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Procédure : travailler avec des événements et programmer la logique métier

Cette rubrique explique comment travailler avec des événements et la logique métier dans Sync Framework. Les exemples de cette rubrique sont axés sur les types et les événements Sync Framework suivants :

Pour plus d'informations sur le mode d'exécution d'un exemple de code, consultez « Exemples d'application dans les rubriques de procédures » dans Programmation des tâches courantes de synchronisation client et serveur.

Fonctionnement des événements de fournisseur de bases de données

Sync Framework fournit de nombreux événements qui exposent des données et des métadonnées que vous pouvez utiliser au cours de la synchronisation. Par exemple, l'objet SchemaCreatedEventArgs fournit un accès à l'objet SyncSchema de chaque table qui a été créée dans la base de données client, ainsi que la connexion et la transaction sur lesquelles le schéma a été créé. Ceci vous permet de modifier le schéma via l'API, dans la même transaction que le fournisseur de synchronisation client.

Le moment auquel un événement est déclenché est approprié à son utilisation, comme vous pouvez le constater dans les exemples suivants :

  • L'événement SchemaCreated est déclenché après la création de chaque table. Ceci est utile si vous devez modifier le schéma d'une table avant la création d'une autre table.

  • Les événements DbServerSyncProvider ApplyingChanges et SqlCeClientSyncProvider ApplyingChanges sont déclenchés avant que les modifications ne soient appliquées à chaque groupe de synchronisation. Vous pouvez ainsi afficher les métadonnées et les modifications d'un groupe de tables liées avant que ces modifications ne soient appliquées.

  • Les événements DbServerSyncProvider ApplyChangeFailed et SqlCeClientSyncProvider ApplyChangeFailed sont déclenchés après chaque échec d'application d'une ligne. Ceci peut se produire en raison d'une erreur ou d'un conflit de données. Ces événements vous permettent de répondre à chaque erreur avant que le traitement ne se poursuive. Il est ainsi possible de limiter le nombre de nouvelles tentatives pour les échecs d'application des modifications.


L'exemple de code présenté dans cette rubrique indique comment répondre à des événements Sync Framework en affichant l'état d'avancement de la synchronisation à l'écran, en consignant les données liées aux événements sur la réussite ou l'échec de l'application des modifications, et en modifiant les données lors de la synchronisation pour appliquer la logique métier. Au lieu de scinder cet exemple en exemples de code, il est plus utile d'exécuter l'exemple de code et de visualiser les données qui sont affichées et consignées pour chaque événement par les classes EventLogger et SampleStatsAndProgress. Toutefois, avant d'exécuter l'exemple de code, nous vous recommandons d'examiner l'exemple de code suivant.

Mise en œuvre de la logique métier durant la synchronisation

Cet exemple présente le contrôle dont vous disposez sur les données au cours de la synchronisation. Il indique comment accéder aux ensembles de modifications avant l'application du code sur le serveur en gérant l'événement ApplyingChanges côté serveur. L'exemple illustre également comment introduire la logique de l'événement côté client. Dans ce cas, une colonne est mise à jour. Vous pouvez toutefois effectuer sans difficulté une vérification d'inventaire, ou tout autre logique métier nécessaire à une application, avant la validation des modifications sur le serveur ou le client. Pour obtenir des exemples illustrant comment procéder lorsque des conflits de données se produisent, consultez Procédure : gérer les conflits de données et les erreurs.

private void SampleServerSyncProvider_ApplyingChanges(object sender, ApplyingChangesEventArgs e)
    DataTable customerDataTable = e.Changes.Tables["Customer"];
    for (int i = 0; i < customerDataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
        if (customerDataTable.Rows[i].RowState == DataRowState.Added
            && customerDataTable.Rows[i]["CustomerType"] == "Wholesale")
            customerDataTable.Rows[i]["CustomerType"] = "Wholesale (from mobile sales)";
Private Sub SampleServerSyncProvider_ApplyingChanges(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ApplyingChangesEventArgs)
    Dim customerDataTable As DataTable = e.Changes.Tables("Customer")

    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To customerDataTable.Rows.Count - 1
        If customerDataTable.Rows(i).RowState = DataRowState.Added _
            AndAlso customerDataTable.Rows(i)("CustomerType") = "Wholesale" Then
            customerDataTable.Rows(i)("CustomerType") = "Wholesale (from mobile sales)"
        End If
    Next i

End Sub

Exemple de code complet

L'exemple de code complet ci-dessous nécessite la classe Utility qui est disponible dans Classe d'utilitaire pour les rubriques de procédures sur le fournisseur de bases de données.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
using Microsoft.Synchronization;
using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data;
using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server;
using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServerCe;

namespace Microsoft.Samples.Synchronization
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            //The SampleStatsAndProgress class handles information from the 
            //SyncStatistics object that the Synchronize method returns and
            //from SyncAgent events.
            SampleStatsAndProgress sampleStats = new SampleStatsAndProgress();

            //Request a password for the client database, and delete
            //and re-create the database. The client synchronization
            //provider also enables you to create the client database 
            //if it does not exist.
            Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeClientSync, true);

            //Initial synchronization. Instantiate the SyncAgent
            //and call Synchronize.
            SampleSyncAgent sampleSyncAgent = new SampleSyncAgent();
            SyncStatistics syncStatistics = sampleSyncAgent.Synchronize();
            sampleStats.DisplayStats(syncStatistics, "initial");

            //Make changes on the server and client.

