Partager via

CreateMeetingRequest Element

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Creates a meeting by sending a request to a conference center.


    name = "string"
    maxUsers = "decimal"
    partialSuccessOK = "True" | "False"
    startTime = "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ"
    title = "string">

The following sections describe attributes, parent elements, and child elements.





string type. Length range 1–32 characters.

The name must be unique among all meetings for this conference center. Use ASCII characters to specify. This attribute is optional. The system auto-generates a value when the meeting name is not specified in the request.


decimal type. Value range 1 to 231-1.

Indicates the number of seats to reserve for this meeting. This number is checked according to the rules for license limits. This number is also used to size the seating chart.


Boolean type. Value range [True | False].

If True, CreateMeeting succeeds when the entry control is specified as ACL and at least one of the invitees in all the invitee lists is a valid Live Meeting user.


Represents a date and time in (ISO 8601 extended) UTC format.

The scheduled start time for the meeting before adjustment by the startTimeOffset option specified in the CreateMeetingRequest options. New API client software should instead use the startTime option specified in the options for CreateMeetingRequest Element. The startTime attribute and the startTime option are mutually exclusive; do not send both. If both this attribute and the startTime option are omitted, the default is the current time.


string type. Length range 1–255 characters.

Provides a descriptive string name for the meeting.

Element Information

Any child elements, if present, must be in the order shown in the Child Elements table.

Parent Element



PlaceWareConfCenter Element


Child Elements



StringQuery Element

0 or 1

OptionList Element


FieldList Element



If a StringQuery is present, its field name must be personalPlaceOf. The meeting is created in the personal place of the organizer whose authentication credentials (either authUser/authPassword or authTicket, depending on the usage context) are provided in the parent PlaceWareConfCenter element and whose user ID is given in the StringQuery. The request fails if there is already a meeting in the personal place of the given organizer.

If you use a new option in a previous version of Live Meeting, an error message is returned.

If you use both the startTime attribute and option, the meeting is created using the OptionList startTime value.

Child Elements

The OptionList Element child element specifies parameters to be set on the meeting that is being requested. The following options describe supported meeting parameters.

For a list of options that can appear in the OptionList and FieldList child elements, see the following tables.

Read-write meeting options are listed in Table 1. Meeting options that are read-only are listed in Table 2. You can request the values to be returned in the reply to the CreateMeetingRequest by listing them in the FieldList Element element.


The tag option values assigned by a client must not be in the following list of values reserved by Live Meeting: "LRS", "RPD", "OLK" or any value beginning with"_" other than "_EA". "_EA" is only used in the case where the client is creating Easy Assist Sessions.

Table 1: Read-Write Meeting Options




BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the Chat feature for a meeting.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the ability for meeting participants to request control for application sharing.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the ability for participants to send e-mail to each other during a meeting.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [16bitColor | 24bitColor | 256Color | 16shadeGray | 256shadeGray].

Contains the color settings for application sharing.


ApplicationSharingOption Element.

The default value of this option is the organizer's applicationSharingPreference option.

Represents the options for sharing an application in a meeting.


StringListOption Element.

Contains a list of members who are authorized to join a meeting as audience participants. If you send this option, the list cannot be empty.

There is no limit to the number of user IDs that you can list. Each user ID cannot exceed 64 ASCII characters.

This option and the audienceList, audienceListEmail, and audiencePassword options are mutually exclusive; do not send audienceACL and one of these other options.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 0–999.

Contains the height of the custom frame for audience consoles, in pixels. If the enableCustomFrames option value is True, either this option or the presenterCustomFrameHt option is required.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

Specifies the URL that identifies the contents of the custom frame for audience consoles. If the enableCustomFrames option value is True, either this option or the presenterCustomFrameURL option is required. Use ASCII characters to specify.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [ACL | None | Password].

Specifies how meeting attendees can join a meeting.


StringListOption Element.

audienceListEmail is populated with the e-mail addresses of the users in the audienceList. There is no limit to the number of user IDs that you can list. Each user ID cannot exceed 64 ASCII characters.

This option and the audienceACL and audienceListEmail options are mutually exclusive; do not send audienceList and one of these other options.


