Console.CancelKeyPress Evento
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static event ConsoleCancelEventHandler ^ CancelKeyPress;
public static event ConsoleCancelEventHandler? CancelKeyPress;
public static event ConsoleCancelEventHandler? CancelKeyPress;
public static event ConsoleCancelEventHandler CancelKeyPress;
member this.CancelKeyPress : ConsoleCancelEventHandler
member this.CancelKeyPress : ConsoleCancelEventHandler
member this.CancelKeyPress : ConsoleCancelEventHandler
Public Shared Custom Event CancelKeyPress As ConsoleCancelEventHandler
Tipo evento
- Attributi
Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come viene usato l'evento CancelKeyPress . Quando si preme CTRL+C, l'operazione di lettura viene interrotta e viene richiamato il myHandler
gestore eventi. Dopo aver immesso il gestore eventi, la ConsoleCancelEventArgs.Cancel proprietà è false
, che significa che il processo corrente verrà terminato al termine del gestore eventi. Tuttavia, il gestore eventi imposta la ConsoleCancelEventArgs.Cancel proprietà su true
, il che significa che il processo non verrà terminato e l'operazione di lettura riprenderà.
using namespace System;
void OnCancelKeyPressed(Object^ sender,
ConsoleCancelEventArgs^ args)
Console::WriteLine("{0}The read operation has been interrupted.",
Console::WriteLine(" Key pressed: {0}", args->SpecialKey);
Console::WriteLine(" Cancel property: {0}", args->Cancel);
// Set the Cancel property to true to prevent the process from
// terminating.
Console::WriteLine("Setting the Cancel property to true...");
args->Cancel = true;
// Announce the new value of the Cancel property.
Console::WriteLine(" Cancel property: {0}", args->Cancel);
Console::WriteLine("The read operation will resume...{0}",
int main()
// Clear the screen.
// Establish an event handler to process key press events.
Console::CancelKeyPress +=
gcnew ConsoleCancelEventHandler(OnCancelKeyPressed);
while (true)
// Prompt the user.
Console::Write("Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or ");
Console::WriteLine("CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:");
// Start a console read operation. Do not display the input.
ConsoleKeyInfo^ keyInfo = Console::ReadKey(true);
// Announce the name of the key that was pressed .
Console::WriteLine(" Key pressed: {0}{1}", keyInfo->Key,
// Exit if the user pressed the 'X' key.
if (keyInfo->Key == ConsoleKey::X)
// The example displays output similar to the following:
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// Key pressed: J
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// Key pressed: Enter
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// The read operation has been interrupted.
// Key pressed: ControlC
// Cancel property: False
// Setting the Cancel property to true...
// Cancel property: True
// The read operation will resume...
// Key pressed: Q
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// Key pressed: X
using System;
class Sample
public static void Main()
ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
// Establish an event handler to process key press events.
Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(myHandler);
while (true)
Console.Write("Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or ");
Console.WriteLine("CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:");
// Start a console read operation. Do not display the input.
cki = Console.ReadKey(true);
// Announce the name of the key that was pressed .
Console.WriteLine($" Key pressed: {cki.Key}\n");
// Exit if the user pressed the 'X' key.
if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.X) break;
protected static void myHandler(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("\nThe read operation has been interrupted.");
Console.WriteLine($" Key pressed: {args.SpecialKey}");
Console.WriteLine($" Cancel property: {args.Cancel}");
// Set the Cancel property to true to prevent the process from terminating.
Console.WriteLine("Setting the Cancel property to true...");
args.Cancel = true;
// Announce the new value of the Cancel property.
Console.WriteLine($" Cancel property: {args.Cancel}");
Console.WriteLine("The read operation will resume...\n");
// The example displays output similar to the following:
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// Key pressed: J
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// Key pressed: Enter
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// The read operation has been interrupted.
// Key pressed: ControlC
// Cancel property: False
// Setting the Cancel property to true...
// Cancel property: True
// The read operation will resume...
// Key pressed: Q
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// Key pressed: X
open System
let myHandler sender (args: ConsoleCancelEventArgs) =
printfn "\nThe read operation has been interrupted."
printfn $" Key pressed: {args.SpecialKey}"
printfn $" Cancel property: {args.Cancel}"
// Set the Cancel property to true to prevent the process from terminating.
printfn "Setting the Cancel property to true..."
args.Cancel <- true
// Announce the new value of the Cancel property.
printfn $" Cancel property: {args.Cancel}"
printfn "The read operation will resume...\n"
// Establish an event handler to process key press events.