            //Subsequent synchronization.
            syncStatistics = sampleSyncAgent.Synchronize();
            sampleStats.DisplayStats(syncStatistics, "subsequent");

            //Make a change at the client that fails when it is
            //applied at the server.

            //Subsequent synchronization.
            syncStatistics = sampleSyncAgent.Synchronize();
            sampleStats.DisplayStats(syncStatistics, "subsequent");

            //Return server data back to its original state.

            Console.Write("\nPress Enter to close the window.");

    //Create a class that is derived from 
    public class SampleSyncAgent : SyncAgent
        public SampleSyncAgent()
            //Instantiate a client synchronization provider and specify it
            //as the local provider for this synchronization agent.
            this.LocalProvider = new SampleClientSyncProvider();

            //Instantiate a server synchronization provider and specify it
            //as the remote provider for this synchronization agent.
            this.RemoteProvider = new SampleServerSyncProvider();

            //Create two SyncGroups so that changes to OrderHeader
            //and OrderDetail are made in one transaction. Depending on
            //application requirements, you might include Customer
            //in the same group.
            SyncGroup customerSyncGroup = new SyncGroup("Customer");
            SyncGroup orderSyncGroup = new SyncGroup("Order");

            //Add each table: specify a synchronization direction of
            SyncTable customerSyncTable = new SyncTable("Customer");
            customerSyncTable.CreationOption = TableCreationOption.DropExistingOrCreateNewTable;
            customerSyncTable.SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional;
            customerSyncTable.SyncGroup = customerSyncGroup;

            SyncTable orderHeaderSyncTable = new SyncTable("OrderHeader");
            orderHeaderSyncTable.CreationOption = TableCreationOption.DropExistingOrCreateNewTable;
            orderHeaderSyncTable.SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional;
            orderHeaderSyncTable.SyncGroup = orderSyncGroup;

            SyncTable orderDetailSyncTable = new SyncTable("OrderDetail");
            orderDetailSyncTable.CreationOption = TableCreationOption.DropExistingOrCreateNewTable;
            orderDetailSyncTable.SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional;
            orderDetailSyncTable.SyncGroup = orderSyncGroup;

            //Handle the StateChanged and SessionProgress events, and
            //display information to the console.
            SampleStatsAndProgress sampleStats = new SampleStatsAndProgress();
            this.StateChanged += new EventHandler<SessionStateChangedEventArgs>(sampleStats.DisplaySessionProgress);
            this.SessionProgress += new EventHandler<SessionProgressEventArgs>(sampleStats.DisplaySessionProgress);


    //Create a class that is derived from 
    public class SampleServerSyncProvider : DbServerSyncProvider
        public SampleServerSyncProvider()
            //Create a connection to the sample server database.
            Utility util = new Utility();
            SqlConnection serverConn = new SqlConnection(Utility.ConnStr_DbServerSync);
            this.Connection = serverConn;

            //Create a command to retrieve a new anchor value from
            //the server. In this case, we use a timestamp value
            //that is retrieved and stored in the client database.
            //During each synchronization, the new anchor value and
            //the last anchor value from the previous synchronization
            //are used: the set of changes between these upper and
            //lower bounds is synchronized.
            //SyncSession.SyncNewReceivedAnchor is a string constant; 
            //you could also use @sync_new_received_anchor directly in 
            //your queries.
            SqlCommand selectNewAnchorCommand = new SqlCommand();
            string newAnchorVariable = "@" + SyncSession.SyncNewReceivedAnchor;
            selectNewAnchorCommand.CommandText = "SELECT " + newAnchorVariable + " = min_active_rowversion() - 1";
            selectNewAnchorCommand.Parameters.Add(newAnchorVariable, SqlDbType.Timestamp);
            selectNewAnchorCommand.Parameters[newAnchorVariable].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
            selectNewAnchorCommand.Connection = serverConn;
            this.SelectNewAnchorCommand = selectNewAnchorCommand;

            //Create SyncAdapters for each table by using the SqlSyncAdapterBuilder:
            //  * Specify the base table and tombstone table names.
            //  * Specify the columns that are used to track when
            //    and where changes are made.
            //  * Specify bidirectional synchronization.
            //  * Call ToSyncAdapter to create the SyncAdapter.
            //  * Specify a name for the SyncAdapter that matches the
            //    the name specified for the corresponding SyncTable.
            //    Do not include the schema names (Sales in this case).