StringListOption Element.

audienceList is populated with the user IDs of the users in the audienceListEmail.

It can be used instead of audienceACL to populate the ACL list if audienceEntryControl is set to ACL.

Use ASCII characters to specify. There is no limit to the number of e-mail addresses that you can list. Each address cannot exceed 255 ASCII characters.

This option and the audienceACL and audienceList options are mutually exclusive; do not send audienceListEmail and one of these other options.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–64 characters.

Contains the audience password. This option and the audienceACL option are mutually exclusive; do not send both. If neither this option nor the audienceACL option is present, the conference center generates a new random password. If you really want a meeting with no password, use ModifyMeeting to remove the password. You must use ASCII characters to specify the password.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the CALLME feature, which automatically phones users when a meeting starts.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–2000 characters.

Specifies the name of the default audio provider for a meeting.

The string specified for this option must be one of the audio providers from the options located in the (Administer -> RolesandPolicies -> Audio / Video -> ConferenceProvider) Web page in Live Meeting Manager.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–256 characters.

Lists the numbers to append to the audio/phone number when dialing. This string does not allow alphabetic characters. The following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#," and "p". Comma and p indicate a pause of one second.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–256 characters.

Lists the numbers to precede the audio/phone number when dialing. This string does not allow alphabetic characters. The following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#," and "p". Comma and p indicate a pause of one second.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the Join Conference features of the Live Meeting client for a meeting.

Setting this value to True enables PSTN capability for meeting audio. The details of the associated audio bridge should be specified in the meeting options for the associated meeting. If a certified Audio Conference Provider is specified, call control features like call me will be available in the meeting.

This setting may be enabled in conjunction with enableAudioVoip to create a hybrid voip and PSTN meeting.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–32 characters.

Specifies the leader code used by the conference call audio service. The following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#," and "p". Comma and p indicate a pause of one second.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–32 characters.

Specifies the participant code used by the conference call audio service. The following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#," and "p". Comma and p indicate a pause of one second.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–16 characters.

Specifies the city code of the audio/phone number for the meeting. This string does not allow alphabetic characters. Only the following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#".


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

Specifies the country code of the audio/phone number for the meeting. This string does not allow alphabetic characters. Only the following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#".


StringOption Element. Length range 0–16 characters.

Specifies the city code of the audio/phone number for the toll-free meeting number. This string does not allow alphabetic characters. Only the following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#".


StringOption Element. Length range 1–254 characters.

Specifies the country code of the audio/phone number for the toll-free meeting number. This string does not allow alphabetic characters. Only the following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#".


StringOption Element. Length range 1–48 characters.

The toll-free audio/phone number for the meeting. This string does not allow alphabetic characters. Only the following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#".


StringOption Element. Length range 1–48 characters.

Specifies the toll audio/phone number for the meeting. This string does not allow alphabetic characters. Only the following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#".


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the name of a billing unit in an organization to which any meeting expenses are billed. The conference center does not interpret this string. The default is the value of the organizer's billing option. A conference center can be configured to permit only users in the Administrator role to set or change this option.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the deletion of the meeting and its content, according to the values for the deleteContentTimeAmount and deleteContentTimeType options.

If the meeting expiration policy for the account is enabled, the meeting organizer cannot set the deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds option to False for this meeting. The account policies can only be set from the Live Meeting Manager (Administer->Roles and Policies->Edit Meeting Policies->Meeting or Recording Expiration). Therefore, if you try to set the option value to False through this element, it is automatically changed to True and the related deleteContentTimeAmount and deleteContentTimeType options is set to the maximum value allowed by the account policies.

If the meeting expiration policy for the account is disabled, the meeting organizer can update the deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds option to True or False.

deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds, deleteContentTimeAmount, and deleteContentTimeType should normally be specified together. When you do not specify the options together, they are specified for you according to the following rules:

  • If you are specifying the value for the first time, the option value is changed to the member default value.

  • If you are attempting to change the value of an option you have set before, the value is changed to the current default value specified in the configuration database.

If neither the member or current default values are present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 1–1440.

Specifies the amount of time to wait before deleting the meeting and its content after it ends. The unit of time is specified in the value of the deleteContentTimeType option.

