
Type.MakeGenericType(Type[]) メソッド


型の配列の要素を現在のジェネリック型定義の型パラメーターで置き換え、結果の構築型を表す Type オブジェクトを返します。

 abstract Type ^ MakeGenericType(... cli::array <Type ^> ^ typeArguments);
 virtual Type ^ MakeGenericType(... cli::array <Type ^> ^ typeArguments);
public abstract Type MakeGenericType(params Type[] typeArguments);
public virtual Type MakeGenericType(params Type[] typeArguments);
abstract member MakeGenericType : Type[] -> Type
abstract member MakeGenericType : Type[] -> Type
override this.MakeGenericType : Type[] -> Type
Public MustOverride Function MakeGenericType (ParamArray typeArguments As Type()) As Type
Public Overridable Function MakeGenericType (ParamArray typeArguments As Type()) As Type





typeArguments の要素を現在のジェネリック型の型パラメーターで置き換えることによって作られる構築型を表す Type


現在の型はジェネリック型の定義を表していません。 つまり、IsGenericTypeDefinitionfalse を返します。



typeArguments のどの要素も null です。

typeArguments 内の要素数は現在のジェネリック型定義の型パラメーター数と同じではありません。


typeArguments のいずれかの要素が、現在のジェネリック型の対応する型パラメーターに指定された制約を満たしていません。


typeArguments には、ポインター型 (IsPointertrue を返します)、参照渡し型 (IsByReftrue を返します)、または Void である要素が含まれています。

呼び出されたメソッドは基底クラスでサポートされていません。 派生クラスには実装を指定しなければなりません。

次の例では、 メソッドを MakeGenericType 使用して、 型のジェネリック型定義から構築された型を Dictionary<TKey,TValue> 作成します。 構築された型は、文字列キーを持つ オブジェクトの TestDictionary<TKey,TValue>表します。

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;

namespace Example
    public ref class Test
        static void CreateConstructedType(void)
            Console::WriteLine("\r\n--- Create a constructed type"
                " from the generic Dictionary`2 type.");
            // Create a type object representing 
            // the generic Dictionary`2 type.
            Type^ genericType = Type::GetType(
            if (genericType != nullptr)
                Console::WriteLine("The type is not found");
            // Create an array of types to substitute for the type
            // parameters of Dictionary`2. 
            // The key is of type string, and the type to be 
            // contained in the Dictionary`2 is Test.
            array<Type^>^ typeArgs = {String::typeid, Test::typeid};
            Type^ constructedType = 
            // Compare the type objects obtained above to type objects
            // obtained using typeof() and GetGenericTypeDefinition().
            Console::WriteLine("\r\n--- Compare types obtained by"
                " different methods:");

            Type^ definedType = Dictionary<String^, Test^>::typeid;
            Console::WriteLine("\tAre the constructed types "
                "equal? {0}", definedType == constructedType);
            Console::WriteLine("\tAre the generic types equal? {0}", 
                definedType->GetGenericTypeDefinition() == genericType);

        static void DisplayTypeInfo(Type^ typeToDisplay)
            Console::WriteLine("\r\n{0}", typeToDisplay);
            Console::WriteLine("\tIs this a generic type definition? "
                "{0}", typeToDisplay->IsGenericTypeDefinition);
            Console::WriteLine("\tIs it a generic type? "
                "{0}", typeToDisplay->IsGenericType);
            array<Type^>^ typeArguments = 
            Console::WriteLine("\tList type arguments ({0}):", 
            for each (Type^ typeArgument in typeArguments)
                Console::WriteLine("\t\t{0}", typeArgument);

int main(void)

/* This example produces the following output:

--- Create a constructed type from the generic Dictionary`2 type.

          Is this a generic type definition? True
          Is it a generic type? True
          List type arguments (2):

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String, Test]
          Is this a generic type definition? False
          Is it a generic type? True
          List type arguments (2):

--- Compare types obtained by different methods:
          Are the constructed types equal? True
          Are the generic types equal? True
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Test
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("\r\n--- Create a constructed type from the generic Dictionary type.");

        // Create a type object representing the generic Dictionary 
        // type, by omitting the type arguments (but keeping the 
        // comma that separates them, so the compiler can infer the
        // number of type parameters).      
        Type generic = typeof(Dictionary<,>);

        // Create an array of types to substitute for the type
        // parameters of Dictionary. The key is of type string, and
        // the type to be contained in the Dictionary is Test.
        Type[] typeArgs = { typeof(string), typeof(Test) };

        // Create a Type object representing the constructed generic
        // type.
        Type constructed = generic.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);

