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Creating a Quiz Web application using SharePoint designer - Part 5

Building our results page – a journey into XSLT formatting!


So far we have built a page to display our available Quizzes (default.aspx) and passed variables from that page via a query string. The receiving page is ShowQuestion.aspx which displayed the question and allowed the user to give the answer, which in turn created a new Answer list item and then moved onto the next question.

Once the final question has been answered the user is directed to the ShowResults.aspx page. Here will we show the final mark and if the user has passed or failed (depending on the PassMark variable that is in each Quiz list item, seems like a long time ago since we built those tables doesn’t it?)

We passed two variables across into our final page, Title and Session.

We want the ShowResults.aspx page to show the details of the Quiz and let the user know their score (expressed as a percentage) and if they have passed or failed. In time honoured tradition we will also graphically show how the final score compares with the required score.

Here is how it will look when completed.


Setting up the page layout


Just like our ShowQuestion.aspx page we are going to use two web part zones for our results page (this page is going to be much more straightforward to build however).


Let’s get started. Open up our blank ShowResults.aspx page and click inside the form and press return a few times to make some space. Now we need to add two web part zones and put two data views in them, like this.


1. From the menu Insert | SharePoint controls | Web Part Zone

2. Insert | SharePoint controls | Data View


We will separate the two zones with a horizontal line. To add the line go to the top right task pane, click on the ToolBox tab and then Drag a “Horizonal line” into the form below the Web Part zone.

Finally, insert a second Web Part Zone below the line (don’t add a data view of the moment).


You should now have two web part zones inside separated by a horizontal line. The top zone is ready to be configured as a Data View.


Show the Quiz information


Our top section will display the Quiz title and pass mark. To do this we need to link the data view web part with the Question list and then filter it to show the correct Quiz using the Title value that we passed in the query string.

Follow these steps:

1. Click on the uppermost web part

2. In the top right task pane click on the “Data Source Library” tab

3. Click on “Questions” and “Show data”

4. Control and Click on “Title” and “Pass Mark”

5. Select “Insert selected fields as...” and choose “Single item view”

You should now see the Quiz and Pass mark displayed. Again we need to filter this view to only show the Quiz that matches the Title parameter. Follow these steps:

1. Select the uppermost web part and click on the OUUI

2. Click on “Parameters

3. Click “New parameter”

4. Name=Quiz

5. Source=Query String

6. Variable=Title

7. Default=Enter the name a test Quiz here so that you will see some data in the view

8. OK

9. Click on “Filter”

10. Click “Add new.....”

11. Make a criteria where the Field name is “Title” is equal to [Quiz]

You will need to change the format of the Pass Mark field to show as a percentage (Right click, format as Number, percentage)


Build the Answers Section


Now we have the Quiz information displayed correctly we need to build our second Web Part which will contain information taken from the Answers list.

We will pass some information from the Quiz table (the pass mark and the number of Questions) so that we can calculate the final score for the user. and will filter our view of the answers to only include information from the current session (using the Session= parameter from the query string.

Firstly let’s insert our second Data View Web Part:

1. Highlight the second empty Web Part Zone

2. From the menu select Insert | SharePoint Controls | DataView

3. In the Data Source pane (top right) select the “Answers” list and click “Show Data”

4. Insert the “MarkAnswer” feild into the Data View as a “Multiple item View”

Currently the DVWP will be showing all of the items in the Answers table. We need to filter for our current session only.

1. Click on the OOUI for the Web Part and select “Parameters”

2. Click “New Parameter” with a name of “Session”

3. Source=Query String

4. Variable=Session

5.  Leave the default value blank

6. OK

7. Click on Filter then select “Click here to add a new ...”

8. Make a clause than the field name “SessionID” equals [Session]

9. OK


Try taking a Quiz and see how the ShowResults.aspx page currently looks. You should have the Quiz information shown at the top and below a list of 1’s and 0’s corresponding each question you took (and depending if you got it right or not).

