Condividi tramite SERVER_INFO_100_CONTAINER

The SERVER_INFO_100_CONTAINER structure contains a count of the entries returned by the method and a pointer to a buffer.

 typedef struct _SERVER_INFO_100_CONTAINER {
   DWORD EntriesRead;
   [size_is(EntriesRead)] LPSERVER_INFO_100 Buffer;

EntriesRead: The number of entries returned by the method call. This value MUST be zero if no domains are configured in the primary domain controller or domain controller. The client SHOULD set the EntriesRead field to 0, and the Buffer field to NULL, and the server MUST ignore these fields.

Buffer: A pointer to an array of SERVER_INFO_100 data structures (as specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.3.11). If EntriesRead is zero, this field is undefined and MUST NOT be considered a valid pointer.