
Random helpful stuff that I have found along the way

This site will primarily serve as my place to store links and info that I refer to alot as I work with MS customers.

the name change is public now

what was once "System Center Configuration Manager 2012" is now "System Center 2012 Configuration...

Author: MadOne45 Date: 10/27/2011

Updated MP for ConfigMgr 2007

if you use OpsMgr 2007 and ConfigMgr 2007 and have had issues with the previous MPs for ConfigMgr,...

Author: MadOne45 Date: 09/29/2011

well is used to be called trace32....

now it's cmtrace - still in the tools folder in the cm2012 install media

Author: MadOne45 Date: 08/14/2011

missing date and time data in CM2012 logs

You are using trace32 to view CM2012 log files but the date/time field is blank. Why? Well, you are...

Author: MadOne45 Date: 08/11/2011

Installing ConfigMgr 2012 Beta 2....

the docs state it needs SQL 2008 with CU10 or higher. I had CU10 installed but CM setup wouldn't get...

Author: MadOne45 Date: 07/29/2011

The case of the trailing space....

ConfigMgr 2007 primary site server backups were failing at a customer site. "SQL Writer not found"...

Author: MadOne45 Date: 07/20/2011

** I work for Microsoft **

ok, that is done, now we continue on with the show that is already in progress

Author: MadOne45 Date: 07/20/2011

MS150 bike ride pledges

If you have found anything useful on this blog, please take a minute and consider pledging a couple...

Author: MadOne45 Date: 04/10/2011

CM P2V migration tool beta


Author: MadOne45 Date: 03/30/2011

SQL version for ConfigMgr 2012 Beta 2...

Let me save you some time. You can't use SQL 2008 SP2 or R2 for beta 2. You must use SQL 2008 SP1....

Author: MadOne45 Date: 03/27/2011

MMS 2011 was great!

Our session "BB25 Service Manager Troubleshooting and Notes from the Field" was a huge success....

Author: MadOne45 Date: 03/26/2011

Look for me at MMS 2011

If you are attending MMS 2011 next week (which is SOLD OUT!) look for me. I'll be at PFE booth in...

Author: MadOne45 Date: 03/15/2011

30102 and 30103 status messages

If you are using FEP 2010 you might see these messages in your ConfigMgr environment: FEP 2010 has a...

Author: MadOne45 Date: 03/14/2011

Alot of changes coming this year for System Center products

Today we released the portal SDK for Service Manager. We have some other Service Manager info coming...

Author: MadOne45 Date: 03/02/2011

MS Premier Field Engineers needed!

If you have a strong technical background on MS products and are looking for a new opportunity,...

Author: texasmcse Date: 01/22/2011

The PFE SCCM client health solution

The SCCM PFEs and DSEs at MS have almost finished our work on our SCCM client health solution. This...

Author: texasmcse Date: 01/22/2011

Service Manager SP1 available for download 12/16

the title says it all. Happy holidays!

Author: texasmcse Date: 12/15/2010

Service Manager Service Pack 1 coming soon

watch this space https://blogs.technet.com/b/servicemanager/default.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0

Author: texasmcse Date: 12/02/2010

post SCCM SP2 hotfixes

These may be listed somewhere else but now they are listed here too: 978022 Memory leak in System...

Author: texasmcse Date: 11/15/2010

Managing Windows Phone 7 with SCCM V.Next

The details around this are still moving but SCCM V.Next will provide "light" management of WP7...

Author: texasmcse Date: 11/15/2010

my 2011 trek madone 4.5

i keep this blog fairly technical but wanted to post a quick pic of my new road bike. it's a 2011...

Author: texasmcse Date: 10/14/2010

SCCM R3 is released!


Author: texasmcse Date: 10/14/2010

what does this advertisement status message mean?

here is the dump from v_AdvertisementStatusInformation MessageID MessageState MessageStateName...

Author: texasmcse Date: 09/29/2010

Can I use SCCM R3 to monitor/manage power settings on servers?

No. R3 is designed as a power management solution for workstations, not servers. The same will...

Author: texasmcse Date: 09/23/2010

tuning the sccm management pack

link to kevin holman's blog on the sccm management pack for scom....

