
TokenCacheNotificationArgs.SuggestedCacheExpiry Property




Suggested value of the expiry, to help determining the cache eviction time. This value is only set on the OnAfterAccess delegate, on a cache write operation (that is when args.HasStateChanged is true) and when the cache node contains only access tokens.
In all other cases it's null.


Suggested value of the expiry, to help determining the cache eviction time. This value is only set on the OnAfterAccess delegate, on a cache write operation (that is when args.HasStateChanged is true) and when the cache node contains only access tokens.
In all other cases it's null.

public DateTimeOffset? SuggestedCacheExpiry { get; }
member this.SuggestedCacheExpiry : Nullable<DateTimeOffset>
Public ReadOnly Property SuggestedCacheExpiry As Nullable(Of DateTimeOffset)

Property Value

Applies to