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How to: Modify an HTML Screen by Using Code

When you design HTML screens for a LightSwitch application, you primarily use designers and tool windows, but you can also use code to modify those screens in specific ways. By using LightSwitch JavaScript APIs, you can perform the following data-related tasks.

Set a default value on a data entry screen

When you create a data entry screen, you may want to populate some fields with default values. For example, you might set the default value of a date field to the current date. To set default values in any Add/Edit Details screen that targets an entity, you write code in the created method of that entity.

To set default values

  1. In the Entity Designer, on the Perspective bar, choose the HTMLClient tab.

  2. In the Write Code list, choose created.

  3. In the Code Editor, set the initial values by adding code to the created method:

    entity.OrderDate = new Date();
    entity.OrderStatus = 'New';

    Any Add/Edit Details screen that you create for the entity will automatically display these default values.

Format a number

Because some mobile devices have limited screen space, you may want to format numbers to show less precision. The following example shows how to format a number that's stored as a Double to show only two decimal places.

To format a number

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose the node for the number that you want to format.

  2. On the toolbar, open the Write Code list, and then choose the postRender method.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the postRender method:

    contentItem.dataBind("value", function (value) {
            if (value) {

Format a Date

To changing the display format of a date, you must use a JavaScript library such as Moment.js. After you add the library to your project, you add a reference in the default.htm file and then write code in the Render or postRender method.

To add the library

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the HTMLClient node, and then choose Manage NuGet Packages.

  2. In the Manage NuGet Packages dialog box, choose the Online node.

  3. In the Search Online text box, enter moment.js.

  4. Choose the Install button to install the Moment.js library, and then choose the Close button.

To add a reference

  1. In Solution Explorer, expand the HTMLClient node, and then open the default.htm file.

  2. In the code editor, add the following script tag after the last </script> tag:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/moment.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

To format dates

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the screen where you want to format a date.

  2. In the Screen Designer, choose the node where you want to apply the date format.

  3. On the toolbar, open the Write Code list, and then choose the postRender method.

  4. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the postRender method:

    contentItem.dataBind("value", function (value) {
            if (value) {

Change the background color and font color for list items

The appearance of a ListView control is determined by a cascading style sheet (CSS), and the style is quite complex. Rather than trying to edit the CSS, you can use the postRender method to change the colors in code. Note that you can’t change the style of the ListView itself, but you can change the style of each List Item through its parent, the RowTemplate. Each List Item has a background-image defined, so you’ll need to specify a background-image before applying a new background-color.

To change the colors

  1. In the screen designer, choose the Rows Layout (or Columns Layout) node for a list.

  2. In the Properties window, choose the Edit PostRender Code link.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the postRender method:

                "background-color": "green",
                "background-image": "none",
                color: "yellow"

Mark fields as required

A common convention for showing required fields on a screen is to provide a visual clue, such as using a different font color and displaying an asterisk next to the field name.

To highlight a required field

  1. In the screen designer, choose the field to be marked as required.

  2. In the Properties window, choose the Edit PostRender Code link.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the postRender method:

    $(element).parent().css('color', 'red'); $(element).parent().find("label")[0].innerHTML += " *"

Validate data on a screen

By providing custom validation logic, you can ensure that only valid data is saved to a data source. You can add validation code in the beforeApplyChanges method, which is called when the user taps the Save button on an Add/Edit screen. In the following example, a message will notify a user who enters an exclamation mark in the ContactName field that the character isn't allowed in that field.

To validate data

  1. In the Screen Designer, in the Write Code list, choose beforeApplyChanges.

  2. In the Code Editor, add the following code, replacing Contact with the name of your entity and ContactName with the name of the string field that you want to validate:

    if (screen.Contact.ContactName.indexOf('!') != -1) {
            screen.findContentItem("ContactName").validationResults = [
            new msls.ValidationResult(
            "Contact Name cannot contain the character '!'.")
            return false;

Delete an item from a screen or a popup

LightSwitch provides built-in methods for adding and editing items on an HTML screen but not for deleting them. You can easily create your own method for deleting items from either a screen or a popup.