Usually specified in conjunction with deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds and deleteContentTimeType. If any of these options are not specified in the request, it defaults to the organizer default value in case of meeting creation or to existing values in the configuration database in case of meeting modification. In case the organizer default value or the existing value itself is not present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [minute| hour| day| month].

Specifies the unit of time to wait before deleting the meeting and its content after the meeting ends. The amount of time is specified in the value of the deleteContentTimeAmount option.

Usually specified in conjunction with deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds and deleteContentTimeAmount. If any of these options are not specified in the request, it defaults to the organizer default value in case of meeting creation or to existing values in the configuration database in case of meeting modification. In case the organizer default value or the existing value itself is not present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 1 to 231-1.

Indicates the scheduled duration of the meeting, in seconds. This option and the endTime option are mutually exclusive; do not send both. If both duration and endTime are omitted, the meeting is an ongoing meeting. See also the endTime and isOngoing options in this and the next table.


StringOption ElementLength range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the e-mail address to which an Easy Assist session summary email is to be sent.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables Internet broadcast of a meeting. When True, attendee voice and video are automatically muted when entering the meeting.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, enables VOIP for the meeting. This option, along with the options audioEmbedded and enableAudioBroadcast, determines the audio type for the meeting. There are four choices for the audio type: Telephone Conferencing (PSTN), Computer Conferencing (VOIP), Telephone and Computer Conferencing (PSTN+VOIP), and No Audio. The table Audio Options below shows how the mappings for these options map to the audioType for the meeting.

The account policies can be set in Live Meeting Manager (Administer -> Roles and Policies -> Audio/Video Policies -> Enabling computer audio conferencing).

The new audio option enableAudioVOIP should be specified in conjunction with the existing audio settings audioEmbedded and enableAudioBroadcast. If any of these three are not specified, the defaults for these options are considered in determining the audio type for the meeting.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, enables the Custom Frames feature for a meeting.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the Lobby feature for a meeting.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, enables email notification to presenters when an attendee joins a meeting through the lobby.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

This corresponds to a new meeting option that you can override through the Meeting Options page in Live Meeting Manager under the Personal Recording section on the Meeting Options page. When this option is set to Presenters can record and presenters can allow attendees to record, presenters can set the permissions to allow attendee to create personal recordings. For more information, see personalRecordingPrivilege in CreateUserRequest Element.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

This corresponds to a new User permission that you can override through the Modify Users page in Live Meeting Manager. This option can be set by selecting or clearing the check box under the Personal Recording section on the Create/Modify User page. If the account policy for this option is disabled, the request handler replaces it with the relevant value (which is false). The account policies can be set from the Live Meeting Manager. For more information, see personalRecordingPrivilege in CreateUserRequest Element.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the deletion of this meeting’s recording after it is published, in accordance with the values for the recordingExpirationTimeAmount and recordingExpirationTimeType options.

If the recording expiration policy for the account is enabled, the meeting organizer cannot set the enableRecordingExpiration option to False for this recording. The account policies can only be set from the Live Meeting Manager (Administer->Roles and Policies->Edit Meeting Policies->Meeting or Recording Expiration). Therefore, if you try to set the option value to False through this element, it is automatically changed to True and the related recordingExpirationTimeAmount and recordingExpirationTimeType options are set to the maximum value allowed by the account policies.

If the recording expiration policy for the account is disabled, the meeting organizer can update the enableRecordingExpiration option to either True or False.

enableRecordingExpiration, recordingExpirationTimeAmount, and recordingExpirationTimeType should normally be specified together. When you do not specify the options together, they are specified for you according to the following rules:

  • If you are specifying the value for the first time, the option value is changed to the member default value.

  • If you are attempting to change the value of an option you have set before, the value is changed to the current default value specified in the configuration database.

If neither the member nor current default values are present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, makes the Seating Chart feature available for the meeting.


TimeOption Element. Value range yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ

yyyy = year
mm = month
dd = date
hh = hour
mm = minute
ss = second

Represents a date and time in (ISO 8601 extended) UTC format.

Indicates the scheduled end time for the meeting. The endTime and the duration options are mutually exclusive; do not send both. If both are omitted, the meeting is an ongoing meeting. See also the isOngoing option in the table below and the duration option in this table.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, enables audience members to enter the meeting at any time. If False, enables them to enter only during the period that begins 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting and ends at the scheduled end of the meeting. The default is False.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–256 characters.

