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How to: Create a Database from "M" in "Quadrant"

[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]

In this tutorial you use Microsoft code name “Quadrant” to create the PetShop database in an instance of SQL Server by using Microsoft code name “M”.

This is the first topic in the "Quadrant" Pet Shop Tutorial.

To create the PetShop database

  1. On the File menu click New, and click M File. A new empty workpad appears.

  2. Copy and paste the “M” code at the end of this topic into the workpad.

  3. Save the file as PetShop.m.

  4. Right-click the code window (but not the title bar) and click Deploy.

  5. In the Deploy dialog, click the Create new database box, type MSPetShop4, and then click OK. The Success dialog box appears.

In this topic you have learned how to create a SQL Server database from within “Quadrant” by using “M” code.

The next topic in this series is How to: Explore Data In "Quadrant"


module dbo2
    import Language;
    export CategoryType;
    export Category;
    export InventoryType;
    export Inventory;
    export ItemType;
    export Item;
    export ProductType;
    export Product;
    export SupplierType;
    export Supplier;
    type CategoryType : {
        CategoryId : Text(10);
        Name : Text(80)?;
        Descn : Text(255)?;
    } where identity CategoryId;
    Category : {CategoryType*};
    type InventoryType : {
        ItemId : Text(10);
        Name : Text(10);
        Qty : Integer32;
    } where identity ItemId;
    Inventory : {InventoryType*};
    type ItemType : {
        ProductId : ProductType;
        Supplier : SupplierType?;
        ItemId : Text(10);
        ListPrice : Decimal38?;
        UnitCost : Decimal38?;
        Status : Text(2)?;
        Name : Text(80)?;
        Image : Text(80)?;
    } where identity ItemId;
    Item : {(ItemType where value.ProductId in Product && value.Supplier in Supplier)*};
    type ProductType : {
        CategoryId : CategoryType;
        ProductId : Text(10);
        Name : Text(80)?;
        Descn : Text(255)?;
        Image : Text(80)?;
    } where identity ProductId;
    Product : {(ProductType where value.CategoryId in Category)*};
    type SupplierType : {
        SuppId : Integer32;
        Name : Text(80)?;
        Status : Text(2);
        Addr1 : Text(80)?;
        Addr2 : Text(80)?;
        City : Text(80)?;
        State : Text(80)?;
        Zip : Text(5)?;
        Phone : Text(40)?;
    } where identity SuppId;

    Supplier : {SupplierType*};

    Category {
        Category0 {
            CategoryId => "BIRDS",
            Name => "Birds",
            Descn => "Birds"
        Category1 {
            CategoryId => "BUGS",
            Name => "Bugs",
            Descn => "Bugs"
        Category2 {
            CategoryId => "BYARD",
            Name => "Backyard",
            Descn => "Backyard"
        Category3 {
            CategoryId => "EDANGER",
            Name => "Endangered",
            Descn => "Endangered"
        Category4 {
            CategoryId => "FISH",
            Name => "Fish",
            Descn => "Fish"

