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SignedXml.XmlDsigXPathTransformUrl Campo


Rappresenta l'URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) per XPath (XML Path Language). Questo campo è costante.

public: System::String ^ XmlDsigXPathTransformUrl;
public const string XmlDsigXPathTransformUrl;
val mutable XmlDsigXPathTransformUrl : string
Public Const XmlDsigXPathTransformUrl As String 

Valore del campo


Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene illustrato come chiamare i membri della XmlDsigXPathTransform classe .

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;

class Class1
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Encrypt a sample XML string.
        XmlDocument productsXml = LoadProducts();

        // Encrypt an XPath Xml string.
        XmlDocument transformXml = LoadTransformByXml();

        // Use XmlDsigXPathTransform to resolve a Uri.
        Uri baseUri = new Uri("");
        string relativeUri = "xml";
        Uri absoluteUri = ResolveUris(baseUri, relativeUri);

        Console.WriteLine("This sample completed successfully; " +
            "press Enter to exit.");

    // Encrypt the text in the specified XmlDocument.
    private static void ShowTransformProperties(XmlDocument xmlDoc)

        // Create a new XMLDocument object.
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        // Create a new XmlElement.
        XmlElement xPathElem = doc.CreateElement("XPath");

        // Set the element text to the value
        // of the XPath string.
        xPathElem.InnerText = "ancestor-or-self::PRODUCTS";

        // Create a new XmlDsigXPathTransform object.
        XmlDsigXPathTransform xmlTransform = new XmlDsigXPathTransform();

        // Load the XPath XML from the element. 

        // Ensure the transform is using the proper algorithm.
        xmlTransform.Algorithm =

        // Retrieve the XML representation of the current transform.
        XmlElement xmlInTransform = xmlTransform.GetXml();

        Console.WriteLine("\nXml representation of the current transform: ");

        // Retrieve the valid input types for the current transform.
        Type[] validInTypes = xmlTransform.InputTypes;

        // Verify the xmlTransform can accept the XMLDocument as an
        // input type.
        for (int i = 0; i < validInTypes.Length; i++)
            if (validInTypes[i] == xmlDoc.GetType())
                // Load the document into the transfrom.

                    // This transform is created for demonstration purposes.
                    XmlDsigXPathTransform secondTransform =
                        new XmlDsigXPathTransform();

                    string classDescription = secondTransform.ToString();

                    xmlTransform.LoadInnerXml(xPathElem.SelectNodes(".")); ;
                catch (CryptographicException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Caught exception while trying to " +
                        "load the specified Xml document. The document " +
                        "requires an XPath element to be valid.");

        Type[] validOutTypes = xmlTransform.OutputTypes;

        for (int i = validOutTypes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (validOutTypes[i] == typeof(System.Xml.XmlDocument))
                    Type xmlDocumentType = typeof(System.Xml.XmlDocument);
                    XmlDocument xmlDocumentOutput = (XmlDocument)

                    // Display to the console the Xml before and after
                    // encryption.
                    Console.WriteLine("Result of the GetOutput method call" +
                        " from the current transform: " +
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception caught: " +

            else if (validOutTypes[i] == typeof(System.Xml.XmlNodeList))
                    Type xmlNodeListType = typeof(System.Xml.XmlNodeList);
                    XmlNodeList xmlNodes = (XmlNodeList)

                    // Display to the console the Xml before and after
                    // encryption.
                    Console.WriteLine("Encoding the following message: " +

                    Console.WriteLine("Nodes of the XmlNodeList retrieved " +
                        "from GetOutput:");
                    for (int j = 0; j < xmlNodes.Count; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Node " + j +
                            " has the following name: " +
                            xmlNodes.Item(j).Name +
                            " and the following InnerXml: " +
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception caught: " +

                object outputObject = xmlTransform.GetOutput();

