OperationMessageCollection クラス
一部の情報は、リリース前に大きく変更される可能性があるプレリリースされた製品に関するものです。 Microsoft は、ここに記載されている情報について、明示または黙示を問わず、一切保証しません。
XML Web サービスに関連する OperationInput メッセージと OperationOutput メッセージのコレクションを表します。 このクラスは継承できません。
public ref class OperationMessageCollection sealed : System::Web::Services::Description::ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
public sealed class OperationMessageCollection : System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
type OperationMessageCollection = class
inherit ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
Public NotInheritable Class OperationMessageCollection
Inherits ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
- 継承
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Web.Services.dll>
#using <System.Xml.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Web::Services;
using namespace System::Web::Services::Description;
// Displays the properties of the OperationMessageCollection.
void DisplayFlowInputOutput( OperationMessageCollection^ myOperationMessageCollection, String^ myOperation )
Console::WriteLine( "After {0}:", myOperation );
Console::WriteLine( "Flow : {0}", myOperationMessageCollection->Flow );
Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of operation Input in the collection {0}", myOperationMessageCollection->Input );
Console::WriteLine( "The first occurrence of operation Output in the collection {0}", myOperationMessageCollection->Output );
int main()
ServiceDescription^ myDescription = ServiceDescription::Read( "MathService_input_cs.wsdl" );
PortTypeCollection^ myPortTypeCollection = myDescription->PortTypes;
// Get the OperationCollection for the SOAP protocol.
OperationCollection^ myOperationCollection = myPortTypeCollection[ 0 ]->Operations;
// Get the OperationMessageCollection for the Add operation.
OperationMessageCollection^ myOperationMessageCollection = myOperationCollection[ 0 ]->Messages;
// Display the Flow, Input, and Output properties.
DisplayFlowInputOutput( myOperationMessageCollection, "Start" );
// Get the operation message for the Add operation.
OperationMessage^ myOperationMessage = myOperationMessageCollection[ 0 ];
OperationMessage^ myInputOperationMessage = dynamic_cast<OperationMessage^>(gcnew OperationInput);
XmlQualifiedName^ myXmlQualifiedName = gcnew XmlQualifiedName( "AddSoapIn",myDescription->TargetNamespace );
myInputOperationMessage->Message = myXmlQualifiedName;
array<OperationMessage^>^myCollection = gcnew array<OperationMessage^>(myOperationMessageCollection->Count);
myOperationMessageCollection->CopyTo( myCollection, 0 );
Console::WriteLine( "Operation name(s) :" );
for ( int i = 0; i < myCollection->Length; i++ )
Console::WriteLine( " {0}", myCollection[ i ]->Operation->Name );
// Add the OperationMessage to the collection.
myOperationMessageCollection->Add( myInputOperationMessage );
DisplayFlowInputOutput( myOperationMessageCollection, "Add" );
if ( myOperationMessageCollection->Contains( myOperationMessage ))
int myIndex = myOperationMessageCollection->IndexOf( myOperationMessage );
Console::WriteLine( " The index of the Add operation message in the collection is : {0}", myIndex );
myOperationMessageCollection->Remove( myInputOperationMessage );
// Display Flow, Input, and Output after removing.
DisplayFlowInputOutput( myOperationMessageCollection, "Remove" );
// Insert the message at index 0 in the collection.
myOperationMessageCollection->Insert( 0, myInputOperationMessage );
// Display Flow, Input, and Output after inserting.
DisplayFlowInputOutput( myOperationMessageCollection, "Insert" );
myDescription->Write( "MathService_new_cs.wsdl" );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "Exception caught!!!" );
Console::WriteLine( "Source : {0}", e->Source );
Console::WriteLine( "Message : {0}", e->Message );
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Description;
class MyOperationMessageCollectionSample
static void Main()
ServiceDescription myDescription =
PortTypeCollection myPortTypeCollection =
// Get the OperationCollection for the SOAP protocol.
OperationCollection myOperationCollection =
// Get the OperationMessageCollection for the Add operation.
OperationMessageCollection myOperationMessageCollection =
// Display the Flow, Input, and Output properties.
DisplayFlowInputOutput(myOperationMessageCollection, "Start");
// Get the operation message for the Add operation.
OperationMessage myOperationMessage =
OperationMessage myInputOperationMessage =
(OperationMessage) new OperationInput();
XmlQualifiedName myXmlQualifiedName = new XmlQualifiedName(
"AddSoapIn", myDescription.TargetNamespace);
myInputOperationMessage.Message = myXmlQualifiedName;
OperationMessage[] myCollection =
new OperationMessage[myOperationMessageCollection.Count];
myOperationMessageCollection.CopyTo(myCollection, 0);
Console.WriteLine("Operation name(s) :");
for (int i = 0; i < myCollection.Length ; i++)
Console.WriteLine(" " + myCollection[i].Operation.Name);
// Add the OperationMessage to the collection.