To delete an item

  1. In the Screen Designer, on the toolbar, choose the Add Data Item button.

  2. In the Add Data Item dialog box, choose the Method option button, and then enter a name for the method.

  3. Open the shortcut menu for the method, and then choose Edit Execute Code.

  4. In the Code Editor, add the following code, replacing myScreen with the name of your screen and both instances of customers with the name of your entity:

    myapp.MyScreen.DeleteSelected_execute = function (screen) {
        screen.getCustomers().then(function (customers) {

    The method will be available in the Add Button dialog box for any screen or popup that displays the entity.

Create a custom modal picker by using a popup

You can allow users to pick an item from a list if you display a modal dialog, which you can easily accomplish by adding a screen query and a popup. In this example, you have an Add/Edit Details screen that's named AddOrders, which is based on an OrderDetails entity, and a second related entity that's named Products.

To create a modal picker

  1. In the Screen Designer, on the toolbar, choose the Add Data Item button.

  2. In the Add Data Item dialog box, choose the Query option button, and then choose Products from the list.

    The Products query appears in the left pane of the Screen Designer.

  3. In the content tree, open the shortcut menu for the Popup node, and then choose Add Popup.

  4. In the Add list, choose Products.

  5. On the toolbar, in the Write Code list, choose created.

  6. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the created method:

    myapp.AddOrders.created = function (screen) {
            screen.findContentItem("Products").dataBind("value.selectedItem", function (newValue) {
                if (newValue !== undefined && newValue !== null) {
                    //Whenever selectedItem for Products changes, update the Product value on the main page 
                    //Close popup, if one is open. 
  7. In the Screen Designer, open the shortcut menu for the Command Bar node, and then choose Add Button.

  8. In the Add Button dialog box, choose the OK button.

  9. (Optional) To clear the field, add a screen method with the following code:

    myapp.AddOrders.Clear_execute = function (screen) {
        //Clear the selection for Product. (Useful for 0...1 to many relationships.) 

Center a popup on a screen

The default location for a popup is at the bottom of a screen; bottom right for wider screens. On large screens the location might make it difficult to notice the popup. The following example positions the popup in the center of the screen, making it more noticeable.

To center a popup

  1. In the screen designer, choose the button node that launches the popup.

  2. In the Properties window, under Actions, choose the Tap link.

  3. In the Edit Tap Action dialog box, choose the Write my own method option button, give it a name, and then choose the OK button.

  4. In the Properties window, choose the Edit Execute Code link.

  5. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the execute method:

    // Note:If using JQuery Mobile 1.3 (or higher) use
        // "popupcreate" rather than "popupbeforeposition"
        $(window).one("popupbeforeposition", function (e) {
                positionTo: "window"
        // Show the Popup

Show a message box, and respond to a user selection

By showing a message box, you can offer users a choice and then perform an action based on their selections. The following example displays a different message in response to each choice in a Yes/No/Cancel message box. In your own code, you can replace the alert code with code to perform your own action, for example, displaying different screens based on the user’s choice.

To show a message box

  1. In the Screen Designer, open the shortcut menu for the Command Bar node, and then choose Add Button.

  2. In the Add Button dialog box, choose the Write my own method option button, and then name the method ShowMessageBox.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the ShowMessageBox_execute method:

    msls.showMessageBox("Please choose the appropriate button", {
            title: "This is a message box",
            buttons: msls.MessageBoxButtons.yesNoCancel
        }).then(function (result) {
            if (result === msls.MessageBoxResult.yes) {
                alert("Yes button was chosen");
            else if (result === {
                alert("No button was chosen");
            else if (result === msls.MessageBoxResult.cancel) {
                alert("Please choose either Yes or No");

Set the screen title dynamically

You may want to change the screen title based on information that isn’t available at design time, such as the name of the currently selected customer. The following code example dynamically displays the screen title for a screen that's named ViewCustomer, which is based on an entity that's named Customer.