            //Customer table
            SqlSyncAdapterBuilder customerBuilder = new SqlSyncAdapterBuilder(serverConn);

            customerBuilder.TableName = "Sales.Customer";
            customerBuilder.TombstoneTableName = customerBuilder.TableName + "_Tombstone";
            customerBuilder.SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional;
            customerBuilder.CreationTrackingColumn = "InsertTimestamp";
            customerBuilder.UpdateTrackingColumn = "UpdateTimestamp";
            customerBuilder.DeletionTrackingColumn = "DeleteTimestamp";
            customerBuilder.CreationOriginatorIdColumn = "InsertId";
            customerBuilder.UpdateOriginatorIdColumn = "UpdateId";
            customerBuilder.DeletionOriginatorIdColumn = "DeleteId";

            SyncAdapter customerSyncAdapter = customerBuilder.ToSyncAdapter();
            customerSyncAdapter.TableName = "Customer";

            //OrderHeader table.
            SqlSyncAdapterBuilder orderHeaderBuilder = new SqlSyncAdapterBuilder(serverConn);

            orderHeaderBuilder.TableName = "Sales.OrderHeader";
            orderHeaderBuilder.TombstoneTableName = orderHeaderBuilder.TableName + "_Tombstone";
            orderHeaderBuilder.SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional;
            orderHeaderBuilder.CreationTrackingColumn = "InsertTimestamp";
            orderHeaderBuilder.UpdateTrackingColumn = "UpdateTimestamp";
            orderHeaderBuilder.DeletionTrackingColumn = "DeleteTimestamp";
            orderHeaderBuilder.CreationOriginatorIdColumn = "InsertId";
            orderHeaderBuilder.UpdateOriginatorIdColumn = "UpdateId";
            orderHeaderBuilder.DeletionOriginatorIdColumn = "DeleteId";

            SyncAdapter orderHeaderSyncAdapter = orderHeaderBuilder.ToSyncAdapter();
            orderHeaderSyncAdapter.TableName = "OrderHeader";

            //OrderDetail table.
            SqlSyncAdapterBuilder orderDetailBuilder = new SqlSyncAdapterBuilder(serverConn);

            orderDetailBuilder.TableName = "Sales.OrderDetail";
            orderDetailBuilder.TombstoneTableName = orderDetailBuilder.TableName + "_Tombstone";
            orderDetailBuilder.SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional;
            orderDetailBuilder.CreationTrackingColumn = "InsertTimestamp";
            orderDetailBuilder.UpdateTrackingColumn = "UpdateTimestamp";
            orderDetailBuilder.DeletionTrackingColumn = "DeleteTimestamp";
            orderDetailBuilder.CreationOriginatorIdColumn = "InsertId";
            orderDetailBuilder.UpdateOriginatorIdColumn = "UpdateId";
            orderDetailBuilder.DeletionOriginatorIdColumn = "DeleteId";

            SyncAdapter orderDetailSyncAdapter = orderDetailBuilder.ToSyncAdapter();
            orderDetailSyncAdapter.TableName = "OrderDetail";

            //Log information for the following events.
            this.ChangesSelected += new EventHandler<ChangesSelectedEventArgs>(EventLogger.LogEvents);
            this.ChangesApplied += new EventHandler<ChangesAppliedEventArgs>(EventLogger.LogEvents);
            this.ApplyChangeFailed += new EventHandler<ApplyChangeFailedEventArgs>(EventLogger.LogEvents);
            //Handle the ApplyingChanges event so that we can
            //make changes to the dataset.
            this.ApplyingChanges += new EventHandler<ApplyingChangesEventArgs>(SampleServerSyncProvider_ApplyingChanges);
        //Look for inserted rows in the dataset that have a CustomerType
        //of Wholesale and update these rows. With access to the dataset,
        //you can write any business logic that your application requires.
        private void SampleServerSyncProvider_ApplyingChanges(object sender, ApplyingChangesEventArgs e)
            DataTable customerDataTable = e.Changes.Tables["Customer"];
            for (int i = 0; i < customerDataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (customerDataTable.Rows[i].RowState == DataRowState.Added
                    && customerDataTable.Rows[i]["CustomerType"] == "Wholesale")
                    customerDataTable.Rows[i]["CustomerType"] = "Wholesale (from mobile sales)";

    //Create a class that is derived from 
    //You can just instantiate the provider directly and associate it
    //with the SyncAgent, but here we use this class to handle client 
    //provider events.
    public class SampleClientSyncProvider : SqlCeClientSyncProvider

        public SampleClientSyncProvider()
            //Specify a connection string for the sample client database.
            Utility util = new Utility();
            this.ConnectionString = Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeClientSync;