Console.CancelKeyPress.AddHandler(ConsoleCancelEventHandler myHandler)
let mutable quit = false
while not quit do
printf "Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or "
printfn "CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:"
// Start a console read operation. Do not display the input.
let cki = Console.ReadKey true
// Announce the name of the key that was pressed .
printfn $" Key pressed: {cki.Key}\n"
// Exit if the user pressed the 'X' key.
if cki.Key = ConsoleKey.X then
quit <- true
// The example displays output similar to the following:
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// Key pressed: J
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// Key pressed: Enter
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// The read operation has been interrupted.
// Key pressed: ControlC
// Cancel property: False
// Setting the Cancel property to true...
// Cancel property: True
// The read operation will resume...
// Key pressed: Q
// Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
// Key pressed: X
Class Sample
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim cki As ConsoleKeyInfo
' Establish an event handler to process key press events.
AddHandler Console.CancelKeyPress, AddressOf myHandler
While True
Console.Write("Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or ")
Console.WriteLine("CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:")
' Start a console read operation. Do not display the input.
cki = Console.ReadKey(True)
' Announce the name of the key that was pressed .
Console.WriteLine($" Key pressed: {cki.Key}{vbCrLf}")
' Exit if the user pressed the 'X' key.
If cki.Key = ConsoleKey.X Then Exit While
End While
End Sub
Protected Shared Sub myHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As ConsoleCancelEventArgs)
Console.WriteLine($"{vbCrLf}The read operation has been interrupted.")
Console.WriteLine($" Key pressed: {args.SpecialKey}")
Console.WriteLine($" Cancel property: {args.Cancel}")
' Set the Cancel property to true to prevent the process from terminating.
Console.WriteLine("Setting the Cancel property to true...")
args.Cancel = True
' Announce the new value of the Cancel property.
Console.WriteLine($" Cancel property: {args.Cancel}")
Console.WriteLine($"The read operation will resume...{vbCrLf}")
End Sub
End Class
' The example diplays output similar to the following:
' Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
' Key pressed: J
' Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
' Key pressed: Enter
' Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
' The read operation has been interrupted.
' Key pressed: ControlC
' Cancel property: False
' Setting the Cancel property to true...
' Cancel property: True
' The read operation will resume...
' Key pressed: Q
' Press any key, or 'X' to quit, or CTRL+C to interrupt the read operation:
' Key pressed: X
Questo evento viene usato insieme a System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler e System.ConsoleCancelEventArgs. L'evento CancelKeyPress consente a un'applicazione console di intercettare il segnale CTRL+C in modo che il gestore eventi possa decidere se continuare a eseguire o terminare. Per ulteriori informazioni sulla gestione degli eventi, consultare gestione e generazione di eventi.
Quando l'utente preme CTRL+C o CTRL+Break, viene attivato l'evento CancelKeyPress e viene eseguito il gestore eventi dell'applicazione ConsoleCancelEventHandler . Il gestore eventi viene passato un ConsoleCancelEventArgs oggetto con due proprietà utili:
SpecialKey, che consente di determinare se il gestore è stato richiamato come risultato della pressione dell'utente CTRL+C (il valore della proprietà è ) o CTRL+Break (il valore della proprietà è ConsoleSpecialKey.ControlCConsoleSpecialKey.ControlBreak).
Cancel, che consente di determinare come l'applicazione deve rispondere all'utente premendo CTRL+C o CTRL+BREAK. Per impostazione predefinita, la proprietà è
, che causa l'interruzione Cancel dell'esecuzione del programma quando il gestore eventi termina. Modifica della proprietà pertrue
specificare che l'applicazione deve continuare a essere eseguita.
Se l'applicazione ha requisiti semplici, è possibile usare la TreatControlCAsInput proprietà anziché questo evento. Impostando questa proprietà su false
, è possibile assicurarsi che l'applicazione venga sempre chiusa se l'utente preme CTRL+C. Impostandolo su true
, è possibile assicurarsi che premendo CTRL+C non termina l'applicazione.
Il gestore eventi per questo evento viene eseguito in un thread del pool di thread.