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OnStatusChange Method

Notifies Microsoft Outlook that a custom property page has changed.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a PropertyPageSite object.


This Microsoft Visual Basic/Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example shows how to call the OnStatusChange method to notify Outlook that the user has changed a value on a custom property page.

Private Sub Option1_Click()
    Dim myPPSite As Outlook.PropertyPageSite
    Set myPPSite = Parent
    If Not TypeName(myPPSite) = "Nothing" Then
        globNewUserType = globAdministrator
       If globUserType <> globNewUserType Then
        globDirty = True
       End If
       If TypeName(myPPSite) = "Nothing" Then
         MsgBox "The Property Page returned an empty result."
       End If
    End If
End Sub

Applies to | PropertyPageSite Object

See Also | PropertyPage Object