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CodeClass.Members Property


Gets a collection of items contained by this element.

 property EnvDTE::CodeElements ^ Members { EnvDTE::CodeElements ^ get(); };
public EnvDTE.CodeElements Members { [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispId(34)] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFunc(1024)] get; }
[<get: System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispId(34)>]
[<get: System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFunc(1024)>]
member this.Members : EnvDTE.CodeElements
Public ReadOnly Property Members As CodeElements

Property Value

A CodeElements collection.



Public Sub CodeClassExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)   
    ' Before running this example, open a code document from a  
    ' project and place the insertion point inside a class definition.  
        Dim objTextSel As TextSelection  
        Dim objCodeCls As CodeClass  
        objTextSel = CType(dte.ActiveDocument.Selection, TextSelection)  
        objCodeCls = CType(objTextSel.ActivePoint.CodeElement(vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass), CodeClass)  
        ' Add comments to CodeClass objCodeClass - notice change in code document.  
        objCodeCls.Comment = "Comments for the CodeClass object."  
        ' Access top-level object through the CodeClass object  
        ' and return the file name of that top-level object.  
        MessageBox.Show("Top-level object's filename: " + objCodeCls.DTE.FileName)  
        ' Get the language used to code the CodeClass object - returns a GUID.  
        ' Get a collection of elements contained by the CodeClass object.  
        Dim members As String = "Member Elements of " + objCodeCls.Name + ": " + vbCrLf  
        Dim elem As CodeElement  
        For Each elem In  objCodeCls.Members  
            members = members + (elem.Name + vbCrLf)  
        Next elem  
    Catch ex As Exception  
    End Try  
End Sub  
public void CodeClassExample(DTE2 dte)  
   // Before running this example, open a code document from a  
   // project and place the insertion point inside a class definition.  
      TextSelection objTextSel;  
      CodeClass objCodeCls;  
      objTextSel = (TextSelection)dte.ActiveDocument.Selection;  
      objCodeCls = (CodeClass)objTextSel.ActivePoint.get_CodeElement(vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass);  
      // Add comments to CodeClass objCodeClass - notice change in code document.  
      objCodeCls.Comment = "Comments for the CodeClass object.";  
      // Access top-level object through the CodeClass object  
      // and return the file name of that top-level object.  
      MessageBox.Show("Top-level object's filename: " + objCodeCls.DTE.FileName);  
      // Get the language used to code the CodeClass object - returns a GUID.  
      // Get a collection of elements contained by the CodeClass object.  
      string members = "Member Elements of " + objCodeCls.Name + ": \n";  
      foreach (CodeElement elem in objCodeCls.Members)  
         members = members + (elem.Name + "\n");  
   catch (Exception ex)  


When the code type kind is vsCMElementDelegate, the Members property fails because delegates have no members in the source code. They are contributed by the compiler and the .NET Framework.


The values of code model elements such as classes, structs, functions, attributes, delegates, and so forth can be non-deterministic after making certain kinds of edits, meaning that their values cannot be relied upon to always remain the same. For more information, see the section Code Model Element Values Can Change in Discovering Code by Using the Code Model (Visual Basic).

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