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Add a Virtual Server search path

To add a Virtual Server search path

  1. Open the Administration Website.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Virtual Server, click Server Properties, and then in the lower section of the page click Search paths.
  3. In Search paths, type the fully qualified path that you want to display in list boxes. To add multiple search paths, place one on each line.
  4. Click OK.


To perform this procedure, you must have the appropriate permissions. If you do not have the appropriate permissions, you will either receive an error message or you will not be able to view certain menu items and options described in this procedure. To change your permissions, contact your Virtual Server administrator. For more information, see Securing Virtual Server. For instructions on opening the Administration Website, see "Open the Administration Website" in Related Topics. After completing this procedure, the path you added now appears in Administration Website list boxes. Paths that you type on this page must be fully qualified; in other words, they cannot contain environment variables. You can specify paths as follows: Local paths in the following form: drive letter:\folder\subfolder. Local paths are most appropriate for files stored on the server running Virtual Server. Universal Naming Convention (UNC) names in the following form: \full computer name\shared folder\subfolder or \IP address\shared folder\subfolder. UNC names are most appropriate for files stored on a shared network resource.


When typing paths to folders or files, note that local file paths (for example, C:<EM>my disk files\my disk.vhd) reference the computer running the Virtual Server service. If the file or folder that you want to reference is on a computer other than the one running the Virtual Server service, you must use a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path (for example, \computer name\share\folder\file name).


If you specify a path to a remote resource, such as a shared folder, make sure that constrained delegation has been configured for Virtual Server. Otherwise, you will not be able to gain access to files stored on the remote resource. For more information, see "Configuring constrained delegation" in Related Topics. In addition, any user accounts that will need access to the files must be granted the appropriate permissions on the remote resource. Constrained delegation is not supported when using Windows XP Professional as your host operating system. In this case, you cannot access files on a remote resource, so you should store files locally.

See Also


Open the Administration Website
Configuring constrained delegation
Add or Remove a Virtual Server Search Path
Configuring Virtual Server search paths