In a moment we are going to transform those ugly 1’s and 0’s to a nice looking chart. Before we do we just need to make a couple more values available to our second web part. We need to pass values of the number of questions and pass mark from our Quiz part. Here is how:

1.  Click on the OUUI of our Quiz (uppermost) web part

2. Click Web Part Connections

3. “Send row of Data to”

4. “Connect to a web part on this page”

5. Target Web Part: Answers

6. Target action: Get parameters from

7. Click on the “inputs to Answers” column and create a parameter called “NumberOfQuestions”

8. Click on the Columns in Quiz column next to “NumberOfQuestions” and choose the field “Number of Questions”

9. Click on the “inputs to Answers” column and create a parameter called “PassMark”

10. Click on the Columns in Quiz column next to “PassMark” and choose the field “PassMark”



This has sent our two extra parameters across ready for use in the Answers data view web part.


Fun with XSLT (or how to build display SharePoint data in interesting ways)


I have tied to avoid talking too much about XSLT and XSL (mainly because I don’t know enough about it!) but we can’t avoid it any longer.


SharePoint stores pretty much everything in SQL database tables, when we query the data it is returned as XML and finally displayed in HTML. SharePoint uses XSTL (eXtensible Stylesheet Transformation Language) to transform the XML to HTML. A much better explanation of XSLT is available here.


SharePoint designer knows all there is to know about XSLT and has helpers to assist you in building statements. A great way to get familiar with the power of XSLT is to look how the designer itself inserts it (for example take a look at the code behind conditional formatting clauses or how Data View tables are rendered).

To add our final part to the ShowResults.asp we are going to cut and paste some code rather than have a step by step guide. The reason for this is that much of code below was created manually rather than using the designer – I will however explain the key elements.

Cut and Paste time


A standard Data View Web Part uses a number of XSLT templates in order to render a table full of data. There is a seperate XSL template for the table header, the body, the row and the footer. Our table can be much more simple as we only want to display three lines of information: The required score, the user’s score and the grade.

Highlight the Answers DVWP and take a look at the code. You will be able to see the associated <xsl:template> sections for the table.

Delete them all, and replace with the following code:


<xsl:template name="dvt_1">

                     <xsl:variable name="dvt_StyleName">Table</xsl:variable>

                     <xsl:variable name="Rows" select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row"/>

                     <xsl:variable name="HowManyCorrect"

   select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row[normalize-space(@MarkAnswer)='1'])" />

   <xsl:variable name="PercentMark" select="(100 div $NumberOfQuestions) * $HowManyCorrect"></xsl:variable>

                     <xsl:variable name="RequiredScore" select="$PassMark * 400"></xsl:variable>

              <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">

                     <tr valign="top">

                           <th class="ms-alignleft" nowrap="" style="width: 143px">Your Score</th><th

                           nowrap="" width ="{($PercentMark*4)+1}px" >

       <xsl:attribute name="style">

                                  <xsl:if test="$PercentMark &gt;= ($PassMark*100)">background-color: #008000;</xsl:if>

                                  <xsl:if test="$PercentMark &lt; ($PassMark*100)">background-color: #FF0000;</xsl:if>


                           <strong><xsl:value-of select="$PercentMark" />%</strong>



                           <th nowrap="">



                                       <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="top"><th class="ms-alignleft" nowrap="" style="width: 143px">Required Score</th><th nowrap="" width="{$RequiredScore}px" bgcolor ="teal">

                           <strong><xsl:value-of select="$PassMark*100" />%</strong>

                           </th><th nowrap="" ></th></tr></table>


                           <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="top"><th class="ms-alignleft" nowrap=""><strong><br />Grade:

                           <xsl:if test="$PercentMark &gt;= ($PassMark*100)">PASS</xsl:if>


       <xsl:if test="not($PercentMark &gt;= ($PassMark*100))">FAIL</xsl:if>





That’s looking a bit smarter isn’t it (although I will leave it up to you to get the formatting just right).


Let’s take a look at what we just did.


Counting matching list values and display charts in XSLT


Firstly we removed the all XSTL templates in the data view and added just one back in: dvt_1

We have already defined many parameters (getting them from the Query string and from the Quiz list) and so we just need to create a couple more working variables.


First off we need to run through all the list items in our set (the ones matching our Session value in the Answers list) and count how many of them have the MarkAnswer field set to a ‘1’. In other words we need to count have many questions the user got right. Here is the line that does this:


<xsl:variable name="HowManyCorrect" select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row[normalize-space(@MarkAnswer)='1'])" />


Next we want to convert the number correct into a percentage. To do this we need to know the total amount of questions in the Quiz which we passed across from the Quiz list.

