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fileStorageContainer resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents a location where multiple users or a group of users can store files and access them via an application. All file system objects in a fileStorageContainer are returned as driveItem resources.


Method Return type Description
List fileStorageContainer collection Get a list of the fileStorageContainer objects and their properties.
Create fileStorageContainer Create a new fileStorageContainer object.
Get fileStorageContainer Read the properties and relationships of a fileStorageContainer object.
Update fileStorageContainer Update the properties of a fileStorageContainer object.
Delete None Delete a fileStorageContainer object.
Activate None Activate a fileStorageContainer object.
Restore deleted fileStorageContainer Restore a deleted fileStorageContainer object.
Remove deleted None Remove a deleted fileStorageContainer object.
Permanently delete None Permanently delete a fileStorageContainer object.
Get drive drive Get the drive resource from a fileStorageContainer object.
List permissions permission collection List permissions on a fileStorageContainer.
Add permissions permission Add permission to a fileStorageContainer.
Update permissions permission Update permission on a fileStorageContainer.
Delete permissions None Delete permission from a fileStorageContainer.
List custom property filestoragecontainercustompropertyvalue collection List custom properties of the fileStorageContainer.
Add custom property filestoragecontainercustompropertyvalue Create custom property to the fileStorageContainer.
Update custom property filestoragecontainercustompropertyvalue Update custom property on a fileStorageContainer.
Delete custom property None Delete a custom property from a fileStorageContainer.
List columns columnDefinition collection List columns in a fileStorageContainer.
Add column columnDefinition Create a columnDefinition for afileStorageContainer.
Update column columnDefinition Update a column in a fileStorageContainer.
Delete file storage container column None Delete a column from a fileStorageContainer.
Get column columnDefinition Get a column from a fileStorageContainer.
Update recycle bin settings recyclebinsettings Update recycleBin settings for a fileStorageContainer.
Restore recycle bin items recycleBinItem collection Restore recycle bin items in a fileStorageContainer.
Delete recycle bin items None Delete recycle bin items from a fileStorageContainer.
List recycle bin items recycleBinItem collection List recycle bin items in a fileStorageContainer.
Lock None Lock a fileStorageContainer to prevent modifications to its content.
Unlock None Unlock a fileStorageContainer for users and application-only identities to allow the addition, updating, and deletion of content.


Property Type Description
assignedSensitivityLabel assignedLabel Sensitivity label assigned to the fileStorageContainer. Read-write.
containerTypeId GUID Container type ID of the fileStorageContainer. Each container must have only one container type. Read-only.
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset Date and time of the fileStorageContainer creation. Read-only.
customProperties fileStorageContainerCustomPropertyDictionary Custom property collection for the fileStorageContainer. Read-write.
description String Provides a user-visible description of the fileStorageContainer. Read-write.
displayName String The display name of the fileStorageContainer. Read-write.
id String The unique stable identifier of the fileStorageContainer. Read-only.
owners userIdentity collection List of users who own the fileStorageContainer. Read-only.
ownershipType fileStorageContainerOwnershipType Ownership type of the fileStorageContainer. The possible values are: tenantOwned. Read-only.
status fileStorageContainerStatus Status of the fileStorageContainer. Containers are created as inactive and require activation. Inactive containers are subjected to automatic deletion in 24 hours. The possible values are: inactive, active. Read-only.
storageUsedInBytes Int64 Storage used in the fileStorageContainer, in bytes. Read-only.
viewpoint fileStorageContainerViewpoint Data specific to the current user. Read-only.
lockState siteLockState Indicates the lock state of the fileStorageContainer. The possible values are unlocked and lockedReadOnly. Read-only.
settings fileStorageContainerSettings Settings associated with a fileStorageContainer. Read-write.


Relationship Type Description
columns columnDefinition collection The set of custom structured metadata supported by the fileStorageContainer. Read-write.
drive drive The drive of the resource fileStorageContainer. Read-only.
permissions permission collection The set of permissions for users in the fileStorageContainer. The permission for each user is set by the roles property. The possible values are reader, writer, manager, and owner. Read-write.
recycleBin recycleBin Recycle bin of the fileStorageContainer. Read-only.

roles property values

Value Description
reader Readers can read fileStorageContainer metadata and the content inside.
writer Writers can read and modify fileStorageContainer metadata and contents inside.
manager Managers can read and modify fileStorageContainer metadata and contents inside and manage the permissions to the container.
owner Owners can read and modify fileStorageContainer metadata and contents inside, manage container permissions, and delete and restore containers.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.fileStorageContainer",
  "id": "string (identifier)",
  "displayName": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "containerTypeId": "string",
  "containerTypeDisplayName": "string",
  "permissions": [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.permission" } ],
  "customProperties": "Dictionary(Edm.String, microsoft.graph.fileStorageContainerCustomPropertyValue)",
  "viewpoint": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.fileStorageContainerViewpoint" },
  "drive": {"@odata.type": ""},
  "recycleBin": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.recycleBin"},
  "status": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.fileStorageContainerStatus"},
  "columns": [ {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.columnDefinition" } ],
  "createdDateTime": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.dateTimeOffset"},
  "storageUsedInBytes": "int64",
  "assignedSensitivityLabel": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.assignedLabel"},
  "owners":  [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.userIdentity" } ],
  "ownershipType": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.fileStorageContainerOwnershipType"},
  "expiryDateTime": "string (timestamp)",
  "lockState": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.siteLockState"},
  "settings": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.fileStorageContainerSettings" }