            //Log information for the following events.
            this.SchemaCreated += new EventHandler<SchemaCreatedEventArgs>(EventLogger.LogEvents);
            this.ChangesSelected += new EventHandler<ChangesSelectedEventArgs>(EventLogger.LogEvents);
            this.ChangesApplied += new EventHandler<ChangesAppliedEventArgs>(EventLogger.LogEvents);
            this.ApplyChangeFailed += new EventHandler<ApplyChangeFailedEventArgs>(EventLogger.LogEvents);
            //Use the following events to fix up schema on the client.
            //We use the CreatingSchema event to change the schema
            //by using the API. We use the SchemaCreated event 
            //to change the schema by using SQL.
            //Note that both schema events fire for the Customer table,
            //even though we already created the table. This allows us
            //to work with the table at this point if we have to.
            this.CreatingSchema += new EventHandler<CreatingSchemaEventArgs>(SampleClientSyncProvider_CreatingSchema);
            this.SchemaCreated += new EventHandler<SchemaCreatedEventArgs>(SampleClientSyncProvider_SchemaCreated);


        private void SampleClientSyncProvider_CreatingSchema(object sender, CreatingSchemaEventArgs e)

            string tableName = e.Table.TableName;

            if (tableName == "Customer")
                //Set the RowGuid property because it is not copied
                //to the client by default. This is also a good time
                //to specify literal defaults with .Columns[ColName].DefaultValue,
                //but we will specify defaults like NEWID() by calling
                //ALTER TABLE after the table is created.
                e.Schema.Tables["Customer"].Columns["CustomerId"].RowGuid = true;

            if (tableName == "OrderHeader")
                e.Schema.Tables["OrderHeader"].Columns["OrderId"].RowGuid = true;

        private void SampleClientSyncProvider_SchemaCreated(object sender, SchemaCreatedEventArgs e)
            string tableName = e.Table.TableName;
            Utility util = new Utility();

            //Call ALTER TABLE on the client. This must be done
            //over the same connection and within the same
            //transaction that Sync Framework uses
            //to create the schema on the client.
            if (tableName == "Customer")
                Utility.MakeSchemaChangesOnClient(e.Connection, e.Transaction, "Customer");                
            if (tableName == "OrderHeader")
                Utility.MakeSchemaChangesOnClient(e.Connection, e.Transaction, "OrderHeader");                

            if (tableName == "OrderDetail")
                Utility.MakeSchemaChangesOnClient(e.Connection, e.Transaction, "OrderDetail");                

    //Handle SyncAgent events and the statistics that are returned by the SyncAgent.
    public class SampleStatsAndProgress
        public void DisplayStats(SyncStatistics syncStatistics, string syncType)
            if (syncType == "initial")
                Console.WriteLine("****** Initial Synchronization Stats ******");
            else if (syncType == "subsequent")
                Console.WriteLine("***** Subsequent Synchronization Stats ****");
            Console.WriteLine("Start Time: " + syncStatistics.SyncStartTime);
            Console.WriteLine("Upload Changes Applied: " + syncStatistics.UploadChangesApplied);
            Console.WriteLine("Upload Changes Failed: " + syncStatistics.UploadChangesFailed);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Changes Uploaded: " + syncStatistics.TotalChangesUploaded);
            Console.WriteLine("Download Changes Applied: " + syncStatistics.DownloadChangesApplied);
            Console.WriteLine("Download Changes Failed: " + syncStatistics.DownloadChangesFailed);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Changes Downloaded: " + syncStatistics.TotalChangesDownloaded);
            Console.WriteLine("Complete Time: " + syncStatistics.SyncCompleteTime);

        public void DisplaySessionProgress(object sender, EventArgs e)

            StringBuilder outputText = new StringBuilder();

            if (e is SessionStateChangedEventArgs)

                SessionStateChangedEventArgs args = (SessionStateChangedEventArgs)e;

                if (args.SessionState == SyncSessionState.Synchronizing)
                    outputText.Append("** SyncAgent is synchronizing");

                    outputText.Append("** SyncAgent is ready to synchronize");

            else if (e is SessionProgressEventArgs)
                SessionProgressEventArgs args = (SessionProgressEventArgs)e;
                outputText.Append("Percent complete: " + args.PercentCompleted + " (" + args.SyncStage + ")");

                outputText.AppendLine("Unknown event occurred");


    public class EventLogger
        //Create client and server log files, and write to them
        //based on data from several EventArgs classes.
        public static void LogEvents(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string logFile = String.Empty;
            string site = String.Empty;

            if (sender is SampleServerSyncProvider)
                logFile = "ServerLogFile.txt";
                site = "server";
            else if (sender is SampleClientSyncProvider)
                logFile = "ClientLogFile.txt";
                site = "client";

