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ProfileStart (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function starts the Windows CE instrumented kernel or Monte Carlo profiling.

VOID ProfileStart( DWORD dwUSecInterval,DWORD dwOptions );


  • dwUSecInterval
    [in] Interval, in microseconds, for each profile interrupt (sample). Note that this can be changed depending on the target device implementation.
  • dwOptions
    [in] Profile flags. The following table shows the possible values.
    Value Description
    PROFILE_BUFFER Monte Carlo profiling; records samples to a buffer.
    PROFILE_CONTINUE Starts the profiler timer (starts/resumes the profiler sampling). You must call ProfileStart with the PROFILE_STARTPAUSED flag before using this flag.
    PROFILE_KCALL KCALL profiling; records kernel calls.
    PROFILE_OBJCALL Records object calls.
    PROFILE_PAUSE Stops the profiler timer (pauses the profiler sampling). You must call ProfileStart with the PROFILE_STARTPAUSED flag before using this flag. The first parameter to ProfileStart is ignored when using PROFILE_PAUSE.
    PROFILE_STARTPAUSED Begins profiling with the profiler timer off. Profiler control variables are initialized but the timer is not activated (no profiling samples are made). Use this flag simultaneously with PROFILE_BUFFER or PROFILE_OBJCALL according to the following code example.

    You must call ProfileStart with this flag before using PROFILE_PAUSE.

Return Values



OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later.
Header: Profiler.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

ProfileStartEx | ProfileStop | Setting Up Monte Carlo Profiling

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