<xsl:variable name="PercentMark" select="(100 div $NumberOfQuestions) * $HowManyCorrect"></xsl:variable>


We use this variable to decide how long the score bar will appear. I decided to used a fixed bar with 100% being 400 pixels wide. We change the width value of the cell depending on the value of the score like this:

<th class="ms-alignleft" nowrap="" style="width: 143px">Your Score</th><th nowrap="" width ="{($PercentMark*4)+1}px" >

I added the “+1” to the value so that if the user gets a zero score then the bar is still displayed.


There is also some conditional formatting applied to the colour of the score bar. If the user has passed it is green, if not it is red. This is done by comparing the score with the pass mark for the exam and setting the cell background colour value like this:

       <xsl:attribute name="style">

                         <xsl:if test="$PercentMark &gt;= ($PassMark*100)">background-color: #008000;</xsl:if>

                          <xsl:if test="$PercentMark &lt; ($PassMark*100)">background-color: #FF0000;</xsl:if>




Next we want to create a bar showing the % value required to pass the exam. I decided to have 100% equal a fixed length of 400 pixels. To determine the length of the bar I used this formula:

<xsl:variable name="RequiredScore" select="$PassMark * 400"></xsl:variable>


For a more complex example of XSLT formatting of SharePoint data, there is a good aticle here a full tutorial of XSLT laguage is available here.

One last thing...


To give our users a route back to main menu where they can select another Quiz add the following:


Click below your second web part and from the menu Insert | Hyperlink

Text to display: Back to the main menu

Address: default.aspx


And finally, don’t forget to link the ShowResults.aspx to your master page (from the menu, Format, Master Page, Attach Master Page).


It’ all over – some final thoughts, tips and possible modifications


I really hope you have enjoyed building this web application. Currently it is fairly basic but there are a number of simple modifications that could be added, such as:


· A link on the results page for the User to review the questions and Answers

· Adding an “explanation” field into the Questions list

· Allowing multiple section answers


If you have a lot of users running your Quizzes you will find a large amount of entries in the Answers list. Storing each answer separately can in fact be very useful as you can analyse the responses to particular questions at a very granular level.

[Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5]


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Can't figure out why it says "your score: 0%" Please help, you're my only hope

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    This is a brilliant design and extemely helpful.  I deployed the Quiz Web Application in our development and staging environments.  I was also able to add a Previous button, send user names of those who passed to another list, and add a web part that gave feedback on missed answers.  Thank you for your blog.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    OK, Sorry for the comments above, I figured it out. However, now I have the issue of the results section only counting the firts 10 rows of the answers. So if I have a quiz that has 20 Questions and I get all of them correct the webpart only gives me a 50%. Everything works great for a quiz under 10 questions but I can't find the part that is limiting the results to the first 10 questions. Please help. Thank you.  

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I was able to get everything working. I am looking to take this to the next level and add a workflow that starts if a user passes the quiz. I would like the workflow to email someone and inform them that the user passed the quiz. I would also like to add the user to a active directory group if they pass the quiz. I found a sharepoint application that has the ability to modify active directory group membership. I would also like to have a sharepoint list that hold the results of the quiz. Something simple like (UserName, Quiz Name, PASS or FAIL) This would make it easy to kick off a workflow if a PASS value shows up. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I have a similar problem with quizes that are more than 10 questions long.  It only records the first 10 responses.  Was anyone able to resolve this? thanks,

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    great learning tool. To help if you had trouble with the last cut and paste. look for the section in the Answers webpart to find the table that needs to be deleted. down to the end of the the XSL template for that section

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Works well except when I click the submit button the question is inserted twice into the Answers list for every question except for the last one????