    // Create an XML document for the dsig namespace.
    private static XmlDocument LoadTransformByXml()
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        string transformXml = "<Signature><Reference URI=''><Transforms>";
        transformXml += "<Transform><XPath ";
        transformXml += "xmlns:dsig=''>";
        transformXml += "not(ancestor-or-self::dsig:Signature)";
        transformXml += "</XPath></Transform>";
        transformXml += "</Transforms></Reference></Signature>";

        return xmlDoc;

    // Create an XML document describing various products.
    private static XmlDocument LoadProducts()
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        string contosoProducts = "<PRODUCTS>";
        contosoProducts += "<PRODUCT><ID>123</ID>";
        contosoProducts += "<DESCRIPTION>Router</DESCRIPTION></PRODUCT>";
        contosoProducts += "<PRODUCT><ID>456</ID>";
        contosoProducts += "<DESCRIPTION>Keyboard</DESCRIPTION></PRODUCT>";
        contosoProducts += "<PRODUCT><ID>789</ID>";
        contosoProducts += "<DESCRIPTION>Monitor</DESCRIPTION></PRODUCT>";
        contosoProducts += "</PRODUCTS>";

        return xmlDoc;

    // Resolve the specified base and relative Uri's .
    private static Uri ResolveUris(Uri baseUri, string relativeUri)
        XmlUrlResolver xmlResolver = new XmlUrlResolver();
        xmlResolver.Credentials =

        XmlDsigXPathTransform xmlTransform =
            new XmlDsigXPathTransform();
        xmlTransform.Resolver = xmlResolver;

        Uri absoluteUri = xmlResolver.ResolveUri(baseUri, relativeUri);

        if (absoluteUri != null)
                "\nResolved the base Uri and relative Uri to the following:");
                "Unable to resolve the base Uri and relative Uri");
        return absoluteUri;
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml

Class Class1

    <STAThread()> _
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
        ' Encrypt a sample XML string.
        Dim productsXml As XmlDocument = LoadProducts()

        ' Encrypt an XPath Xml string.
        Dim transformXml As XmlDocument = LoadTransformByXml()

        ' Use XmlDsigXPathTransform to resolve a Uri.
        Dim baseUri As New Uri("")
        Dim relativeUri As String = "xml"
        Dim absoluteUri As Uri = ResolveUris(baseUri, relativeUri)

        Console.WriteLine("This sample completed successfully; " + "press Enter to exit.")

    End Sub

    ' Encrypt the text in the specified XmlDocument.
    Private Shared Sub ShowTransformProperties(ByVal xmlDoc As XmlDocument)
        ' Create a new XMLDocument object.
        Dim doc As New XmlDocument()

        ' Create a new XmlElement.
        Dim xPathElem As XmlElement = doc.CreateElement("XPath")

        ' Set the element text to the value
        ' of the XPath string.
        xPathElem.InnerText = "ancestor-or-self::PRODUCTS"

        ' Create a new XmlDsigXPathTransform object.
        Dim xmlTransform As New XmlDsigXPathTransform()

        ' Load the XPath XML from the element. 
        ' Ensure the transform is using the proper algorithm.
        xmlTransform.Algorithm = SignedXml.XmlDsigXPathTransformUrl
        ' Retrieve the XML representation of the current transform.
        Dim xmlInTransform As XmlElement = xmlTransform.GetXml()
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf + "Xml representation of the current transform: ")

        ' Retrieve the valid input types for the current transform.
        Dim validInTypes As Type() = xmlTransform.InputTypes
        ' Verify the xmlTransform can accept the XMLDocument as an
        ' input type.
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To validInTypes.Length
            If validInTypes(i).Equals(xmlDoc.GetType()) Then
                ' Load the document into the transfrom.
                    ' This transform is created for demonstration purposes.
                    Dim secondTransform As New XmlDsigXPathTransform()

                    Dim classDescription As String = secondTransform.ToString()
                    Console.WriteLine("Caught exception while trying to " + "load the specified Xml document. The document " + "requires an XPath element to be valid.")
                End Try
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i

