String.Empty Then
dataView.Sort = selectArgs.SortExpression
End If
dataList = dataView
Throw New System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException("File not found, " + Me.SourceFile)
End If
If dataList is Nothing Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException("No data loaded from data source.")
End If
Return dataList
End Function 'ExecuteSelect
Private Function CopyRowData([source]() As String, target As DataRow) As DataRow
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To [source].Length - 1
target(i) = [source](i)
Next i
Catch iore As IndexOutOfRangeException
' There are more columns in this row than
' the original schema allows. Stop copying
' and return the DataRow.
Return target
End Try
Return target
End Function 'CopyRowData
' The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
' permit deletion. You can modify or extend
' this sample to do so.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanDelete() As Boolean
Return False
End Get
End Property
Protected Overrides Function ExecuteDelete(keys As IDictionary, values As IDictionary) As Integer
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Function 'ExecuteDelete
' The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
' permit insertion of a new record. You can
' modify or extend this sample to do so.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanInsert() As Boolean
Return False
End Get
End Property
Protected Overrides Function ExecuteInsert(values As IDictionary) As Integer
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Function 'ExecuteInsert
' The CsvDataSourceView does not currently
' permit update operations. You can modify or
' extend this sample to do so.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CanUpdate() As Boolean
Return False
End Get
End Property
Protected Overrides Function ExecuteUpdate(keys As IDictionary, _
values As IDictionary, _
oldValues As IDictionary) As Integer
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Function 'ExecuteUpdate
End Class
End Namespace
メソッドは RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent 、基になるデータ ソースまたはメモリにキャッシュされたデータが変更されたこと、およびコントロールが再バインドして必要な追加作業を実行する必要があることをデータ バインド コントロールに通知します。 通常、 メソッドは、 RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent データ ソース コントロールのプロパティまたはパラメーター値が変更されたときに呼び出されます。
イベントを発生させると、イベント ハンドラーがデリゲートから呼び出されます。 詳細については、処理とイベントの発生 を参照してください。
注意 (継承者)
派生クラスで RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent(EventArgs) をオーバーライドする場合は、登録されているデリゲートがイベントを受け取ることができるように、基本クラスの RaiseDataSourceChangedEvent(EventArgs) メソッドを呼び出してください。