To set the screen title

  1. In the Screen Designer, in the Write Code list, choose created.

  2. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the created method:

    myapp.ViewCustomer.created = function (screen) {
    var name;
        name = screen.Customer.CompanyName;
        screen.details.displayName = "Information about: " + name;

Change the title of an application

By default, the name of your project appears as the title of your application in the splash screen and the title bar or browser tab. You can specify a different title by modifying the default.htm file for your project.

To change the title

  1. In Solution Explorer, under the HTMLClient node, open the shortcut menu for the default.htm file, and then choose Open.

  2. In the Code Editor, locate the <title> element, and replace the existing value with your title.

    This string will appear in the title bar or browser tab.

  3. Locate the <div> element, and replace the existing value with your title.

    This string will appear in the splash screen.

Enable or disable a button

You'll often need to enable or disable a button based on certain criteria. For example, you might disable a screen launch button for certain users, or you might enable an add button only if a value is needed. The first example shows how to disable a button by setting the IsEnabled property from code.

The second example shows a two-pass approach that's based on the CanExecute method. Data is loaded asynchronously in LightSwitch, but the CanExecute methods for buttons are synchronous. Therefore, you can't enable a button based on loaded data in a single pass, but you can implement a two-pass method by using the IsLoaded property.

To disable a button by using the IsEnabled property

  1. In the Screen Designer, on the toolbar, choose the Add Data Item button.

  2. In the Add Data Item dialog box, choose the Method option button, and then enter a name for the method.

  3. Open the shortcut menu for the method, and then choose Edit Execute Code.

  4. In the Code Editor, add the following code, replacing MyButton with the name of your button:

    screen.findContentItem("MyButton").isEnabled = false;

    The method can be called from code whenever you need to disable or enable the button.


    To hide or show a button, use the IsVisible property.

To enable a button by using the IsLoaded property

  1. In the Screen Designer, on the toolbar, choose the Add Data Item button.

  2. In the Add Data Item dialog box, choose the Method option button, and then enter a name for the method.

  3. Open the shortcut menu for the method, and then choose Edit CanExecute Code.

  4. In the Code Editor, add the following code, replacing Orders with the name of your entity, Photo with the name of your entity property, and GetPhoto with the name of the function that you want to execute:

    var result = false; 
    if (! { 
    } else { 
    screen.Order.getPhoto().then(function (ph) { 
    result = !ph; 
    return result; 

    The CanExecute method is called when the screen is created. In the first pass, the code verifies whether the Photo property is already loaded. If it isn't, the code loads the data, and the function ends. After the data is loaded, the CanExecute method is called again, and the else branch runs. This time, the GetPhoto function runs synchronously because the data is already loaded, which guarantees a valid result.

Customize the Save command to save to multiple data sources

You can save updates from one screen to multiple data sources by using the WinJs Promise objectto customize the built-in Save command.

To save to multiple data sources

  1. In the Screen Designer, on the toolbar, choose the Write Code button.

  2. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the onsavechanges method, replacing NorthwindData and ApplicationData with the names of your data sources:

    myapp.onsavechanges = function (e) {
        var promises = [];
        e.detail.promise = WinJS.Promise.join(promises);

    If you need more data sources, you can add a promises.push… line for each source.

Return focus to a selected item in a list

After navigating from a list item to a View or Edit screen, the default behavior is to return focus to the first item in the list. It is often desirable to return focus to the list item that launched the screen, especially in large lists that require scrolling. You can modify the behavior to return to the previously selected list item by binding to a Custom Method and using the JQuery scrollTop method.

To set the focus

  1. In the screen designer, choose the List node where you want to implement the behavior.

  2. In the Properties window, under Actions, choose the Tap link.

  3. In the Edit Tap Action dialog box, choose the Write my own method option button, and then choose the OK button.

  4. In the Properties window, choose the Edit Execute Code link.

  5. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the Tap_execute method:

    var scrollTopPosition = $(window).scrollTop();
        myapp.showViewOrder(screen.Orders.selectedItem, {
            afterClosed: function () {

Use a JQuery Mobile control

The Screen Designer provides a limited set of controls for displaying data, but you can easily add JQuery Mobile controls for a richer UI experience. The JQuery Mobile Foundation library contains a wide variety of controls that are optimized for mobile devices, including sliders, radio buttons, check boxes, and many more. See JQuery Mobile Framework.

