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Kernel Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the kernel functions with a description of the purpose of each and what level modules, application or kernel, can call each function.

Programming element Kernel-mode only Description
AllocPhysMem Yes This function allocates physically contiguous memory.
CacheRangeFlush Yes This function is called by device drivers and applications to flush a specific range of the cache.
CacheSync Yes This function flushes the cache.
CeGetCacheInfo Yes This function retrieves the cache information.
CeGetCurrentTrust Yes This function retrieves the assigned trust level of a process.
CeGetRandomSeed Yes This function returns a random seed that can be used in an algorithm.
CeSetMemoryAttributes Yes This function provides device drivers and applications a way to use memory attributes supported on some hardware platforms that the kernel does not support by default.
CeSetPowerOnEvent Yes Power handlers call this function to signal events during suspend/resume.
CeVirtualSharedAlloc Yes This function is used to allocate read/write memory to the caller and to allocate read-only memory to other processes.
CreateStaticMapping Yes This function creates a static virtual memory address that maps to a physical address.
CreateWatchDogTimer Yes This function creates a watchdog timer.
DrWatsonClear Yes This function clears the Windows CE Error Reporting dump storage by zeroing the Windows CE Error Reporting dump area.
DrWatsonFlush Yes This function flushes the Windows CE Error Reporting dump data to the underlining storage.
DrWatsonGetSize Yes This function retrieves the size of the Windows CE Error Reporting dump area.
DrWatsonReadData Yes This function reads data from the Windows CE Error Reporting dump area.
DrWatsonWriteData Yes This function writes data to the Windows CE Error Reporting dump area.
ForcePageout No This function forces the operating system to swap out all discardable pages from memory.
FreePhysMem Yes This function is called to release physical memory back to the system.
GetCallerProcess Yes This function returns a handle for the caller process.
GetCurrentPermissions Yes This function obtains the kernel's internal thread permissions bitmask for the current thread.
GetEPC Yes This function is implemented by the kernel and called by the profiler interrupt service routine (ISR) to get the interrupted program counter, which is the exception program counter (EPC).
GetEventData No This function retrieves data associated with an event.
GetOwnerProcess Yes This function returns the process handle of the current thread owner.
GetStdioPathW Yes This function retrieves the name of the device driver being used for a standard input, output, or error output operation.
GetSystemMemoryDivision Yes This function retrieves information from the kernel pertaining to object store and system memory.
Note   Deprecated
GetThreadCallStack No This function retrieves the call stack of an arbitrary thread in the system.
HookInterrupt Yes This function registers an interrupt service routine (ISR) with the kernel specifying a particular hardware interrupt indicated by its interrupt request (IRQ) line value.
InterruptDisable Yes This function disables a hardware interrupt as specified by its interrupt identifier.
InterruptDone Yes This function signals to the kernel that interrupt processing has been completed.
InterruptInitialize Yes This function initializes a hardware interrupt with the kernel. This initialization allows the device driver to register an event and enable the interrupt.
InterruptMask Yes This function masks hardware interrupts.
INTERRUPTS_ENABLE Yes This function enables and disables all interrupts based on the argument and returns the current state.
INTERRUPTS_OFF Yes This function disables all interrupts.
INTERRUPTS_ON Yes This function enables all interrupts.
IsAPIReady Yes This function indicates whether the specified application programming interface (API) set has been registered.
IsNamedEventSignaled No This function checks if a named event is signaled.
ISRHandler Yes This function prototype is used by an OEM/IHV to create and export an installable interrupt handler.
KCompareFileTime Yes This function compares two file time values for equality. File time is the specific date and time at which a specified file was created, last accessed, or last written.
KernelIoControl Yes This function provides the kernel with a generic I/O control for carrying out I/O operations.
KernelLibIoControl Yes This function is called from a driver to communicate with an interrupt handler.
KFileTimeToSystemTime Yes This function converts file time to the format of system time.
KSystemTimeToFileTime Yes This function converts system time to file time format.
LoadDriver Yes This function maps the specified executable module into the address space of the calling process.
LockPages Yes This function locks into memory the specified region of the virtual address space of the process, ensuring that subsequent access to the region does not incur a page fault.
MapCallerPtr Yes This function validates whether a region of memory pointed to by the ptr parameter is valid with respect to the caller process.
MapPtrToProcess Yes This function maps an unmapped pointer to a process.
OpenWatchDogTimer Yes This function opens an existing watchdog timer.
PageOutModule No This function swaps out all the pages of a process or DLL that are available for paging.
ProfileCaptureStatus Yes This function is used by applications to query the OEM profiler after it is running.
ProfilerHit Yes This function is implemented in the kernel and is called by the profiler ISR to record a profiling sample.
ProfilerHitEx Yes This function is implemented in the kernel, and is called by the OAL code generating interrupts. ProfilerHitEx is called by the profiler ISR to record a profiling sample.
ProfileStart Yes This function starts the Windows CE instrumented kernel or Monte Carlo profiling.
ProfileStartEx Yes This function is used by applications to start the profiler.
ProfileStop Yes This function stops the Windows CE instrumented kernel or Monte Carlo profiling and displays a profile report on a debug terminal.
RefreshWatchDogTimer Yes This function refreshes a watchdog timer.
SetDbgZone Yes This function is used to set or query zones for either a process or a module, but not both.
SetEventData No This function associates data with an event handle.
SetInterruptEvent Yes This function allows a device driver to cause an artificial interrupt event.
SetJITDebuggerPath Yes This function allows you to change the default JIT debugger dynamically. SetJITDebuggerPath can only be called by a trusted process.
SetKernelCommDev Yes This function is obsolete and should not be used.
SetKMode Yes This function allows you to switch between kernel and user modes.
SetProcPermissions Yes This function sets the internal permissions bitmask for the current thread, thereby enabling access to the address space of another process.
SetStdioPathW Yes This function sets the standard input, output, or error output destination path.
SetStoreQueueBase Yes This function takes a 1-MB–aligned physical page and returns a pointer to the store queue.
SetSystemMemoryDivision Yes This function sets the specified number of pages for the object store.
Note   Deprecated
SleepTillTick Yes This function suspends the execution of the current thread until the next system tick.
StartWatchDogTimer Yes This function starts a watchdog timer.
StopWatchDogTimer Yes This function stops a watchdog timer.
UnhookInterrupt Yes This function deregisters an ISR with a specific hardware interrupt.
UnlockPages Yes This function unlocks a specified range of pages in the virtual address space of a process, enabling the system to swap the pages out if necessary.
UnMapPtr Yes This function unmaps a memory pointer that was previously mapped using MapPtrToProcess.
VirtualCopy Yes This function binds a specific physical memory range to a statically mapped virtual address.
VirtualSetAttributes Yes This function enables driver developers to change the per-page attributes for a range of virtual memory, which is usually copied from a physical location not known to the kernel.

See Also

Kernel Reference

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