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Open the Administration Website

To open the Administration Website

  1. Open Internet Explorer and in the Address field, type https://FQDN**:1024/VirtualServer/VSWebApp.exe**. If you have changed the port number, then replace 1024 with the port number you specified.
  2. When prompted for User name and Password, enter your credentials, and then click OK.


If you are logged on to the computer on which the Administration Website is installed, you can connect using the Virtual Server Administration Website link in the Microsoft Virtual Server folder. You can open this folder by opening the Start menu and then selecting either the Programs folder or the All Programs folder, depending on your Start menu configuration. If you have multiple instances of Virtual Server, instead of using the Virtual Server Manager, you can connect directly to a specific instance by adding ?view=1&remoteServer=remote_Computer_FQDN to the URL listed in the first step of this procedure. That is, by using https://FQDN:1024/VirtualServer/VSWebApp.exe?view=1&remoteServer=remote_Computer_FQDN If you are connected through Terminal Services or Remote Desktop and want to open the Administration Website, type the following at the Run dialog: mstsc /v:server_IP_address /console. You can also use Internet Explorer, as described in this procedure. When you open the Administration Website, you may be prompted for your user name and password, depending on your Internet Explorer Security Settings. You can configure Internet Explorer to automatically log on to the Administration Website with the current user name and password, which will prevent the user name and password prompt from appearing. For more information, consult the documentation for Internet Explorer.

See Also


Using the Administration Website
Installing the Administration Website
Set Up Virtual Server