        Dim validOutTypes As Type() = xmlTransform.OutputTypes
        For i = validOutTypes.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
            If validOutTypes(i).Equals(GetType(System.Xml.XmlDocument)) Then
                    Dim xmlDocumentType As Type = GetType(System.Xml.XmlDocument)
                    Dim xmlDocumentOutput As XmlDocument = CType(xmlTransform.GetOutput(xmlDocumentType), XmlDocument)
                    ' Display to the console the Xml before and after
                    ' encryption.
                    Console.WriteLine("Result of the GetOutput method call" + " from the current transform: " + xmlDocumentOutput.OuterXml)
                Catch ex As Exception
                    Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception caught: " + ex.ToString())
                End Try

                Exit For
            ElseIf validOutTypes(i).Equals(GetType(System.Xml.XmlNodeList)) Then
                    Dim xmlNodeListType As Type = GetType(System.Xml.XmlNodeList)
                    Dim xmlNodes As XmlNodeList = CType(xmlTransform.GetOutput(xmlNodeListType), XmlNodeList)

                    ' Display to the console the Xml before and after
                    ' encryption.
                    Console.WriteLine("Encoding the following message: " + xmlDoc.InnerText)

                    Console.WriteLine("Nodes of the XmlNodeList retrieved " + "from GetOutput:")
                    For j As Integer = 0 To xmlNodes.Count - 1
                        Console.WriteLine("Node " + j + " has the following name: " + xmlNodes.Item(j).Name + " and the following InnerXml: " + xmlNodes.Item(j).InnerXml)
                Catch ex As Exception
                    Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception caught: " + ex.ToString())
                End Try

                Exit For
                Dim outputObject As Object = xmlTransform.GetOutput()
            End If 
        Next i

    End Sub

    ' Create an XML document for the dsig namespace.
    Private Shared Function LoadTransformByXml() As XmlDocument
        Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()

        Dim transformXml As String = "<Signature><Reference URI=''><Transforms>"
        transformXml += "<Transform><XPath "
        transformXml += "xmlns:dsig=''>"
        transformXml += "not(ancestor-or-self::dsig:Signature)"
        transformXml += "</XPath></Transform>"
        transformXml += "</Transforms></Reference></Signature>"

        Return xmlDoc

    End Function 'LoadTransformByXml

    ' Create an XML document describing various products.
    Private Shared Function LoadProducts() As XmlDocument
        Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()

        Dim contosoProducts As String = "<PRODUCTS>"
        contosoProducts += "<PRODUCT><ID>123</ID>"
        contosoProducts += "<DESCRIPTION>Router</DESCRIPTION></PRODUCT>"
        contosoProducts += "<PRODUCT><ID>456</ID>"
        contosoProducts += "<DESCRIPTION>Keyboard</DESCRIPTION></PRODUCT>"
        contosoProducts += "<PRODUCT><ID>789</ID>"
        contosoProducts += "<DESCRIPTION>Monitor</DESCRIPTION></PRODUCT>"
        contosoProducts += "</PRODUCTS>"

        Return xmlDoc

    End Function 'LoadProducts

    ' Resolve the specified base and relative Uri's .
    Private Shared Function ResolveUris(ByVal baseUri As Uri, ByVal relativeUri As String) As Uri
        Dim xmlResolver As New XmlUrlResolver()
        xmlResolver.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

        Dim xmlTransform As New XmlDsigXPathTransform()
        xmlTransform.Resolver = xmlResolver
        Dim absoluteUri As Uri = xmlResolver.ResolveUri(baseUri, relativeUri)

        If Not (absoluteUri Is Nothing) Then
            Console.WriteLine(vbLf + "Resolved the base Uri and relative Uri to the following:")
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to resolve the base Uri and relative Uri")
        End If
        Return absoluteUri

    End Function
End Class


Il valore del XmlDsigXPathTransformUrl campo è

Utilizzare questo campo per fornire facilmente un valore a uno degli attributi URI di un elemento utilizzato per XMLDSIG.

La XmlDsigXPathTransform classe implementa la trasformazione descritta dal XmlDsigXPathTransformUrl campo .

Per altre informazioni, vedere la specifica W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

Si applica a