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How to: Submit DTA Payments

To submit DatenTrägerAustausch (DTA) payments to your bank for payment, you must do the following:

  • Generate a DTA file for electronic payment after printing the payment advice.

  • Print the DTA payment order.

Before you submit DTA payments, you must verify the list of vendors for DTA payment. For more information, see How to: Verify a List of Vendors for DTA Payments.

You can post the payment journal after the bank payments are complete. In the payment journal, you can have the DTA payments suggested based on posted invoices. The suggested payments contain vendor and external document number information, and can be modified. For more information, see How to: Suggest DTA Payment for Vendors.

To generate a DTA file

  1. In the Search box, enter Payment Journals, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Batch Name field, select the required journal batch.

  3. Select the payment entry that you want to generate as a DTA file, and on the Home tab, in the Process group, select Generate DTA File.

  4. In the DTA File batch job, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    DTA Bank for File

    Select the DTA bank code from which the information for the file name and backup copy is to be transferred. This field uses the main bank name as the default, but you can modify this information if you want.

    Combined payment for vendor

    Specify if the payment lines that have the same vendor, currency, bank, and debit bank will be combined in the generated DTA file.

  5. Choose the OK button. The DTA file is generated in the predetermined folder.

After you have generated the DTA file, you can print the DTA payment order and transfer both the file and the payment order to your bank. The DTA payment order lists all suggested vendor payments in a Payment Journal window based on currency code. This order is sent to the bank to release the DTA file for payment.

To print a DTA payment order

  1. In the Search box, enter Payment Journals, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Batch Name field, select the required journal batch.

  3. Select the required payment entry, and on the Home tab, in the Process group, select DTA Payment Order.

  4. In the Message field, enter a message for the bank, to be printed at the bottom of the payment order.

  5. Choose the Print button to print the DTA payment order or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

    You must submit the DTA payment order and the DTA file to the bank, where payments to the vendors are released in a few hours. After the payments have been processed by the bank, you can post the payment journal.

See Also


How to: Suggest DTA Payment for Vendors
How to: Verify a List of Vendors for DTA Payments
How to: Export Payments Using EZAG


DTA Setup


Swiss Electronic Payments Using DTA

Other Resources

Payment Journal Window
General Journal Window