DisplayFlowInputOutput(myOperationMessageCollection, "Add");
int myIndex =
Console.WriteLine(" The index of the Add operation " +
"message in the collection is : " + myIndex);
// Display Flow, Input, and Output after removing.
DisplayFlowInputOutput(myOperationMessageCollection, "Remove");
// Insert the message at index 0 in the collection.
myOperationMessageCollection.Insert(0, myInputOperationMessage);
// Display Flow, Input, and Output after inserting.
DisplayFlowInputOutput(myOperationMessageCollection, "Insert");
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception caught!!!");
Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
// Displays the properties of the OperationMessageCollection.
public static void DisplayFlowInputOutput( OperationMessageCollection
myOperationMessageCollection, string myOperation)
Console.WriteLine("After " + myOperation + ":");
Console.WriteLine("Flow : " + myOperationMessageCollection.Flow);
Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of operation Input " +
"in the collection " + myOperationMessageCollection.Input);
Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of operation Output " +
"in the collection " + myOperationMessageCollection.Output);
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Description
Class MyOperationMessageCollectionSample
Shared Sub Main()
Dim myDescription As ServiceDescription = _
Dim myPortTypeCollection As PortTypeCollection = _
' Get the OperationCollection for the SOAP protocol.
Dim myOperationCollection As OperationCollection = _
' Get the OperationMessageCollection for the Add operation.
Dim myOperationMessageCollection As OperationMessageCollection = _
' Display the Flow, Input, and Output properties.
DisplayFlowInputOutput(myOperationMessageCollection, "Start")
' Get the operation message for the Add operation.
Dim myOperationMessage As OperationMessage = _
Dim myInputOperationMessage As OperationMessage = _
CType(New OperationInput(), OperationMessage)
Dim myXmlQualifiedName As _
New XmlQualifiedName("AddSoapIn", myDescription.TargetNamespace)
myInputOperationMessage.Message = myXmlQualifiedName
Dim myCollection(myOperationMessageCollection.Count -1 ) _
As OperationMessage
myOperationMessageCollection.CopyTo(myCollection, 0)
Console.WriteLine("Operation name(s) :")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To myCollection.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine(" " & myCollection(i).Operation.Name)
Next i
' Add the OperationMessage to the collection.
DisplayFlowInputOutput(myOperationMessageCollection, "Add")
If myOperationMessageCollection.Contains(myOperationMessage) _
= True Then
Dim myIndex As Integer = _
Console.WriteLine(" The index of the Add operation " & _
"message in the collection is : " & myIndex.ToString())
End If
' Display Flow, Input, and Output after removing.
DisplayFlowInputOutput(myOperationMessageCollection, "Remove")
' Insert the message at index 0 in the collection.
myOperationMessageCollection.Insert(0, myInputOperationMessage)
' Display Flow, Input, and Output after inserting.
DisplayFlowInputOutput(myOperationMessageCollection, "Insert")
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Exception caught!!!")
Console.WriteLine("Source : " & e.Source.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Message : " & e.Message.ToString())
End Try
End Sub
' Displays the properties of the OperationMessageCollection.
Public Shared Sub DisplayFlowInputOutput(myOperationMessageCollection As _
OperationMessageCollection, myOperation As String)
Console.WriteLine("After " & myOperation.ToString() & ":")
Console.WriteLine("Flow : " & _
Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of operation Input " & _
"in the collection {0}" , myOperationMessageCollection.Input)
Console.WriteLine("The first occurrence of operation Output " & _
"in the collection " & myOperationMessageCollection.Output.ToString())
End Sub
End Class
このクラスのインスタンスは、親 Operationの Messages プロパティによって返されます。 そのため、2 つのメンバー (1 つは と OperationInput もう 1 つは を含む) を OperationOutput持つことができます。
Capacity |
CollectionBase に格納できる要素の数を取得または設定します。 (継承元 CollectionBase) |
Count |
CollectionBase インスタンスに含まれる要素の数を取得します。 このプロパティはオーバーライドできません。 (継承元 CollectionBase) |
Flow |
OperationMessageCollection でサポートされる伝送の種類を取得します。 |
InnerList |
ArrayList インスタンス内の要素のリストを格納する CollectionBase を取得します。 (継承元 CollectionBase) |
Input |
コレクション内の最初に出現する OperationInput を取得します。 |
Item[Int32] |
指定した 0 から始まるインデックス番号にある OperationMessage の値を取得または設定します。 |
List |
IList インスタンス内の要素のリストを格納する CollectionBase を取得します。 (継承元 CollectionBase) |
Output |
コレクション内の最初に出現する OperationOutput を取得します。 |
Table |
ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection 内のキーと値の関連付けを実装するインターフェイスを取得します。 (継承元 ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection) |
Cast<TResult>(IEnumerable) |
IEnumerable の要素を、指定した型にキャストします。 |
OfType<TResult>(IEnumerable) |
指定された型に基づいて IEnumerable の要素をフィルター処理します。 |
AsParallel(IEnumerable) |
クエリの並列化を有効にします。 |
AsQueryable(IEnumerable) |
IEnumerable を IQueryable に変換します。 |