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OdbcConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue(String, Object) Metodo


Recupera un valore che corrisponde alla chiave fornita da questo oggetto OdbcConnectionStringBuilder.

 override bool TryGetValue(System::String ^ keyword, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Object ^ % value);
public override bool TryGetValue(string keyword, out object? value);
public override bool TryGetValue(string keyword, out object value);
override this.TryGetValue : string * obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function TryGetValue (keyword As String, ByRef value As Object) As Boolean



Chiave dell'elemento da recuperare.


Valore corrispondente a keyword.


true se keyword viene trovato nella stringa di connessione; in caso contrario, false.


Nell'esempio TryGetValue seguente viene illustrato il comportamento del metodo.

using System.Data.Odbc;

class Program
    static void Main()
        OdbcConnectionStringBuilder builder =
            new OdbcConnectionStringBuilder();
        builder.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString();

        // Call TryGetValue method for multiple
        // key names. Demonstrate that the search is not
        // case sensitive.
        DisplayValue(builder, "Driver");
        DisplayValue(builder, "SERVER");
        // How about a property you did not set?
        DisplayValue(builder, "DNS");
        // Invalid keys?
        DisplayValue(builder, "Invalid Key");
        // Null values?
        DisplayValue(builder, null);

        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.");

    private static string GetConnectionString()
        // To avoid storing the connection string in your code,
        // you can retrieve it from a configuration file using the
        // System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings property.
        return "Driver={SQL Server};Server=(local);" +

    private static void DisplayValue(OdbcConnectionStringBuilder builder, string key)
        object value = null;

        // Although TryGetValue handles missing keys,
        // it does not handle passing in a null (Nothing in Visual Basic)
        // key. This example traps for that particular error, but
        // throws any other unknown exceptions back out to the
        // caller.
            if (builder.TryGetValue(key, out value))
                Console.WriteLine("{0}='{1}'", key, value);
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to retrieve value for '{0}'", key);
        catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to retrieve value for null key.");
Imports System.Data.Odbc
Module Module1

  Sub Main()
    Dim builder As New OdbcConnectionStringBuilder
    builder.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString()

    ' Call TryGetValue method for multiple
    ' key names. Demonstrate that the search is not
    ' case sensitive.
    DisplayValue(builder, "Driver")
    DisplayValue(builder, "SERVER")
    ' How about a property you did not set?
    DisplayValue(builder, "DNS")
    ' Invalid keys?
    DisplayValue(builder, "Invalid Key")
    ' Null values?
    DisplayValue(builder, Nothing)

    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.")
  End Sub

  Private Sub DisplayValue( _
   ByVal builder As OdbcConnectionStringBuilder, ByVal key As String)
    Dim value As Object = Nothing

    ' Although TryGetValue handles missing keys,
    ' it does not handle passing in a null (Nothing in Visual Basic)
    ' key. This example traps for that particular error, but
    ' throws any other unknown exceptions back out to the
    ' caller. 
      If builder.TryGetValue(key, value) Then
        Console.WriteLine("{0}='{1}'", key, value)
        Console.WriteLine("Unable to retrieve value for '{0}'", key)
      End If
    Catch ex As ArgumentNullException
      Console.WriteLine("Unable to retrieve value for null key.")
    End Try
  End Sub

  Private Function GetConnectionString() As String
    ' To avoid storing the connection string in your code,
    ' you can retrieve it from a configuration file using the 
    ' System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings property. 
    Return "Driver={SQL Server};Server=(local);" & _
  End Function
End Module


Il metodo TryGetValue consente agli sviluppatori di recuperare in modo sicuro un valore da un oggetto OdbcConnectionStringBuilder, senza la necessità di verificare che il nome della chiave fornito sia un nome di chiave valido. Poiché TryGetValue non genera un'eccezione quando si passa una chiave inesistente, non è necessario cercare una chiave prima di recuperare il relativo valore. La chiamata TryGetValue con una chiave inesistente inserisce il valore Null (Nothing in Visual Basic) nel value parametro .

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