The following example adds a slider control for setting a numeric value in a text box control.

To add a slider control

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose the node for a numeric field.

  2. Replace the Text Box control with a Custom Control.

  3. In the Properties window, set the Width property to Stretch to Container.

  4. Choose the Edit Render Code link, and in the Code Editor, add the following code to the render method:

    createSlider(element, contentItem, 0, 100);


    The default values for the slider range from 0 to 100. If necessary, replace them with values that are appropriate to your application.

  5. Add the following function to the screen’s code file:

    function createSlider(element, contentItem, min, max) {
        // Generate the input element.var value = contentItem.value || 0,
            $element = $(element)
                .append('<input type="range" min="' + min + '" max="' + max + '" value="' + value + '"/>')
                .on("slidestop", function () {
                    contentItem.value = $element.find("input").val();

Customize a FlipSwitch control

The FlipSwitch control that displays Boolean values provides only two options for the display text: Yes/No or On/Off. If you want to display different values, you can create a custom control that's based on the FlipSwitch control. The following example creates a True/False control.

To customize the control

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose the node for a Boolean field.

  2. Change the control type from FlipSwitch to Custom Control.

  3. In the Properties window, choose the Edit Render Code link.

  4. In the code editor, add the following code to the render method:

    createBooleanSwitch(element, contentItem);
  5. Add the following function to the screen’s code file:

    function createBooleanSwitch(element, contentItem) {
        var $flipSwitch = $('<select data-role="slider"></select>').appendTo($(element));
        $('<option value="false">false</option>').appendTo($flipSwitch);
        $('<option value="true">true</option>').appendTo($flipSwitch);
        // set select value to match the original contentItem.value
        $flipSwitch.val((contentItem.value) ? "true" : "false");
        // add listener to update contentItem's value if slider changes
        $flipSwitch.change(function () {
            contentItem.value = ($flipSwitch.val() == "true");
        // visually refresh the slider.


    You may need to set the Width property to a value of 150 or greater to get the control to appear properly.

Implement a CheckBox control

The default control type for a Boolean data type is the FlipSwitch control, but you can easily substitute a CheckBox by using a custom control.

To display a CheckBox

  1. In the screen designer, choose the node for a Boolean field, and change the control type from FlipSwitch to Custom Control.

  2. In the Properties window, in the Height section, choose Min and enter 100.This is necessary because the CheckBox control is taller than a standard TextBox control. If your form uses other control types, you may need to adjust this value.

  3. In the General section, choose the Edit Render Code link.

  4. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the render method:

    // Create the checkbox and add it to the DOM.
        var checkbox = $("<input type='checkbox'/>")
                    height: 20,
                    width: 20,
                    margin: "10px"
        // Determine if the change was initiated by the user.
        var changingValue = false;
        checkbox.change(function () {
            changingValue = true;
            contentItem.value = checkbox[0].checked;
            changingValue = false;
        contentItem.dataBind("value", function (newValue) {
            if (!changingValue) {
                checkbox[0].checked = newValue;

If you’re displaying a CheckBox for a required field on an Add/Edit screen, you’ll also want to set an initial value for the control, otherwise the user may get a validation error.

To set an initial value

  1. In the Entity Designer, on the Perspective bar, choose the HTMLClient tab.

  2. In the Write Code list, choose created.

  3. In the Code Editor, set the initial values by adding code to the created method:

    entity.FieldName = new Boolean();
        entity.FieldName = 'true';

    Replace FieldName with the name of your Boolean field. To initialize the control to an unchecked state, replace true with false.

