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IVsCodeWindow Members

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Represents a multiple-document interface (MDI) child that contains one or more code views.

The IVsCodeWindow type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Close Closes the code window.
Public method GetBuffer Returns the buffer used by all views in the code window.
Public method GetEditorCaption Returns the editor caption to which editors can append custom text.
Public method GetLastActiveView Returns the last active view of the code window.
Public method GetPrimaryView Returns the top (or primary) view of a split code window.
Public method GetSecondaryView Returns the bottom (or secondary) view of a split code window.
Public method GetViewClassID Returns the text view class to change or query.
Public method SetBaseEditorCaption Appends custom text to the editor caption
Public method SetBuffer Sets the text buffer for all views in the code window.
Public method SetViewClassID Sets the text view class to change or query.


See Also


IVsCodeWindow Interface

Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop Namespace