Condividi tramite Server Entry Point HTML Page Response

The server MUST reply to the HTTP GET of _vti_inf.html with an HTML page containing an HTML comment that is an ENTRY-POINT-COMMENT, defined as follows.

 COMMENT-BEGIN = "<!-- FrontPage Configuration Information FPVersion="
 AUTHOR-ENTRY-POINT = "FPAuthorScriptUrl=" + DQUOTE + 
 ADMIN-ENTRY-POINT = "FPAdminScriptUrl=" + DQUOTE + 

Servers SHOULD return a comment that defines the entry points as follows, as clients MAY assume these values.

 <!-- FrontPage Configuration Information FPVersion=""

For descriptions of the fields used in the HTML comment, see section 2.2.3. Each method description contains a section that defines which entry point that method will use. Clients MUST post to the correct entry point, or the server SHOULD ignore their request.

The client SHOULD then call the server version (section method on the root of the server to determine the latest (highest) server version of the protocol that the server supports. The client SHOULD use its own version number for the PROTOCOL-VERSION-STRING of the METHOD-VALUE, unless and until it knows the server version number, in which case it SHOULD use whichever of the two version numbers is lower.

On completing this initialization process, and thereafter the client SHOULD send that lower version number and the server MUST respond with either the same version number it received or with its own version number.

If the client is opening a site that is not at the root of the server, the client MUST call the url to web url (section request. This method accepts a server-relative URL, such as "/subsite/folder/document.txt". It would return the server-relative URL of the site, "/subsite", and the service-relative URL of the item, "folder/document.txt".

The client MUST then post all further methods to the site that it wants to communicate with. The service_name parameter MUST NOT be used by the client to denote what site it is communicating with, as this parameter is ignored by the server. For example, if the client wants to check out "/subsite/folder/document.txt", it needs to post to the SHTML-ENTRY-POINT of the subsite. Assuming the default value of the SHTML-ENTRY-POINT, that would be:


The client then refers to the file it wants to check out by its service-relative URL within the FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol request. Finally, the client SHOULD call the open service (section method on the appropriate site to begin the conversation. The client can then make whatever method calls it needs against the server.

The SharePoint Team Services dialogview client SHOULD perform an HTTP HEAD request, as specified in [RFC2616], section 9.4 against owssvr.dll (for details, see section 3.1.3). If the return code from the server is 200, the client SHOULD perform an HTTP GET, as specified in [RFC2616], section 9.3 to retrieve the full page body. If the return code from the server is 410, the client MUST NOT perform an HTTP GET on the server.