Override the appearance of a custom control

Custom controls are based on the JQuery Mobile framework, and the framework automatically styles certain controls so that they’re optimized for display on mobile devices. In some cases you might want to override the appearance to provide a more traditional style, For example, JQuery Mobile buttons are larger than a traditional button control. You can use the data-role="none" attribute to override the style and display a normal button.

To apply the attribute

  1. In the screen designer, choose the custom control node.

  2. In the Properties window, choose the Edit Render Code link.

  3. Add the following code to the render method:

    var $element = $(element);
        var $textbox1 = $('<input type="text" data-role="none"/>');


    Replace textbox1 with the name of your custom control, and replace “text” with the control type.

Get the location of a device

You can enable mapping and proximity-based scenarios by using the geolocation APIs to determine the current location of a particular device. The following example determines the coordinates for an entity that's named MyLocation with properties of type Double that are named Latitude and Longitude.

To get the location

  1. In the Screen Designer, on the toolbar, choose the Write Code button.

  2. In the Code Editor, add the following method:

    myapp.AddEditMyLocation.GetGeolocation_execute = function (screen) { 
    if (navigator.geolocation) { 
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (pos) { 
    screen.MyLocation.latitude = pos.coords.latitude.toString(); 
    screen.MyLocation.longitude = pos.coords.longitude.toString(); 
    else { 
    alert("Geolocation not supported"); 

Display a location on a map

To easily add mapping functionality, you get a free developer key from the Bing Maps SDK and then create a custom control that calls the Bing Maps web service.

The following example shows customer locations as pushpins on a map, and you can display details about each customer by tapping a pushpin. This example requires a screen that's named BrowseCustomers to be attached to a Customers entity that has Address, City, and Country fields, and a popup that's named Details must be on the BrowseCustomers screen.

To create the custom control

  1. In Solution Explorer, choose the Scripts node, and then add a JavaScript file that's named

  2. In the Code Editor, add the following code to that file:

    /// <reference path="jquery-1.7.1.js" />
    /// <reference path="" />
    /// <reference path="msls-1.0.0.js" />
    (function ($) {
        var _credentialsKey = "Ao75sYhQSfLgssT0QkO9n22xt0lgxzntrZ1xpCwLOC-kGhI584OYED3viFXLIWgC";
        // load the directions module only once per session
        $.widget("msls.lightswitchBingMapsControl", {
            options: {
                mapType: Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.road,
                zoom: 3,
                showDashboard: false
            _create: function () {
            _init: function () {
            destroy: function () {
            createMap: function () {
                this.htmlMapElement = this.element[0];
                // create empty map
       = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(this.htmlMapElement,
                                        credentials: _credentialsKey,
                                        mapTypeId: this.options.mapType,
                                        zoom: this.options.zoom,
                                        showDashboard: this.options.showDashboard
            addPinAsync: function (street, city, country, i, callback) {
                var widgetInstance = this;
                // construct a request to the REST geocode service using the widget's
                // optional parameters
                var geocodeRequest = "" +
                                     street + "," + city + "," + country +
                                     "?key=" + _credentialsKey;
                // make the ajax request to the Bing Maps geocode REST service
                    url: geocodeRequest,
                    dataType: 'jsonp',
                    async: true,
                    jsonp: 'jsonp',
                    error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                        alert(textStatus + " " + errorThrown);
                    success: function (result) {
                        var coordinates = null;
                        if (result && result.resourceSets && (result.resourceSets.length > 0) &&
                            result.resourceSets[0].resources && (result.resourceSets[0].resources.length > 0)) {
                            // create a location based on the geocoded coordinates
                            coordinates = result.resourceSets[0].resources[0].point.coordinates;
                            widgetInstance._createPinFromCoordinates(coordinates, i, callback);
            _createPinFromCoordinates: function(coordinates, i, callback) {
                var location = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]);
                var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(location, { text: '' + i + '' });
                Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin, 'click', callback);
            resetMap: function () {
            _handleError: function (error) {
                alert("An error occurred.  " + error.message);
            _destroyBingMapsControl: function () {
                if ( != null) {
           = null;


    Replace the value for var _credentialsKey with your own developer key for Bing Maps.