            StreamWriter streamWriter = File.AppendText(logFile);
            StringBuilder outputText = new StringBuilder();

            if (e is ChangesSelectedEventArgs)
                ChangesSelectedEventArgs args = (ChangesSelectedEventArgs)e;
                outputText.AppendLine("Client ID: " + args.Session.ClientId);                
                outputText.AppendLine("Changes selected from " + site + " for group " + args.GroupMetadata.GroupName);
                outputText.AppendLine("Inserts selected from " + site + " for group: " + args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalInserts.ToString());
                outputText.AppendLine("Updates selected from " + site + " for group: " + args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalUpdates.ToString());
                outputText.AppendLine("Deletes selected from " + site + " for group: " + args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalDeletes.ToString());

            else if (e is ChangesAppliedEventArgs)
                ChangesAppliedEventArgs args = (ChangesAppliedEventArgs)e;
                outputText.AppendLine("Client ID: " + args.Session.ClientId);                
                outputText.AppendLine("Changes applied to " + site + " for group " + args.GroupMetadata.GroupName);
                outputText.AppendLine("Inserts applied to " + site + " for group: " + args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalInserts.ToString());
                outputText.AppendLine("Updates applied to " + site + " for group: " + args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalUpdates.ToString());
                outputText.AppendLine("Deletes applied to " + site + " for group: " + args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalDeletes.ToString());

            else if (e is SchemaCreatedEventArgs)
                SchemaCreatedEventArgs args = (SchemaCreatedEventArgs)e;
                outputText.AppendLine("Schema creation for group: " + args.Table.SyncGroup.GroupName);
                outputText.AppendLine("Table: " + args.Table.TableName);
                outputText.AppendLine("Direction : " + args.Table.SyncDirection);
                outputText.AppendLine("Creation Option: " + args.Table.CreationOption);

            else if (e is ApplyChangeFailedEventArgs)

                ApplyChangeFailedEventArgs args = (ApplyChangeFailedEventArgs)e;
                outputText.AppendLine("** APPLY CHANGE FAILURE AT " + site.ToUpper() + " **");
                outputText.AppendLine("Table for which failure occurred: " + args.TableMetadata.TableName);
                outputText.AppendLine("Error message: " + args.Error.Message);

                outputText.AppendLine("Unknown event occurred");
            streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " | " + outputText.ToString());
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe
Imports Microsoft.Synchronization
Imports Microsoft.Synchronization.Data
Imports Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server
Imports Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServerCe

Class Program

    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)

        'The SampleStatsAndProgress class handles information from the 
        'SyncStatistics object that the Synchronize method returns and
        'from SyncAgent events.
        Dim sampleStats As New SampleStatsAndProgress()

        'Request a password for the client database, and delete
        'and re-create the database. The client synchronization
        'provider also enables you to create the client database 
        'if it does not exist.
        Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeClientSync, True)

        'Initial synchronization. Instantiate the SyncAgent
        'and call Synchronize.
        Dim sampleSyncAgent As New SampleSyncAgent()
        Dim syncStatistics As SyncStatistics = sampleSyncAgent.Synchronize()
        sampleStats.DisplayStats(syncStatistics, "initial")

        'Make changes on the server and client.

        'Subsequent synchronization.
        syncStatistics = sampleSyncAgent.Synchronize()
        sampleStats.DisplayStats(syncStatistics, "subsequent")

        'Make a change at the client that fails when it is
        'applied at the server.

        'Subsequent synchronization.
        syncStatistics = sampleSyncAgent.Synchronize()
        sampleStats.DisplayStats(syncStatistics, "subsequent")

        'Return server data back to its original state.

        Console.Write(vbLf + "Press Enter to close the window.")

    End Sub 'Main
End Class 'Program

'Create a class that is derived from 
Public Class SampleSyncAgent
    Inherits SyncAgent

    Public Sub New()
        'Instantiate a client synchronization provider and specify it
        'as the local provider for this synchronization agent.
        Me.LocalProvider = New SampleClientSyncProvider()

        'Instantiate a server synchronization provider and specify it
        'as the remote provider for this synchronization agent.
        Me.RemoteProvider = New SampleServerSyncProvider()

        'Create two SyncGroups so that changes to OrderHeader
        'and OrderDetail are made in one transaction. Depending on
        'application requirements, you might include Customer
        'in the same group.
        Dim customerSyncGroup As New SyncGroup("Customer")
        Dim orderSyncGroup As New SyncGroup("Order")

        'Add each table: specify a synchronization direction of
        Dim customerSyncTable As New SyncTable("Customer")
        customerSyncTable.CreationOption = TableCreationOption.DropExistingOrCreateNewTable
        customerSyncTable.SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional
        customerSyncTable.SyncGroup = customerSyncGroup

        Dim orderHeaderSyncTable As New SyncTable("OrderHeader")
        orderHeaderSyncTable.CreationOption = TableCreationOption.DropExistingOrCreateNewTable
        orderHeaderSyncTable.SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional
        orderHeaderSyncTable.SyncGroup = orderSyncGroup