Maintained for backwards compatibility but not visible, by default, using the Live Meeting Manager. Use the audioParticipantCode parameter instead of infoA. For more information, see Known Issues.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–256 characters.

Maintained for backwards compatibility, but not visible, by default, using the Live Meeting Manager. Use the audioLeaderCode parameter instead of infoP. For more information, see Known Issues.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [red | blue | yellow | green | purple].

Provides the initial seat color. The default is green.


LocaleOption Element.

Provides the requested locale for the meeting. You can only specify one of the locales supported by the conference center. Specifying an unsupported locale results in an error being returned. The list of locales that a conference center supports can be queried by reading the locales information returned by a GetConferencingServiceData Message request.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

Specifies the physical location of the meeting.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–255 characters.

Specifies the message that appears to users when they enter a lobby before a meeting.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [OneTime | MeetNow | Recurring].

Specifies the type of meeting.

While it is possible to set meetingType to Recurring, it is not currently possible to set the recurrence pattern for a meeting through the API for Live Meeting 2005. You must set the recurrence pattern through the Live Meeting Manager.

In Live Meeting 2007, you can modify the recurrence pattern using the API.

The recurrence parameters are recurrenceRangeStart, recurrenceRangeEnd, meetingStartTime, meetingEndTime, recurrencePatternDaily, and recurrencePatternWeekly. If any of these required parameters are not supplied in the CreateMeeting API, a fault is returned.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Represents the meeting name. The name option can only be used in the FieldList element when creating a meeting. The name option can be used in the OptionList element only when modifying a meeting.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–1023 characters.

Represents a string that the conference center does not interpret. The value cannot be changed using the conference center's user interface. The default is the value of the organizer's opaque1 option.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–1023 characters.

Represents a string that the conference center does not interpret. The value cannot be changed using the conference center's user interface.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–64 characters.

Specifies the path for loading Microsoft PowerPoint® slides at meeting creation time. You must request to use this feature through the normal sales channel for your organization.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–100 characters.

Specifies the title of the preloaded PowerPoint slides. You must request to use this feature through the normal sales channel for your organization.


StringListOption Element.

Specifies the presenter access control list. Each string in the string list is a member of the access control list. If you send this option, the list cannot be empty. There is no limit to the number of user IDs that you can list. Each presenter user ID cannot exceed 64 ASCII characters.

This option and the presenterList, presenterListEmail, and presenterPassword options are mutually exclusive; do not send presenterACL and one of these other options.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 0–999.

Specifies the height of the custom frame for presenter consoles, in pixels. If the enableCustomFrames option value is True, either this option or the audienceCustomFrameHt option is required.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

The URL that identifies the contents of the custom frame for presenter consoles. Use ASCII characters to specify. If the enableCustomFrames option value is True, either this option or the audienceCustomFrameURL option is required.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [ACL | Password].

Specifies how meeting presenters can join a meeting.


StringListOption Element.

presenterListEmail is populated with the e-mail addresses of the users in the presenterList. There is no limit to the number of user IDs that you can list. Each user ID cannot exceed 64 ASCII characters.

This option and the presenterACL and presenterListEmail options are mutually exclusive; do not send presenterList and one of these other options.


StringListOption Element.

presenterList is populated with the user IDs of the users in the presenterListEmail.

It can be used instead of presenterACL to populate the ACL list if presenterEntryControl is set to ACL.

Use ASCII characters to specify. There is no limit to the number of e-mail addresses that you can list. Each address cannot exceed 255 ASCII characters.

This option and the presenterACL and presenterList options are mutually exclusive; do not send presenterListEmail and one of these other options.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–64 characters.

Specifies the presenter password. This option and the presenterACL option are mutually exclusive; do not send both. If neither this option nor the presenterACL option is present, the conference center generates a new random password. A presenter entry control must have either a password or ACL set. Use ASCII characters to specify.


PrintingOption Element. Value range [Disabled | Presenter | All].

Specifies the level of PDF printing requested for the meeting. The default is the value of the organizer's printPDFPreference option.

