ClientAuthenticationException Class

public class ClientAuthenticationException
extends HttpResponseException

The ClientAuthenticationException represents an exception thrown when client authentication fails with a status code of 4XX, typically 401 unauthorized.

This exception is thrown in the following scenarios:

  • The client did not send the required authorization credentials to access the requested resource, i.e., the Authorization HTTP header is missing in the request.
  • The request contains the HTTP Authorization header, but authorization has been refused for the credentials contained in the request header.

Methods inherited from HttpResponseException

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Methods inherited from java.lang.Throwable

Constructor Details


public ClientAuthenticationException(String message, HttpResponse response)

Initializes a new instance of the ClientAuthenticationException class.


message - The exception message or the response content if a message is not available.
response - The HTTP response with the authorization failure.


public ClientAuthenticationException(String message, HttpResponse response, Object value)

Initializes a new instance of the ClientAuthenticationException class.


message - The exception message or the response content if a message is not available.
response - The HTTP response with the authorization failure.
value - The deserialized HTTP response value.


public ClientAuthenticationException(String message, HttpResponse response, Throwable cause)

Initializes a new instance of the ClientAuthenticationException class.


message - The exception message or the response content if a message is not available.
response - The HTTP response with the authorization failure.
cause - The Throwable which caused the creation of this exception.

Applies to