Condividi tramite SERVER_ENUM_STRUCT

The SERVER_ENUM_STRUCT structure defines the layout for a structure with a value to indicate the information level submitted to the method and a pointer to a data structure that contains an array of data structures returned by the method. This structure is used by I_BrowserrQueryOtherDomains.

 typedef struct _SERVER_ENUM_STRUCT {
   DWORD Level;
   [switch_is(Level)] union _SERVER_ENUM_UNION {
       LPSERVER_INFO_100_CONTAINER Level100;
   } ServerInfo;

Level: The information level of the data. This member MUST be 100.

ServerInfo: A structure that contains an array of data structures. The Level member determines the data type of the members of this array.

Level100: A pointer to a SERVER_INFO_100_CONTAINER structure that contains the number of entries returned by the method and a pointer to an array of SERVER_INFO_100 structures (as specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.3.11).