        Dim orderDetailSyncTable As New SyncTable("OrderDetail")
        orderDetailSyncTable.CreationOption = TableCreationOption.DropExistingOrCreateNewTable
        orderDetailSyncTable.SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional
        orderDetailSyncTable.SyncGroup = orderSyncGroup

        'Handle the StateChanged and SessionProgress events, and
        'display information to the console.
        Dim sampleStats As New SampleStatsAndProgress()
        AddHandler Me.StateChanged, AddressOf sampleStats.DisplaySessionProgress
        AddHandler Me.SessionProgress, AddressOf sampleStats.DisplaySessionProgress

    End Sub 'New 
End Class 'SampleSyncAgent

'Create a class that is derived from 
Public Class SampleServerSyncProvider
    Inherits DbServerSyncProvider

    Public Sub New()
        'Create a connection to the sample server database.
        Dim util As New Utility()
        Dim serverConn As New SqlConnection(Utility.ConnStr_DbServerSync)
        Me.Connection = serverConn

        'Create a command to retrieve a new anchor value from
        'the server. In this case, we use a timestamp value
        'that is retrieved and stored in the client database.
        'During each synchronization, the new anchor value and
        'the last anchor value from the previous synchronization
        'are used: the set of changes between these upper and
        'lower bounds is synchronized.
        'SyncSession.SyncNewReceivedAnchor is a string constant; 
        'you could also use @sync_new_received_anchor directly in 
        'your queries.
        Dim selectNewAnchorCommand As New SqlCommand()
        Dim newAnchorVariable As String = "@" + SyncSession.SyncNewReceivedAnchor
        With selectNewAnchorCommand
            .CommandText = "SELECT " + newAnchorVariable + " = min_active_rowversion() - 1"
            .Parameters.Add(newAnchorVariable, SqlDbType.Timestamp)
            .Parameters(newAnchorVariable).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
            .Connection = serverConn
        End With
        Me.SelectNewAnchorCommand = selectNewAnchorCommand

        'Create SyncAdapters for each table by using the SqlSyncAdapterBuilder:
        '  * Specify the base table and tombstone table names.
        '  * Specify the columns that are used to track when
        '    and where changes are made.
        '  * Specify bidirectional synchronization.
        '  * Call ToSyncAdapter to create the SyncAdapter.
        '  * Specify a name for the SyncAdapter that matches the
        '    the name specified for the corresponding SyncTable.
        '    Do not include the schema names (Sales in this case).

        'Customer table
        Dim customerBuilder As New SqlSyncAdapterBuilder(serverConn)
        With customerBuilder
            .TableName = "Sales.Customer"
            .TombstoneTableName = customerBuilder.TableName + "_Tombstone"
            .SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional
            .CreationTrackingColumn = "InsertTimestamp"
            .UpdateTrackingColumn = "UpdateTimestamp"
            .DeletionTrackingColumn = "DeleteTimestamp"
            .CreationOriginatorIdColumn = "InsertId"
            .UpdateOriginatorIdColumn = "UpdateId"
            .DeletionOriginatorIdColumn = "DeleteId"
        End With

        Dim customerSyncAdapter As SyncAdapter = customerBuilder.ToSyncAdapter()
        customerSyncAdapter.TableName = "Customer"

        'OrderHeader table.
        Dim orderHeaderBuilder As New SqlSyncAdapterBuilder(serverConn)
        With orderHeaderBuilder
            .TableName = "Sales.OrderHeader"
            .TombstoneTableName = orderHeaderBuilder.TableName + "_Tombstone"
            .SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional
            .CreationTrackingColumn = "InsertTimestamp"
            .UpdateTrackingColumn = "UpdateTimestamp"
            .DeletionTrackingColumn = "DeleteTimestamp"
            .CreationOriginatorIdColumn = "InsertId"
            .UpdateOriginatorIdColumn = "UpdateId"
            .DeletionOriginatorIdColumn = "DeleteId"
        End With

        Dim orderHeaderSyncAdapter As SyncAdapter = orderHeaderBuilder.ToSyncAdapter()
        orderHeaderSyncAdapter.TableName = "OrderHeader"

        'OrderDetail table.
        Dim orderDetailBuilder As New SqlSyncAdapterBuilder(serverConn)
        With orderDetailBuilder
            .TableName = "Sales.OrderDetail"
            .TombstoneTableName = orderDetailBuilder.TableName + "_Tombstone"
            .SyncDirection = SyncDirection.Bidirectional
            .CreationTrackingColumn = "InsertTimestamp"
            .UpdateTrackingColumn = "UpdateTimestamp"
            .DeletionTrackingColumn = "DeleteTimestamp"
            .CreationOriginatorIdColumn = "InsertId"
            .UpdateOriginatorIdColumn = "UpdateId"
            .DeletionOriginatorIdColumn = "DeleteId"
        End With