        // Compare the type objects obtained above to type objects
        // obtained using typeof() and GetGenericTypeDefinition().
        Console.WriteLine("\r\n--- Compare types obtained by different methods:");

        Type t = typeof(Dictionary<String, Test>);
        Console.WriteLine("\tAre the constructed types equal? {0}", t == constructed);
        Console.WriteLine("\tAre the generic types equal? {0}", 
            t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == generic);

    private static void DisplayTypeInfo(Type t)
        Console.WriteLine("\r\n{0}", t);

        Console.WriteLine("\tIs this a generic type definition? {0}", 

        Console.WriteLine("\tIs it a generic type? {0}", 

        Type[] typeArguments = t.GetGenericArguments();
        Console.WriteLine("\tList type arguments ({0}):", typeArguments.Length);
        foreach (Type tParam in typeArguments)
            Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}", tParam);

/* This example produces the following output:

--- Create a constructed type from the generic Dictionary type.

        Is this a generic type definition? True
        Is it a generic type? True
        List type arguments (2):

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String, Test]
        Is this a generic type definition? False
        Is it a generic type? True
        List type arguments (2):

--- Compare types obtained by different methods:
        Are the constructed types equal? True
        Are the generic types equal? True
open System
open System.Collections.Generic

type Test() = class end

let displayTypeInfo (t: Type) =
    printfn $"\r\n{t}"

    printfn $"\tIs this a generic type definition? {t.IsGenericTypeDefinition}" 

    printfn $"\tIs it a generic type? {t.IsGenericType}"

    let typeArguments = t.GetGenericArguments()
    printfn $"\tList type arguments ({typeArguments.Length}):"
    for tParam in typeArguments do
        printfn $"\t\t{tParam}"

printfn "\r\n--- Create a constructed type from the generic Dictionary type."

// Create a type object representing the generic Dictionary 
// type, by calling .GetGenericTypeDefinition().
let generic = typeof<Dictionary<_,_>>.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
displayTypeInfo generic

// Create an array of types to substitute for the type
// parameters of Dictionary. The key is of type string, and
// the type to be contained in the Dictionary is Test.
let typeArgs = [| typeof<string>; typeof<Test> |]

// Create a Type object representing the constructed generic type.
let constructed = generic.MakeGenericType typeArgs
displayTypeInfo constructed

(* This example produces the following output:

--- Create a constructed type from the generic Dictionary type.

        Is this a generic type definition? True
        Is it a generic type? True
        List type arguments (2):

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String, Test]
        Is this a generic type definition? False
        Is it a generic type? True
        List type arguments (2):
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Class Test
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "--- Create a constructed type from the generic Dictionary type.")

        ' Create a type object representing the generic Dictionary 
        ' type, by omitting the type arguments (but keeping the 
        ' comma that separates them, so the compiler can infer the
        ' number of type parameters).
        Dim generic As Type = GetType(Dictionary(Of ,))

        ' Create an array of types to substitute for the type
        ' parameters of Dictionary. The key is of type string, and
        ' the type to be contained in the Dictionary is Test.
        Dim typeArgs() As Type = { GetType(String), GetType(Test) }

        ' Create a Type object representing the constructed generic
        ' type.
        Dim constructed As Type = generic.MakeGenericType(typeArgs)

        ' Compare the type objects obtained above to type objects
        ' obtained using GetType() and GetGenericTypeDefinition().
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "--- Compare types obtained by different methods:")

        Dim t As Type = GetType(Dictionary(Of String, Test))
        Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Are the constructed types equal? " _
            & (t Is constructed))
        Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Are the generic types equal? " _ 
            & (t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() Is generic))
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub DisplayTypeInfo(ByVal t As Type)
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & t.ToString())

        Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Is this a generic type definition? " _ 
            & t.IsGenericTypeDefinition)

        Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Is it a generic type? " _ 
            & t.IsGenericType)

        Dim typeArguments() As Type = t.GetGenericArguments()
        Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "List type arguments ({0}):", _
        For Each tParam As Type In typeArguments       
            Console.WriteLine(vbTab & vbTab & tParam.ToString())
    End Sub
End Class

' This example produces the following output:
'--- Create a constructed type from the generic Dictionary type.
'        Is this a generic type definition? True
'        Is it a generic type? True
'        List type arguments (2):
'                TKey
'                TValue
'        Is this a generic type definition? False
'        Is it a generic type? True
'        List type arguments (2):
'                System.String
'                Test
'--- Compare types obtained by different methods:
'        Are the constructed types equal? True
'        Are the generic types equal? True


この API の詳細については、「 Type.MakeGenericType の補足 API 解説」を参照してください。