Author: texasmcse Date: 09/20/2010

DirectAccess and mixed/native mode

Common question: "Does my ConfigMgr 2007 site need to be in native mode in order to use the Direct...

Author: texasmcse Date: 09/13/2010

any update on when ConfigMgr R3 will be released?

still expected in second half of this year, so sometime between now and 12/31/2010. having said...

Author: texasmcse Date: 09/10/2010

one datawarehouse to rule them all?

Not now, but maybe some day. ConfigMgr 2007 doesn't have a datawarehouse, OpsMgr has one but it's...

Author: texasmcse Date: 09/02/2010

will configuration manager 2007 or v.next support windows phone 7?

this question will come up, especially as we get closer to getting actual phones to work with. The...

Author: texasmcse Date: 09/02/2010

sending customer surveys from service manager

In the product we don't provide the ability to send users a survey once an incdent is closed but it...

Author: texasmcse Date: 09/02/2010

unless you follow steps to configure it, users will click that button and nothing will happen (other...

Author: texasmcse Date: 08/31/2010

7403 error and SRS is working fine?

I've seen this a couple times. The full error message is "SMS SRS web service is not running on SRS...

Author: texasmcse Date: 08/18/2010

ConfigMgr R3 release date?

Still planned to occur before end of calendar year 2010. The Release Candidate was released a couple...

Author: texasmcse Date: 08/17/2010

ConfigMgr (aka SCCM) Health Check/Risk Assessment Program

I was asked to update an old post that referenced the health check when it was launched so may as...

Author: texasmcse Date: 08/17/2010

The Service Manager (SCSM) floodgates are opening....

have gotten pinged several times by TAMs about SCSM, so this product is about to take off. Been...

Author: texasmcse Date: 08/11/2010

looking for strong SMS/ConfigMgr or MOM/SCOM resources

we are hiring. if you are very strong in SMS/ConfigMgr and/or MOM/SCOM, are willing to travel (but...

Author: texasmcse Date: 08/06/2010

when some sccm (configmgr) clients should auto approve and don't

seems to be an issue when the client tries to send data thru the CCM_SYSTEM_WINDOWSAUTH virt dir on...

Author: texasmcse Date: 07/21/2010

sql query to find packages that are not being advertised

select * from v_package where packageid not in (select PackageID from v_AdvertisementInfo)

Author: texasmcse Date: 07/13/2010

SQL query to check package status

sql query to check package status: SELECT v_Package.PackageID, Name, SiteCode, ServerNALPath, State,...

Author: texasmcse Date: 07/13/2010

and so the service manager blog posts start today.....

given the vast amount of ip that pfe needs to build for service manager, this will be a very busy...

Author: texasmcse Date: 07/09/2010

SCCM R3 and wakeup time

If you enable the power management settings on a collection you have the ability to establish a...

Author: texasmcse Date: 06/15/2010

SCCM R3 and DCM baselines

in SCCM we have 'get' behavior for DCM baselines. So, we can tell what machines are (or are not)...

Author: texasmcse Date: 06/14/2010

When will SCCM R3 be released?

Another question that comes up alot. Beta1 is out now but is not meant to be deployed in a...

Author: texasmcse Date: 06/11/2010


Digging a bit deeper into R3 and will be posting some stuff. I already talked about what happens if...

Author: texasmcse Date: 06/10/2010

Back in business!

Had a short outage while they cut everything over but I am back!

Author: texasmcse Date: 06/10/2010

wise vs adminstudio

wise is now dead. love live adminstudio.

Author: texasmcse Date: 05/11/2010

How much traffic will my SCCM client generate on the network?

read this:...

Author: texasmcse Date: 05/04/2010

Different R3 power management settings on different collections?

If you have defined different power management settings on different collections, and if a computer...

Author: texasmcse Date: 05/04/2010

What happens if I don't define SCCM site boundaries.....

This questions comes up periodically, usually when customers want to run separate SCCM hierarchies...

Author: texasmcse Date: 05/04/2010

Collation in Service Manager

Service Manager doesn't like the default collation method (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS). If your...

Author: texasmcse Date: 05/04/2010

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