        Dim orderDetailSyncAdapter As SyncAdapter = orderDetailBuilder.ToSyncAdapter()
        orderDetailSyncAdapter.TableName = "OrderDetail"

        'Log information for the following events.
        AddHandler Me.ChangesSelected, AddressOf EventLogger.LogEvents
        AddHandler Me.ChangesApplied, AddressOf EventLogger.LogEvents
        AddHandler Me.ApplyChangeFailed, AddressOf EventLogger.LogEvents
        'Handle the ApplyingChanges event so that we can
        'make changes to the dataset.
        AddHandler Me.ApplyingChanges, AddressOf SampleServerSyncProvider_ApplyingChanges

    End Sub 'New

    'Look for inserted rows in the dataset that have a CustomerType
    'of Wholesale and update these rows. With access to the dataset,
    'you can write any business logic that your application requires.
    Private Sub SampleServerSyncProvider_ApplyingChanges(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ApplyingChangesEventArgs)
        Dim customerDataTable As DataTable = e.Changes.Tables("Customer")

        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To customerDataTable.Rows.Count - 1
            If customerDataTable.Rows(i).RowState = DataRowState.Added _
                AndAlso customerDataTable.Rows(i)("CustomerType") = "Wholesale" Then
                customerDataTable.Rows(i)("CustomerType") = "Wholesale (from mobile sales)"
            End If
        Next i

    End Sub
End Class 'SampleServerSyncProvider 

'Create a class that is derived from 
'You can just instantiate the provider directly and associate it
'with the SyncAgent, but here we use this class to handle client 
'provider events.
Public Class SampleClientSyncProvider
    Inherits SqlCeClientSyncProvider

    Public Sub New()
        'Specify a connection string for the sample client database.
        Dim util As New Utility()
        Me.ConnectionString = Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeClientSync

        'Log information for the following events.
        AddHandler Me.SchemaCreated, AddressOf EventLogger.LogEvents
        AddHandler Me.ChangesSelected, AddressOf EventLogger.LogEvents
        AddHandler Me.ChangesApplied, AddressOf EventLogger.LogEvents
        AddHandler Me.ApplyChangeFailed, AddressOf EventLogger.LogEvents

        'Use the following events to fix up schema on the client.
        'We use the CreatingSchema event to change the schema
        'by using the API. We use the SchemaCreated event 
        'to change the schema by using SQL.
        'Note that both schema events fire for the Customer table,
        'even though we already created the table. This allows us
        'to work with the table at this point if we have to.
        AddHandler Me.CreatingSchema, AddressOf SampleClientSyncProvider_CreatingSchema
        AddHandler Me.SchemaCreated, AddressOf SampleClientSyncProvider_SchemaCreated

    End Sub 'New

    Private Sub SampleClientSyncProvider_CreatingSchema(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CreatingSchemaEventArgs)

        Dim tableName As String = e.Table.TableName

        If tableName = "Customer" Then
            'Set the RowGuid property because it is not copied
            'to the client by default. This is also a good time
            'to specify literal defaults with .Columns[ColName].DefaultValue,
            'but we will specify defaults like NEWID() by calling
            'ALTER TABLE after the table is created.
            e.Schema.Tables("Customer").Columns("CustomerId").RowGuid = True
        End If

        If tableName = "OrderHeader" Then
            e.Schema.Tables("OrderHeader").Columns("OrderId").RowGuid = True
        End If

    End Sub 'SampleClientSyncProvider_CreatingSchema

    Private Sub SampleClientSyncProvider_SchemaCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SchemaCreatedEventArgs)
        Dim tableName As String = e.Table.TableName
        Dim util As New Utility()

        'Call ALTER TABLE on the client. This must be done
        'over the same connection and within the same
        'transaction that Sync Framework uses
        'to create the schema on the client.
        If tableName = "Customer" Then
            Utility.MakeSchemaChangesOnClient(e.Connection, e.Transaction, "Customer")
        End If

        If tableName = "OrderHeader" Then
            Utility.MakeSchemaChangesOnClient(e.Connection, e.Transaction, "OrderHeader")
        End If

        If tableName = "OrderDetail" Then
            Utility.MakeSchemaChangesOnClient(e.Connection, e.Transaction, "OrderDetail")
        End If

    End Sub 'SampleClientSyncProvider_SchemaCreated
End Class 'SampleClientSyncProvider

'Handle SyncAgent events and the statistics that are returned by the SyncAgent.
Public Class SampleStatsAndProgress

    Public Sub DisplayStats(ByVal syncStatistics As SyncStatistics, ByVal syncType As String)
        If syncType = "initial" Then
            Console.WriteLine("****** Initial Synchronization Stats ******")
        ElseIf syncType = "subsequent" Then
            Console.WriteLine("***** Subsequent Synchronization Stats ****")
        End If