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hey hey!  I got it all working!  There are some dicrepencies in the tutorial, I'll post something about it in the next coming days / weeks. @thymy: Make sure the PassMark parameter is passed from the Quiz DVWP to the Answers DVWP (OOUI, Web Part Connections...)  I had the same problem.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I was worried about users clicking the back button and re-answering the questions again (the answer list records both entries) so I had the "ShowQuestion.aspx" open in a new window and had the back button disabled (<Script> window.history.forward(1); </Script> ). I did a test where the user answered a few questions then closed the browser and then took the test again. The answers from the 1st attempt and the 2nd attempt were entered under the same SessionID. In other worsd, a quiz with 10 questions had more then ten answers given. Is there a way to close the session if the browser is closed? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I have tried (followed those steps) and it seems that my $PassMark is in a wrong format (NaN), when I reformat it to Percented (or number), it's not displayed (the field becomes blank), so I couldn't count the exact result (or draw the result table).

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    This is a really good post and I've learned a lot about Sharepoint Designer along the way.   I finally got the quiz app to work but I would like to add two columns to the answers list (PassMark / Numberof Questions) but I can't find an easy way of having it lookup the data from the Quiz List.  Any suggestions

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    In the section Cut and Paste time- you tell us to delete the entire xsl template, but there are multiple sections where i think the code can be placed, can you please help narrow down where is the "correct" location. I am receiving an error that says "This web part does not have a valid XLST stylesheet, error: the end tag xls:stylesheet does not match the start tag xls:template

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I was worried about users clicking the back button and re-answering the questions again (the answer list records both entries) so I had the "ShowQuestion.aspx" open in a new window and had the back button disabled (<Script> window.history.forward(1); </Script> ). I did a test where the user answered a few questions then closed the browser and then took the test again. The answers from the 1st attempt and the 2nd attempt were entered under the same SessionID. In other worsd, a quiz with 10 questions had more then ten answers given. Is there a way to close the session if the browser is closed? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    OK, I have done everything pretty much exactly the way you did. But for some reason. On my Answers DVWP it will not show any type of score. No matter what it always shows 0%. I am Very close to starting the whole application over but would like to get an answer from the writer of this first. To see if he can tell me what I should look in to. Note: before adding the big peice of code above the DVWP shows the marked answers as 1's and 0's no problem, but after it seems like it will not add those up and put them in the right format. I really want this to work. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Fixed the problem above. Would like to pass the results to a new table to show a list of who has taken the quiz and their final scores. Can someone help please? This would be the perfect wrap up to this great tutorial.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi any one please tell me how to store the results page in to the list its urgent

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi rajini can you please expain how to store result in to the list

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hi any one please tell me how to store the results page in to the list its urgent

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2010
    I have done everything till this point and its all working perfectly until now. On the "Cut and Paste Time" section how do we know what to cut and what to paste. I have tried to paste the code above in almost every place i thought possible but i always get a Error that displays: 0x80004005: A reference to variable or parameter 'NumberOfQuestion' cannot be resolved. The variable or parameter may not be defined, or it may not be in scope. Please someone ¡HELP!

  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2010
    Same problem as AlanD with the cut and paste. Arrgh. Please help.

  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2010
    Please suggest me how to pass 'HowManyCorrect" variable from answers webaprt to another webpart within the same page. I feel great if some one helps me out in this regard. Thanks,

  • Anonymous
    September 29, 2010
    its wierd that i a group of 5 questions ,only 5,3,2 are populated in the answers list .....sumone help plzzzz

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2010
    I've deleted all fo the xsl:template and replaced it with the one above but the results doesn't show anything. Could anyone help ?

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2011
    you can also get in touch with me on

  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2011
    After some tweaking here and there, I was finally able to complete this web application. The comments on each page are more than extremely helpful as was the article. But there are a few things I have questions about: I have not been able to get the UserName to appear in the Title field. Has anyone been able to do this successfully? As part of the web part connections process, a link is placed on the question number. The end of the link includes the answer to the question...any way to avoid the user from seeing this? Or did I do this wrong?

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2011
    I tried creating the quiz but the problem that encountered

  1. Username is not getting added in custom list 2.Submit button "hide content". The moment question are over the page is not getting directed to scoring page and at the same time the submit button doesnt direct to result page Please suggest
  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2011
    When I to the paste, I always have a score of 0%  What am I doing wrong.  before I paste, I am able to see the 1's and 0's This is a great post, by the way.  

  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2011
    Best tutorial that i have ever come cross.You have saved $500 for VIT University...!!!!

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2011
    Can anybody tell me how to display the final results of "a quiz". I want to display the results in the form of a table. Name Score Date Time The sorting order will be score, date and time.