To add a map to a screen

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose the node where you want to add a map, and then on the shortcut menu choose Add Custom Control.

  2. In the Properties window, change the Name of the control to Map, and then choose the Edit Render Code link.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the render method:

    /// <reference path="../GeneratedArtifacts/viewModel.js" />
    var mapDiv;
    var current = 0;
    var step = 15;
    myapp.BrowseCustomers.Customer_render = function (element, contentItem) {
        mapDiv = $('<div />').appendTo($(element));
        var visualCollection = contentItem.value;
        if (visualCollection.isLoaded) {
            showItems(current, step, contentItem.screen);
        } else {
            visualCollection.addChangeListener("isLoaded", function () {
                showItems(current, step, contentItem.screen);
    function showItems(start, end, screen) {
        $.each(, function (i, customer) {
            if (i >= start && i <= end) {
                $(mapDiv).lightswitchBingMapsControl("addPinAsync", customer.Address,
                    customer.City, customer.Country, i + 1, function () {
                        screen.Customers.selectedItem = customer;
  4. In Solution Explorer, switch to File View.

  5. Under the HTMLClient node, open the default.htm file.

  6. In the Code Editor, add the following reference at the start of the script references block:

    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf­8" src=""></script>
  7. At the end of the script references block, add a reference to the JavaScript file:

    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf­8" src="Scripts/"></script>

Show a Numeric Keyboard on a Device

You can allow users to enter numeric or other types of information by using a custom onscreen keyboard. The following example shows how to display a numeric keypad when a user activates a Text Box control.

To show a numeric keypad

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose a Text Box node for a field that should contain numeric data.

  2. In the Properties window, choose the Edit PostRender Code link.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the PostRender method:

    $(element).find("input").get(0).type = "number";


    You can use the same technique to show a keyboard for a different type of input, but you can't show a keyboard for the color input type in an HTML client of a LightSwitch application.

Adjust the UI for different form factors

You can ensure that your application works well on a variety of mobile devices if you customize the interface based on the size of the screen. For example, you might show a customer’s full address on a tablet but hide the same information on a phone to reduce scrolling.

To hide a UI element on some devices

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose the node that you want to hide, expand the Write Code list, and then choose the postRender method.

  2. In the Code Editor, add the following code:

  3. In Solution Explorer, switch to File View, and then expand the Content node of the HTMLClient project.

  4. Open the user-customizations.css file.

  5. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the end of the @media section:

    .hidden-on-phone {
           display: none;

    This code adds to the existing media query that determines the screen orientation. When your application appears on a phone, the field won't show.

You can also show different home screens on phones and tablets by adding JavaScript code to the default.htm file.

To show different home screens on different devices

  1. In Solution Explorer, choose the HTMLClient node, and then open the default.htm file.

  2. In the Code Editor, replace the script element that contains the function with the following code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
           $(document).ready(function () {
               if ($"screen and (max-width: 400px) and (orientation: portrait), \
                   screen and (max-width: 640px)  and (max-height: 400px) and (orientation: landscape)")) {
                   var screen = "BrowseCustomersSmall";
               } else {
                   var screen = "BrowseCustomers";
               .then(null, function failure(error) {

    Replace BrowseCustomersSmall with the name of the screen for phones, and replace BrowseCustomers with the name of the screen for tablets.

Render HTML data directly on a screen

Some databases store HTML in String data fields. Your LightSwitch application will interpret that information as regular strings and display the raw HTML in a Text control on a screen, tags and all. You can render the actual HTML on the screen by using a custom control and the render method.


To avoid a security risk, take this approach only if you’re sure that the HTML comes from a trusted source.

To render HTML on a screen

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose the node that represents the HTML field, and then change the control type to Custom Control.