        Console.WriteLine("Start Time: " & syncStatistics.SyncStartTime)
        Console.WriteLine("Upload Changes Applied: " & syncStatistics.UploadChangesApplied)
        Console.WriteLine("Upload Changes Failed: " & syncStatistics.UploadChangesFailed)
        Console.WriteLine("Total Changes Uploaded: " & syncStatistics.TotalChangesUploaded)
        Console.WriteLine("Download Changes Applied: " & syncStatistics.DownloadChangesApplied)
        Console.WriteLine("Download Changes Failed: " & syncStatistics.DownloadChangesFailed)
        Console.WriteLine("Total Changes Downloaded: " & syncStatistics.TotalChangesDownloaded)
        Console.WriteLine("Complete Time: " & syncStatistics.SyncCompleteTime)

    End Sub 'DisplayStats

    Public Sub DisplaySessionProgress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

        Dim outputText As New StringBuilder()

        If TypeOf e Is SessionStateChangedEventArgs Then

            Dim args As SessionStateChangedEventArgs = CType(e, SessionStateChangedEventArgs)

            If args.SessionState = SyncSessionState.Synchronizing Then
                outputText.Append("** SyncAgent is synchronizing")

                outputText.Append("** SyncAgent is ready to synchronize")
            End If

        ElseIf TypeOf e Is SessionProgressEventArgs Then
            Dim args As SessionProgressEventArgs = CType(e, SessionProgressEventArgs)
            outputText.Append("Percent complete: " & args.PercentCompleted & " (" & args.SyncStage.ToString() & ")")

            outputText.AppendLine("Unknown event occurred")
        End If


    End Sub 'DisplaySessionProgress
End Class 'SampleStatsAndProgress

Public Class EventLogger
    'Create client and server log files, and write to them
    'based on data from several EventArgs classes.
    Public Shared Sub LogEvents(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim logFile As String = String.Empty
        Dim site As String = String.Empty

        If TypeOf sender Is SampleServerSyncProvider Then
            logFile = "ServerLogFile.txt"
            site = "server"
        ElseIf TypeOf sender Is SampleClientSyncProvider Then
            logFile = "ClientLogFile.txt"
            site = "client"
        End If

        Dim streamWriter As StreamWriter = File.AppendText(logFile)
        Dim outputText As New StringBuilder()

        If TypeOf e Is ChangesSelectedEventArgs Then

            Dim args As ChangesSelectedEventArgs = CType(e, ChangesSelectedEventArgs)
            outputText.AppendLine("Client ID: " & args.Session.ClientId.ToString())
            outputText.AppendLine("Changes selected from " & site & " for group " & args.GroupMetadata.GroupName)
            outputText.AppendLine("Inserts selected from " & site & " for group: " & args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalInserts.ToString())
            outputText.AppendLine("Updates selected from " & site & " for group: " & args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalUpdates.ToString())
            outputText.AppendLine("Deletes selected from " & site & " for group: " & args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalDeletes.ToString())            

        ElseIf TypeOf e Is ChangesAppliedEventArgs Then

            Dim args As ChangesAppliedEventArgs = CType(e, ChangesAppliedEventArgs)
            outputText.AppendLine("Client ID: " & args.Session.ClientId.ToString())
            outputText.AppendLine("Changes applied to " & site & " for group " & args.GroupMetadata.GroupName)
            outputText.AppendLine("Inserts applied to " & site & " for group: " & args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalInserts.ToString())
            outputText.AppendLine("Updates applied to " & site & " for group: " & args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalUpdates.ToString())
            outputText.AppendLine("Deletes applied to " & site & " for group: " & args.Context.GroupProgress.TotalDeletes.ToString())

        ElseIf TypeOf e Is SchemaCreatedEventArgs Then

            Dim args As SchemaCreatedEventArgs = CType(e, SchemaCreatedEventArgs)
            outputText.AppendLine("Schema creation for group: " & args.Table.SyncGroup.GroupName)
            outputText.AppendLine("Table: " & args.Table.TableName)
            outputText.AppendLine("Direction : " & args.Table.SyncDirection)
            outputText.AppendLine("Creation Option: " & args.Table.CreationOption)

        ElseIf TypeOf e Is ApplyChangeFailedEventArgs Then

            Dim args As ApplyChangeFailedEventArgs = CType(e, ApplyChangeFailedEventArgs)
            outputText.AppendLine("** APPLY CHANGE FAILURE AT " & site.ToUpper() & " **")
            outputText.AppendLine("Table for which failure occurred: " & args.TableMetadata.TableName)
            outputText.AppendLine("Error message: " & args.Error.Message)

            outputText.AppendLine("Unknown event occurred")
        End If

        streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + " | " + outputText.ToString())

    End Sub 'LogEvents
End Class 'EventLogger

Voir aussi


Programmation des tâches courantes de synchronisation client et serveur