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2011
    We have successfully completed building the quiz engine. Below is the link to the .stp file

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2011
    Ajit, are you able to convert that file to a wsp?

  • Anonymous
    September 07, 2011
    I was able to create quiz application successfully, but it is not setting the background colour when PercentMark is more than or less than Pass Mark & also always my Grade is showing Fail irrespective of Pass Mark did any one face similar issue??

  • Anonymous
    April 01, 2012
    Thank you for taking the time to show us how to create a quiz on SP. So far everyone loves the quiz!

  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2012
    Is it a mistake in the document to use the Questions list for the ShowAnswers page top section?  I don't have a Pass Mark field to select and looking back, the only place I have the Pass Mark field is in the Quiz list, not Questions.

  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2012
    Thanks for this excellant quiz, my colleagues think this is great, what a useful tool to have.  Kris

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2012
    The code is nice. It worked as well. Could you please help me with how to store data and check user for multiple entry. my email id is

  • Anonymous
    July 16, 2012
    Did anyone ever get this to work with SharePoint 2010?

  • Anonymous
    August 22, 2012
    Ignore previous post, I got this working in 2010

  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2012
    its a great post. provision us get know deeper about SharePoint Designer. It is working in SharePoint 2010.

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2012
    Excellent tutorial! Would be nice if you could include the following:

  1. How to remove unwanted items(rows) from dvwp - as in hiding correct answers in the Questions page
  2. How to obtain current user's name and user account name - in my case UserID referred to the name without the domain
  3. Clearer explanation on the copy and paste portion Thank you nevertheless, you made my job easier :)
  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2012
    Can anyone explain how they were able to get the Your Score percentage to work and not display 0? Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2013
    I am not getting OOUI icon in data view web part..Please help me. Thanks in advance.

  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2013
    Has anyone been able to create an email that would send the quiz results via email? thanks, Michelle

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2013
    Next level - email result 6 May 2013 10:40 AM # Has anyone been able to create an email that would send the quiz results via email? thanks, Michelle Hi Michelle, I've done it in two steps, first is to create a summary list from the quiz result (had to use workflow for that). Then another workflow to e-mail the content of the summary (again using workflow). Cheers! Mon

  • Anonymous
    July 05, 2013
    Hi Sir, Can we randomize the questions in the quiz, if so, please guide me. I found one Javascript which will randomize it seems. i tried but seems not working. I am just pasting it. <script type="text/javascript">//---------------------------------- //NUMBER OF QUESTIONS IN YOUR SURVEY var numQs = 3; //---------------------------------- //inArray function - thankyou Array.prototype.inArray = function ( search_phrase ) { for( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { if( search_phrase == this[i] ) { return i; } } return false; } //get TDs and hide all the questions and answers var strX = document.getElementsByTagName("td"); var QAsetno = 1; //var for sequential question numbers for(var i = 0; i < strX.length; i++) { if(strX[i].className == "ms-formlabel") { strX[i].id = "question"+QAsetno; document.getElementById(strX[i].id).style.display = 'none'; i++; if (strX[i].className == "ms-formbodysurvey") { strX[i].id = "answerset"+QAsetno; document.getElementById(strX[i].id).style.display = 'none'; } QAsetno++; } } QAsetno--; var proposedQno; var randQno=new Array();for(var x = 1; x <= numQs; x++) { //propose a random number and check if it has been used do { proposedQno = Math.ceil(Math.random()*QAsetno); } while (randQno.inArray(proposedQno)!=false); //at this point, the proposedQno will be unique so we can add it to the list of used numbers randQno[x] = proposedQno;//make the Q&A visible using the unique proposedQno document.getElementById("question"+proposedQno).style.display = ''; document.getElementById("answerset"+proposedQno).style.display = ''; } </script>

  • Anonymous
    October 21, 2013
    In the final section I am not getting the grade correctly

  • Anonymous
    November 22, 2013
    Fantastic walkthrough, it answered all the questions the ootb survey list could not.

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2014
    If you turn off paging and set it to "Display all items" in Designer 2010, the HowManyCorrect formula will then calculate more than the default first 10 answers.

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2014
    If you turn off paging and set it to "Display all items" in Designer 2010, the HowManyCorrect formula will then calculate more than the default first 10 answers.