  2. In the Properties window, choose the Edit Render Code link.

  3. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the render method:

    element.innerHTML = contentItem.stringValue;

Display a title on a popup

Popups provide a quick and easy way to view or enter information without navigating to another screen. Unlike screens, they don’t display a title, but you might want to display a title or other static text on a popup. The following example shows how to display a title and customize its font.

To add a title

  1. In the Screen Designer, on the toolbar, choose the Add Data Item button.

  2. In the Add Data Item dialog box, add a Local Property of type String.

  3. In the Screen Designer, add the local property to the Popup, and then change the control type to Text.

  4. In the Properties window, set the LabelPosition property to None.

  5. In the Screen Designer, open the Write Code list, and then choose the postRender method.

  6. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the postRender method:

    element.textContent = "This is the title";
        $(element).css("font-size", "23px");
        $(element).css("font-weight", "bold");

Copy information to a new screen

In data entry applications there is often a need to duplicate some of the information from one entry screen to the next. You can easily implement a copy function using the beforeShown method for a form. In the following example, a Copy button is added to a AddEditCustomers screen, opening a new screen that is pre-populated with the Country and Region for the current customer.

To copy information

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose the Command Bar node for the AddEdit screen where you want to add a Copy button

  2. On the toolbar, choose the Add Layout Item button, and then choose Button.

  3. In the Add Button dialog box, choose the Write my own method option button and name the method Copy, and then choose the OK button.

  4. In the left pane, choose the Copy node, and then on the toolbar, open the Write Code list and choose Copy_execute.

  5. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the Copy_execute method:

    myapp.showAddEditCustomer(null, {
            beforeShown: function (addNewScreen) {
                var copied_item = screen.Customer;
                var new_item = new myapp.Customer;
                new_item.Country = copied_item.Country;
                new_item.Region = copied_item.Region;
                addNewScreen.Customer = new_item;

Change screen navigation when saving

The default behavior of the Save button on an Add/Edit screen is to close the screen and return to the screen that launched it. In some cases you might want to navigate to a different screen, for example, a View screen that displays the newly added data in a different format. You can do this by writing code in the afterClosed method of the button that launches the Add/Edit screen. In the following example, an Add and View Order button is added to a screen, modifying the behavior so that a View screen is shown after saving.

To navigate to a new screen

  1. In the Screen Designer, choose the Command Bar node for the Browse screen where you want to add a button

  2. On the toolbar, choose the Add Layout Item button, and then choose Button.

  3. In the Add Button dialog box, choose the Write my own method option button and name the method AddAndViewOrder, and then choose the OK button.

  4. In the left pane, choose the AddAndViewOrder node, and then on the toolbar, open the Write Code list and choose AddAndViewOrder _execute.

  5. In the Code Editor, add the following code to the AddAndViewOrder_execute method:

    myapp.showAddEditOrder(null, {
            beforeShown: function (AddEditScreen) {
                // Create a new order here.
                var newOrder = new myapp.Order();
                AddEditScreen.Order = newOrder;
            afterClosed: function (addEditScreen, navigationAction) {
                // If the user commits the change, show the View screen
                if (navigationAction === msls.NavigateBackAction.commit) {
                    var newOrder = addEditScreen.Order;

    Note that the code also handles the creation of a new order in the beforeShown function. This overrides the default AddEdit form behavior and handles the case where a user discards changes.

Disable bookmarking

The bookmarking feature for HTML client screens enables a user to copy the URL for a specific screen instance and return to that instance later. The URL is partially based on the primary key for the screen’s entity, so if the primary key contains sensitive information such as a SSN, you may want to prevent users from seeing it by disabling the bookmarking feature. The following code disables bookmarking by removing the entity identifier (the portion between the screen name and session ID) from the URL.

To disable bookmarking

  1. In Solution Explorer, under the HTMLClient node, choose the default.htm file and open it.

  2. In the Code Editor, locate the line $(document).ready(function () { and add the following line of code immediately below it:

    msls.application.options.disableUrlScreenParameters = true;

    The entity identifier will be removed from the URL, and users will no longer be able to bookmark screens.

See Also


HTML Client API Reference