
TextPane2.IsVisible(TextPoint, Object) Method


Returns a value indicating whether the character or specified characters are visible in the text pane.

bool IsVisible(EnvDTE::TextPoint const & Point, winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const & PointOrCount);
public bool IsVisible (EnvDTE.TextPoint Point, object PointOrCount);
abstract member IsVisible : EnvDTE.TextPoint * obj -> bool
Public Function IsVisible (Point As TextPoint, Optional PointOrCount As Object) As Boolean



Required. A TextPoint location used to determine if a character is visible. Since a Point is situated between two characters, the default interpretation (that is, when no value is given for the PointOrCount argument) is the first character immediately to the right of the text point. If the character after the text point is visible, then the Point is visible as well.


Optional. Another point that works with the first Point argument to indicate a range of text. IsVisible(TextPoint, Object) determines whether or not this range of text is visible. PointOrCount can also be set to a number of characters that follow Point to indicate the range of text.

If a value is not supplied to the PointOrCount argument, IsVisible(TextPoint, Object) checks for the visibility of the character immediately to the right of Point, because PointOrCount has a default value of 1.


true if the point is visible; otherwise, false.




This example opens a text document, displays text in it, and then uses the IsVisible method of TextPane2 to determine if the text in the text pane is visible.

Imports EnvDTE  
Imports EnvDTE80  
Sub TextPane2IsVisibleExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)  
    Dim objTW As TextWindow  
    Dim objPane As TextPane2  
    Dim objTextDoc As TextDocument  
    Dim objTextPt As TextPoint  
    Dim objEP As EditPoint  
    ' Create a new text document.  
    _applicationObject.ItemOperations.NewFile("General\Text File")  
    ' Get a handle to the new document and create EditPoint,  
    ' TextPoint, and TextPane objects.  
    objTextDoc = CType(_applicationObject.ActiveDocument. _  
    Object("TextDocument"), TextDocument)  
    objEP = objTextDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint  
    objTextPt = objTextDoc.StartPoint  
    ' Plug in some text.  
    objEP.Insert("A test sentence.")  
    objTW = CType(dte.ActiveWindow.Object, TextWindow)  
    objPane = CType(objTW.ActivePane, TextPane2)  
    ' Check the first ten characters for visibility.  
    If objPane.IsVisible(objTextPt, 10) = True Then  
        MsgBox("Text is visible")  
        MsgBox("Text is not visible.")  
    End If  
End Sub  
using EnvDTE;  
using EnvDTE80;  
using System.Windows.Forms;  
public void TextPane2IsVisibleExample(DTE2 dte)  
    TextWindow objTW;  
    TextPane2 objPane;  
    TextDocument objTextDoc;  
    TextPoint objTextPt;  
    EditPoint2 objEP;  
    // Create a new text document.  
(@"General\Text File", "test.txt", Constants.vsViewKindTextView);  
    // Get a handle to the text document and create EditPoint2,  
    // TextPoint, and TextPane2 objects.  
    objTextDoc =(TextDocument)_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Object  
    objEP = (EditPoint2)objTextDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint();  
    objTextPt = objTextDoc.StartPoint;  
    // Plug in some text.  
    objEP.Insert("A test sentence.");  
    objTW = (TextWindow)_applicationObject.ActiveWindow.Object;  
    objPane = (TextPane2)objTW.ActivePane;  
    // Check the first ten characters for visibility.  
    if (objPane.IsVisible(objTextPt, 10))  
        MessageBox.Show("Text is visible");  
        MessageBox.Show("Text is not visible.");  


If a value is supplied to PointOrCount, then IsVisible returns true when the entire selected range of text is visible.

Applies to