PDF printing for a meeting is allowed if, and only if, both the printPDFPrivilege of the conference center (see GetConferencingServiceData Message) and the organizer's printPDFPrivilege option are True. Assuming the user has privilege, as described above:

  • The value Disabled prohibits the use of the Print to PDF feature for this meeting.

  • The value Presenter limits the Print to PDF feature to presenters in this meeting.

  • The value All allows any meeting attendee to use the Print to PDF feature.


Obsolete since Live Meeting Service API 2007 Service Release 3. The value is always True.

BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, enables publishing in Live Meeting format, which features the Microsoft® Windows® Media Player 10 (and newer) format with the Live Meeting Replay Wrapper.

Setting the option to False has no effect because the conference center always publishes in the Live Meeting format.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Default value False.

This option is deprecated and always returns False.


Deprecated. Replaced by publishLiveMeetingMedia. BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

True if, and only if, recordings of the meeting can be published in the Microsoft Windows Media® Player format (subject to controls on the entire conference center). The default is the value of the organizer's publishWindowsMediaMovie option. This has been replaced in Office Live Meeting service API by the publishLiveMeetingMedia option.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the Question and Answer console for a meeting.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

True, if and only if, recording functionality is requested for the meeting. The default is the value of the organizer's recordingPreference option.

Recording is allowed if, and only if, all of the following are true:

  • The conference center's recordingEnabled option is True.

  • The meeting owner's recordingPrivilege option is True.

  • The meeting's recordingEnabled option is True.

When recording is allowed, presenter consoles include recording controls.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 1–1440.

Specifies the amount of time to wait before deleting the recordings of this meeting after they are published. The unit of time is specified in the value of the recordingExpirationTimeType option.

Usually specified in conjunction with enableRecordingExpiration and recordingExpirationTimeType. If any of these options is not specified in the request, it defaults to the organizer default value in case of meeting creation or to existing values in the configuration database in case of meeting modification. In case the organizer default value or the existing value itself is not present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [minute | hour | day | month].

Specifies the unit of time to wait before deleting the recordings of this meeting after they are published. The amount of time is specified in the value of the recordingExpirationTimeAmount option.

Usually specified in conjunction with enableRecordingExpiration and recordingExpirationTimeAmount. If any of these options is not specified in the request, it defaults to the organizer default value in case of meeting creation or to existing values in the configuration database in case of meeting modification. In case the organizer default value or the existing value itself is not present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 1–999.

The recurrence pattern is specified by this and the recurrencePatternWeekly option. If both are supplied, recurrencePatternDaily has priority. The daily pattern takes a Decimal value like 4. If a meeting request is created with the daily recurrence set to 4 days in a row (for example, June 1, June 2, June 3, and June 4). The meetings runs those 4 days and then stops. The recurrence pattern is specified with meetingType set to Recurring.

This attribute has been added to support the recurring meeting request feature. For more information, see meetingType.


StringOption Element. Supplies a 7-character string "Ss-ss-s."

Each character string stands for a day of the week starting from Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. For any given day where the meeting is not scheduled, a hyphen (-) character must be used. In the example above, no meeting is scheduled for Tuesday or Friday. If the recurrence parameters are not supplied, a fault is thrown.

This attribute has been added to support the recurring meeting request feature. For more information, see meetingType.


TimeOption Element. Value range yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ

yyyy = year
mm = month
dd = date
hh = hour
mm = minute
ss = second

Represents a date and time in (ISO 8601 extended) UTC format.

This attribute has been added to support the recurring meeting request feature. For more information, see meetingType.

The size of the recurrence range can be no less than 1 day and no greater than 365 days.

Specifies the end date of the range of recurrence. Only the date portion of the date time parameters is considered for specifying the end of the recurring meeting. The time portion is ignored: <TimeOption name="recurrenceRangeEnd" value="2007-01-28T17:00:00Z">


TimeOption Element. Value range yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ

yyyy = year
mm = month
dd = date
hh = hour
mm = minute
ss = second

Represents a date and time in the (ISO 8601 extended) UTC format.

This attribute has been added to support the recurring meeting request feature. For more information, see meetingType.

The size of the recurrence range can be no less than 1 day and no greater than 365 days.

