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How to: Suggest DTA Payment for Vendors

You can suggest vendor payments using the payment journal, and transfer the overdue invoices into the journal for individual vendors. You can also examine each vendor for open credit memos or open payments, and build a list of vendors for DatenTrägerAustausch (DTA) processing. For more information, see How to: Verify a List of Vendors for DTA Payments.

During the batch processing of DTA payment suggestions, the foreign currency (FCY) amount is converted to local currency (LCY) at the current rate for FCY payments, and transferred into the payment journal. For more information, see the Payment Journal window. In the case of a bank debit, the LCY amount is overwritten with the debited LCY amount, and the exchange rate—or exchange factor—is calculated. For more information, see the General Ledger Setup table and the Currency Exchange Rate table.

To suggest DTA payment for vendors

  1. In the Search box, enter Payment Journals, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Batch Name field, select the required journal batch.

  3. Select the required payment line, and on the Home tab, in the Process group, select DTA Suggest Vendor Payment.

  4. In the DTA Suggest Vendor Payments window, on the Options FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Posting Date

    Specify the credit date for the payment. This date is useful in determining whether a payment discount has been provided.

    Due Date from

    Specify the starting date for the open invoices to be included in the payment suggestion.

    Due Date to

    Specify the ending date for the open invoices to be included in the payment suggestion.

    Process Cash Discounts

    Specify if the cash discount payments outside the due date range will be considered for the payment suggestion.

    Cash Disc. Date from

    Specify the starting date for the cash discount. The open entries with cash discount dates within this date range are included in the payment suggestion.

    Cash Disc. Date to

    Specify the ending date for the cash discount. The open entries with cash discount dates within this date range are included in the payment suggestion.

    Available Amount (LCY)

    Enter the maximum value of the sum of all payments.

    First Doc. No.

    Specify the payment suggestion document number. This number is assigned according to the number series for the current log.

    Debit to Bank

    Select the code of the bank that will receive the debit. The bank must be activated for DTA.

    Auto. Debit Bank

    Specify if the bank will be debited automatically, depending on the currency code.

  5. Choose the OK button.

During processing, each vendor is checked for open credit memos or open payments, and a message displays at the end of the process. All of the related lines are transferred to the payment journal. The related vendor ledger entries are marked with DTA to prevent transfer of duplicate entries to the payment journal. You can view, check, and modify the suggested payments, and you can decide whether to reduce the payments by the credit memo amounts, or to apply the open credit memos and open invoices.

See Also


How to: Verify a List of Vendors for DTA Payments
How to: Submit DTA Payments
How to: Export Payments Using EZAG


DTA Setup
Debit Bank


Swiss Electronic Payments Using DTA

Other Resources

General Ledger Setup Table
Currency Exchange Rate Table
Payment Journal Window
Suggesting Vendor Payments
Suggest Vendor Payments Batch Job