  • Anonymous
    February 05, 2014
    Has anyone found a way to disable the submit button until an answer has been selected?

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2014
    Mon - can you share the details of the workflows you created in getting the results on a list with the pass/fail/score? Haven't looked at disabling the submit button per your last post unfortunately. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2014
    has anyone found a solution to send results to a list

  • Anonymous
    March 05, 2014
    No matter what I try I keep getting Your Score 0%, can anyone help me? The 1's & 0's for Mark Answer were correct up until I did the "cut and paste time" it seems like they are not being transferred over in the new code correctly.

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2014
    @Lynn - I believe you have to uncheck the "show as percentage" on the PassMark and leave it as a number only - that should fix it.

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2014
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2014
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 12, 2014
    I take it no one how to pass the results to a list?

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2014
    @Exoben thanks so much! Also I'm having issues in Part 4 how, can I "hide" the fields other than "AnswerGiven"? I tried to set the Tag properties field to false but it then scores all answers even if correct as a "0".

  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2014
    Hi Mike, I've been able to add the results from the ShowResults.aspx page to a new list. I added a new list QuizResults and added a New Item web part of this list on the ShowResults.aspx page . Using web part connections, I passed the quiz results from above webpart to this web part. Using the Save button of this webpart, I submit the item to the list.
    I had to use JavaScript to pass the user score and grade to the QuizResults item.

  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2014
    Also, for the issue which Jab has pointed, to avoid another quiz starting under same session ID, I have refreshed the Default.aspx whenever user starts any quiz by clicking on the Quiz link.

    The quiz link looks like this -

    This opens the quiz in new window and refreshes the default.aspx page thereby updating the timestamp in the Session.

  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2014
    @ Rajni, I am glad you got it to work, can you explain more in detail or ( i can send my email contact if that would be easier). I am pretty new to SPD. It took me some time to figure out where to find the buttons between the two SPD versions (2k7 and 2k10). I would like to get this part figured out. it is one of the last steps i need to accomplish before letting everyone start using it. Makes tracking people/scores easier.

  • Anonymous
    May 12, 2014
    I'm trying to get the "Your Score" recorded into a new list and I can't seem to get it to work. Has anyone been able to get that?

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2014
    I'm using SP 2010 and SPD 2010, i've managed to get everything working, except for the show results page. i can see the Title and PassMark, and i can see all the answers, but when i copy and paste the stuff, it doesn't change my page at all, and there is no table with the results in it. Anyone managed to get this right?

    Any help would be great.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2015
    I know I am a bit late to the party, but hopefully someone is still out there.
    I worked through the code of the Copy and Paste and the site is never getting the table put into it and I cannot figure out why. It shows the final page just like above minus the Your Score, Required Score and Grade areas. Any help would be appreciated, I will continue to work on it, so feel free to email me or just reply to the post, thanks ahead of time. =)

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2015
    Never mind, got it all figured out.
    The fix is simple, the post is a bit misleading. When it says "Delete them all" under the Cut and Paste time is not everything, just locate the section within the Zone 2 (Answers) web-part that is labeled the same as what you are replacing: bunch of code here

    Erase all of that and replace it with the code that is provided in that section. Once I did that the thing worked PERFECTLY.

    I will be working on making a step by step thing for this in OneNote for my use but would not mind sharing if you are having issues. Feel free to email me at and I will go ahead and send you what I have if anything. Please be aware I am using SharePoint 2007, I know nothing about 2010 and any modifications that need to be made to get it to work on 2010.

    Good Luck and THANK YOU for the AWESOME!!! posts. =D

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2015
    How to pass the show results to aspx page pls ellobrate

  • Anonymous
    May 14, 2015
    How to store the result into list pls help me

  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2015
    Hi rajini can you please expain how to store result in to the list

  • Anonymous
    June 24, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2015
    @TrackResult - can you upload some print screens of the workflow or email me at Still trying to figure out the workflow to close the loop on this survey. Thank you.

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2016
    Good morning, I have worked my way through the build of your quiz and it is working great for myself and the other administrators of the site but one user group which has Contribute rights cannot see the Quiz list on the page, only the message "No items to show in this view"

    can you help please?