Specifies the start date of range of recurrence. Only the date portion of the date time parameters is considered: <TimeOption name="recurrenceRangeStart" value="2007-01-28T16:00:00Z">


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, users are asked to provide their company name and e-mail address before entering the meeting. If these items are provided in the entry URL, users are not asked for them by the user interface. The default is False.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range is [Inherit | OwnerOnly].

When set to the value of OwnerOnly, only the Administrator and Organizer can view recordings. They can grant access to individual users.

When set to the value of Inherit, all meeting participants can view recordings using their meeting entry information.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the seat label value for blue. The default is Speed Up.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the seat label value for green. The default is Proceed.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the seat label value for purple. The default is Question.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the seat label value for red. The default is Slow Down.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the seat label value for yellow. The default is Need Help.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the text displayed in relation to the list of seat colors. The default is Feedback to Presenter.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Shows the toll-free audio/phone number in the Live Meeting client during the meeting.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Shows the toll audio/phone number in the Live Meeting client during the meeting.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Activates or deactivates the menu bar item that enables the presenter to end a meeting.


TimeOption Element. Value range yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ

yyyy = year
mm = month
dd = date
hh = hour
mm = minute
ss = second

Represents a date and time in (ISO 8601 extended) UTC format.

Specifies the scheduled start time for the meeting before adjustment by the startTimeOffset option. This option and the startTime attribute specified in CreateMeetingRequest attributes are mutually exclusive; do not send both. If both this option and the startTime attribute are omitted, the default is the current time.


DecimalOption Element. Value range -86399 to 86399.

Specifies the value of this option is added to the value of the startTime attribute, the startTime option, or the default value of the startTime option to determine the scheduled start time of the meeting. The units are seconds. The default is 0.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–3 characters for external systems.

Contains the tag of the current meeting. The value of this option is a string that uniquely identifies the current meeting.

If you do not explicitly specify this option, the two option name/value pairs tag=XML and tagId=null are passed to the server and the meeting is created as a Live Meeting 2007 client Web meeting.

The tag option values assigned by a client must not be in the following list of values reserved by Live Meeting: "LRS", "RPD", "OLK" or any value beginning with"_". For example, "_EA" cannot be used by a client except where the client is creating an Easy Assist session.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–16 characters.

Contains the identifier of the current meeting. The string value of this option represents an integer that uniquely identifies the current meeting.

If you do not explicitly specify this option, the two option name/value pairs tag=XML and tagId=null are passed to the server and the meeting is created as a Live Meeting 2007 client Web meeting.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

Specifies the ID of the time zone in which the meeting takes place. The default is the value of the organizer's timeZone option.

The read-only options of the FieldList Element child element are listed in the following table.

Table 2: FieldList Read-Only Options




ApplicationSharingOption Element. Specifies the current setting for application sharing for the meeting.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–4000 characters.

Specifies the e-mail invitation text sent to meeting attendees. For a code sample, see "Examples" in CreateMeeting Message message.


TimeOption Element. Specifies the time the meeting is created.


StringOption Element

Provides the base Easy Assist join link location. An Easy Assist session join link is created with this base link plus meeting Id and password parameters.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

True if, and only if, this is an ongoing meeting. True if endTime and duration are undefined.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–16 characters.

Specifies the unique system-assigned identifier given to a meeting and as such cannot be specified as input by a requestor in a CreateMeetingRequest, but it can be requested in the FieldList and thereby returned to the requestor in the CreateMeetingReply. The mid can then be used as input to several other API commands such as ListMeetings, ModifyMeeting, ListPolls, ListVisitors, DeleteMeeting.


TimeOption Element. Shows either the time that the meeting data was last modified or the createTime if the meeting has not been modified. Represents a date and time in (ISO 8601 extended) UTC format.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–64 characters.

Specifies the owner of the meeting. This can only be used in the FieldList for the CreateMeeting message. Beginning with Live Meeting 2005, the owner option can be used in OptionList of the ModifyMeeting, ListMeetings, and DeleteMeeting messages.


StringOption Element. Specifies the e-mail invitation text sent to meeting presenters.

For a code sample, see "Examples" in CreateMeeting Messagemessage.


