
IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem.AddNewItem(Object) メソッド



 System::Object ^ AddNewItem(System::Object ^ newItem);
public object AddNewItem (object newItem);
abstract member AddNewItem : obj -> obj
Public Function AddNewItem (newItem As Object) As Object






次の例では、 メソッドを AddNewItem 呼び出して、 オブジェクトをコレクションに追加します。 完全な例については、 クラスを IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem 参照してください。

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;

namespace IEditableCollectionViewAddItemExample
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        public Window1()

        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem viewToAddDisparateItems =
                catalogList.Items as IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem;

            if (!viewToAddDisparateItems.CanAddNewItem)
                MessageBox.Show("You cannot add items to the list.");

            // Create a window that prompts the user to enter a new
            // item to sell.
            AddItemWindow win = new AddItemWindow();

            // Create an item, depending on which RadioButton is selected.
            // Radio buttons correspond to book, cd, dvd, or other.
            LibraryItem newItem;

            if ((bool)book.IsChecked)
                newItem = new Book("Enter the book title", "Enter an Author", "Enter a Genre",
                    "Enter a call number", DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(21, 0, 0, 0));
            else if ((bool)cd.IsChecked)
                newItem = new MusicCD("Enter the Album", "Enter the artist", 0, "CD.******",
                    DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(14, 0, 0, 0));

            else if ((bool)dvd.IsChecked)
                newItem = new MovieDVD("Enter the movie title", "Enter the director",
                    "Enter the genre", new TimeSpan(), "DVD.******",
                    DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0));
                newItem = new LibraryItem("Enter the title", "Enter the call number",
                        DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(14, 0, 0, 0));

            // Add the new item to the collection by calling
            // IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem.AddNewItem.
            // Set the DataContext of the AddItemWindow to the
            // returned item.
            win.DataContext = viewToAddDisparateItems.AddNewItem(newItem);

            // If the user submits the new item, commit the new
            // object to the collection.  If the user cancels 
            // adding the new item, discard the new item.
            if ((bool)win.ShowDialog())
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Windows

Partial Class Window1
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)

        Dim viewToAddDisparateItems As IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem =
            TryCast(catalogList.Items, IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem)

        If Not viewToAddDisparateItems.CanAddNewItem Then
            MessageBox.Show("You cannot add items to the list.")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' Create a window that prompts the user to enter a new 
        ' item to sell. 
        Dim win As New AddItemWindow()

        ' Create an item, depending on which RadioButton is selected. 
        ' Radio buttons correspond to book, cd, dvd, or other. 
        Dim newItem As LibraryItem

        If CBool(Book.IsChecked) Then
            newItem = New Book("Enter the book title", "Enter an Author",
                "Enter a Genre", "Enter a call number",
                DateTime.Now + New TimeSpan(21, 0, 0, 0))
        ElseIf CBool(cd.IsChecked) Then
            newItem = New MusicCD("Enter the Album", "Enter the artist",
                0, "CD.******", DateTime.Now + New TimeSpan(14, 0, 0, 0))

        ElseIf CBool(dvd.IsChecked) Then
            newItem = New MovieDVD("Enter the movie title",
                "Enter the director", "Enter the genre", New TimeSpan(),
                "DVD.******", DateTime.Now + New TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0))
            newItem = New LibraryItem("Enter the title",
                "Enter the call number",
                DateTime.Now + New TimeSpan(14, 0, 0, 0))
        End If

        ' Add the new item to the collection by calling 
        ' IEditableCollectionViewAddNewItem.AddNewItem. 
        ' Set the DataContext of the AddItemWindow to the 
        ' returned item. 
        win.DataContext = viewToAddDisparateItems.AddNewItem(newItem)

        ' If the user submits the new item, commit the new 
        ' object to the collection. If the user cancels 
        ' adding the new item, discard the new item. 
        If CBool(win.ShowDialog()) Then
        End If
    End Sub
End Class


メソッドを AddNewItem 呼び出すと、追加トランザクションが開始されます。 または CancelNew メソッドをCommitNew呼び出して、追加トランザクションを終了する必要があります。

新しい項目は常にコレクション ビューに表示されます。 が呼び出されると、ビューに適用されるフィルター処理、並べ替え、またはグループ化が新しい項目に CommitNew 適用されます。
