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How to: Copy and Delete Form Controls

When designing or modifying a form, you may want to make a copy of a control that is already on the form. You can copy an existing control and paste the copy onto your form.

To copy a control

  1. Using the pointer, select a control.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Copy.

  3. From the Edit menu, choose Paste.

  4. Use the pointer to reposition the control as needed.

If you create a control and then decide you don't need it, or don't want a control created by a wizard, you can remove the control.

To delete a control

  • Select the control and choose Cut from the Edit menu.

See Also


How to: Add Controls to a Form with the Component Gallery

How to: Create Controls by Dragging and Dropping Fields or Tables

How to: Create a New Form

How to: Create Forms with Local and Remote Data

How to: Add Visual FoxPro Controls to a Form

How to: Add Controls to a Wizard-Generated Form

How to: Add User-Defined Objects to a Form

How to: Select, Move, and Resize Form Controls

How to: Set Tab Order for Controls


Adding Objects to Forms


Aligning Controls in Forms

Other Resources

Creating Forms