TimeOption Element. Value range yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.

A date and time in (ISO 8601 extended) UTC format that specifies the time that the meeting is deleted.


BooleanOption Element.

True if the meeting is configured to let the service create the password.


BooleanOption Element.

True if the meeting is configured to let the service create the password.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Describes the expired status of the meeting. The possible status of a meeting are:

Active: All newly scheduled meetings have this status.

Undeleted: All meetings restored after expiration or deletion have this status. In behavior, this status is as good as Active meetings.

Expired: All meetings expired according to the values of the meeting content expiration options have this status.  These meetings can be recovered by a conference center administrator.

Removed: All meetings that are permanently deleted have this status.  These meetings cannot be recovered.

Deleted: All manually deleted meetings have this status. These meetings can be recovered by a conference center administrator.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.

Audio Options





Resultant AudioType




Not specified

VOIP + PSTN (Broadcast TRUE)





VOIP + PSTN (Broadcast TRUE)









Not specified

PSTN or PSTN + VOIP if the user default is true





VOIP + PSTN (Broadcast FALSE)









Not specified

VOIP (Broadcast TRUE)





VOIP (Broadcast TRUE)









Not specified

No Audio if user default for VOIP is False, VOIP otherwise.










No Audio

The 1, 4, 7, and 10 mappings correspond to the backward compatibility for the audio options.


A new fault code Client.BadSyntax.BadChoice.AudioBroadcast has been added for the error condition 3 and 9 in the above table.

Constraints   If the enableAudioBroadcast is True, enableAudioVOIP is not specified, and the default value for enableAudioVOIP is False, enableAudioVOIP is still set to True instead of giving out the fault code. This is allowed for backward compatibility.

Also, if audioEmbedded for the meeting is True and enableAudioVOIP is True, but the audioConferenceProvider for a meeting is “other,” audioEmbedded is switched off because “Telephone and computer audio conferencing” is not supported if the conference provider is “other.”

Administrative Control of the billing Option

A conference center can be configured to permit only users in the Administrator role to set or change the billing option. When this setting is enabled:

  • The billing option can only be changed for users. Administrators must use the ModifyUser or ModifyUserProfile message to change the value of the billing option.

  • Requests by an administrator to set or change the billing option for a meeting is ignored. No fault is returned in the reply.

  • Requests by a non-administrator user to set or change the billing option is ignored. No fault is returned in the reply.

When this setting is disabled, any Administrator can change this option for users or meetings. Any Organizer can change this option for the user account or meetings that the Organizer owns. You can request a change of this setting through the normal sales channel for your organization.

Autogeneration of a Meeting Name That Is Not Specified

In Live Meeting service API, the CreateMeeting API is updated to autogenerate the meeting name if a meeting name is not specified or is blank. The meeting name is returned as a string option if name is in the FieldList of the request.

The following code provides a CreateMeetingRequest example where no meeting name is specified.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
      title="Contoso 2006 Kickoff">
      <TimeOption name="startTime" value="2006-04-01T18:00:00Z"/>
      <TimeOption name="endTime" value="2006-04-01T20:00:00Z"/>

The code shows the CreateMeetingReply reply with the meeting name returned.

        <StringOption name="mid" value="k77balgqvew2"/>
        <StringOption name="name" value="EFG4D"/>
        <StringOption name="audiencePassword" value="auPa$$w0rd"/>
        <StringOption name="presenterPassword" value="prPa$$w0rd"/>

Application Note: Opaque Options

ApplicationNote:Opaque Options   The meeting options opaque1 and opaque2, and the user option opaque1 specified in CreateUser Message, have different uses as described in CreateUser Message. The opaque options allow you to associate additional data with users and meetings for use in custom applications.Whenever an organizer creates a meeting, the new meeting's opaque1 option value is copied from the Organizers opaque1 option.

The opaque options are also allowed in the StringQuery elements of operations such as the ModifyMeeting Message and DeleteMeeting Message messages.


The code shows how to use enablePersonalRecording in the OptionList.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
    <CreateMeeting ...>
        <Option List>
            <BooleanOption name="enablePersonalRecording" value="True"/>

See Also


CreateMeetingReply Element

CreateMeeting Message