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How to: Add Controls to a Wizard-Generated Form

If you create a form with one of the form wizards and then want to add controls to it, you can match the style of the existing controls by using the controls in the wizard controls library, Wizstyle.vcx.

When you open the wizards control library, wizard-style controls (such as chiselfield, embossedmemo, and so on) are available in the Form Controls toolbar. To find out which control to use, select an existing control and note its class and class library. For example, a standard wizard field would be in the Standardfield class, found in Wizstyle.vcx.


Use ToolTips on the Form Controls toolbar to help you identify class names.

To match controls in a wizard-generated form

  1. In the Form Designer, open the form.

  2. From the Form Controls toolbar, choose the View Classes button and choose Add.

  3. In the Open dialog box, locate Wizstyle.vcx in the Wizards subdirectory and choose OK.

  4. In the Form Controls toolbar, select the control that corresponds to an existing control in the form and drag in the form to add it.


    If you move a form to a new directory or another system, you should move the control library associated with the form along with it.

See Also


How to: Add Controls to a Form with the Component Gallery

How to: Create a New Form

How to: Create Forms with Local and Remote Data

How to: Add Visual FoxPro Controls to a Form

How to: Add User-Defined Objects to a Form

How to: Select, Move, and Resize Form Controls

How to: Set Tab Order for Controls


Adding Objects to Forms


Aligning Controls in Forms

Other Resources

Creating Forms