Condividi tramite server version

The server version request is to be used by the client to request the version of the server extensions in use on the site server<52>.


None: The argument list for this request SHOULD be empty. The server MUST ignore any parameters sent.



Return Values

server version: A VERSION (section specifying the current version of the server (not the effective protocol version). The server MUST respond with its actual version, which might be larger than the effective protocol version in the PROTOCOL-VERSION-STRING built in to all the FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol responses, as described in section

source control: An INT indicates whether the server supports the checkout document (section and uncheckout document (section requests. This value MUST equal 0 if the server does not support these requests; otherwise, this value MUST equal 1. Nonzero values other than 1 are reserved, but the client MUST interpret any nonzero value as if it were the value 1.

As with other methods, the effective protocol version negotiated by using the mechanism defined in section SHOULD be returned in the METHOD-KEY-VALUE element of the response.