    Inventory {
        Inventory0 {
            ItemId => "EST-1",
            Name => "1",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory1 {
            ItemId => "EST-10",
            Name => "10",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory2 {
            ItemId => "EST-11",
            Name => "11",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory3 {
            ItemId => "EST-12",
            Name => "12",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory4 {
            ItemId => "EST-13",
            Name => "13",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory5 {
            ItemId => "EST-14",
            Name => "14",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory6 {
            ItemId => "EST-15",
            Name => "15",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory7 {
            ItemId => "EST-16",
            Name => "16",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory8 {
            ItemId => "EST-17",
            Name => "17",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory9 {
            ItemId => "EST-18",
            Name => "18",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory10 {
            ItemId => "EST-19",
            Name => "19",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory11 {
            ItemId => "EST-2",
            Name => "2",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory12 {
            ItemId => "EST-20",
            Name => "20",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory13 {
            ItemId => "EST-21",
            Name => "21",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory14 {
            ItemId => "EST-22",
            Name => "22",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory15 {
            ItemId => "EST-23",
            Name => "23",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory16 {
            ItemId => "EST-24",
            Name => "24",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory17 {
            ItemId => "EST-25",
            Name => "25",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory18 {
            ItemId => "EST-26",
            Name => "26",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory19 {
            ItemId => "EST-27",
            Name => "27",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory20 {
            ItemId => "EST-28",
            Name => "28",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory21 {
            ItemId => "EST-29",
            Name => "29",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory22 {
            ItemId => "EST-3",
            Name => "3",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory23 {
            ItemId => "EST-30",
            Name => "30",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory24 {
            ItemId => "EST-31",
            Name => "31",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory25 {
            ItemId => "EST-32",
            Name => "32",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory26 {
            ItemId => "EST-33",
            Name => "33",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory27 {
            ItemId => "EST-34",
            Name => "34",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory28 {
            ItemId => "EST-35",
            Name => "35",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory29 {
            ItemId => "EST-36",
            Name => "36",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory30 {
            ItemId => "EST-37",
            Name => "37",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory31 {
            ItemId => "EST-38",
            Name => "38",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory32 {
            ItemId => "EST-39",
            Name => "39",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory33 {
            ItemId => "EST-4",
            Name => "4",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory34 {
            ItemId => "EST-40",
            Name => "40",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory35 {
            ItemId => "EST-41",
            Name => "41",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory36 {
            ItemId => "EST-42",
            Name => "42",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory37 {
            ItemId => "EST-43",
            Name => "43",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory38 {
            ItemId => "EST-44",
            Name => "44",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory39 {
            ItemId => "EST-45",
            Name => "45",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory40 {
            ItemId => "EST-46",
            Name => "46",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory41 {
            ItemId => "EST-47",
            Name => "47",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory42 {
            ItemId => "EST-48",
            Name => "48",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory43 {
            ItemId => "EST-49",
            Name => "49",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory44 {
            ItemId => "EST-5",
            Name => "5",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory45 {
            ItemId => "EST-50",
            Name => "50",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory46 {
            ItemId => "EST-51",
            Name => "51",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory47 {
            ItemId => "EST-52",
            Name => "52",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory48 {
            ItemId => "EST-53",
            Name => "53",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory49 {
            ItemId => "EST-54",
            Name => "54",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory50 {
            ItemId => "EST-55",
            Name => "55",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory51 {
            ItemId => "EST-56",
            Name => "56",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory52 {
            ItemId => "EST-57",
            Name => "57",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory53 {
            ItemId => "EST-58",
            Name => "58",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory54 {
            ItemId => "EST-59",
            Name => "59",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory55 {
            ItemId => "EST-6",
            Name => "6",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory56 {
            ItemId => "EST-60",
            Name => "60",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory57 {
            ItemId => "EST-61",
            Name => "61",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory58 {
            ItemId => "EST-62",
            Name => "62",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory59 {
            ItemId => "EST-63",
            Name => "63",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory60 {
            ItemId => "EST-64",
            Name => "64",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory61 {
            ItemId => "EST-65",
            Name => "65",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory62 {
            ItemId => "EST-66",
            Name => "66",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory63 {
            ItemId => "EST-67",
            Name => "67",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory64 {
            ItemId => "EST-68",
            Name => "68",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory65 {
            ItemId => "EST-69",
            Name => "69",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory66 {
            ItemId => "EST-7",
            Name => "7",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory67 {
            ItemId => "EST-70",
            Name => "70",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory68 {
            ItemId => "EST-71",
            Name => "71",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory69 {
            ItemId => "EST-72",
            Name => "72",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory70 {
            ItemId => "EST-73",
            Name => "73",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory71 {
            ItemId => "EST-74",
            Name => "74",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory72 {
            ItemId => "EST-75",
            Name => "75",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory73 {
            ItemId => "EST-76",
            Name => "76",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory74 {
            ItemId => "EST-77",
            Name => "77",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory75 {
            ItemId => "EST-78",
            Name => "78",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory76 {
            ItemId => "EST-79",
            Name => "79",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory77 {
            ItemId => "EST-8",
            Name => "8",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory78 {
            ItemId => "EST-80",
            Name => "80",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory79 {
            ItemId => "EST-81",
            Name => "81",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory80 {
            ItemId => "EST-82",
            Name => "82",
            Qty => 10000
        Inventory81 {
            ItemId => "EST-9",
            Name => "9",
            Qty => 10000

    Item {
        Item0 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product22,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-1",
            ListPrice => 16.50,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Happy",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-meno-happy.gif"
        Item1 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product25,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-10",
            ListPrice => 18.50,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Tap Dance",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-Crabfish-tabdance.gif"
        Item2 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product25,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-11",
            ListPrice => 19.50,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Ballet",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-Crabfish-ballet.gif"
        Item3 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product25,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-12",
            ListPrice => 18.90,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Ballroom",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-Crabfish-ballroom.gif"
        Item4 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product26,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-13",
            ListPrice => 16.50,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Long Arms",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-eucalyptus-longarms.gif"
        Item5 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product26,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-14",
            ListPrice => 16.90,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Short Arms",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-eucalyptus-shortarms.gif"
        Item6 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product27,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-15",
            ListPrice => 13.90,
            UnitCost => 8.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Black",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-misterno-black.gif"
        Item7 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product27,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-16",
            ListPrice => 14.50,
            UnitCost => 8.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Sepia",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-misterno-sepia.gif"
        Item8 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product27,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-17",
            ListPrice => 15.50,
            UnitCost => 8.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Sable",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-misterno-sable.gif"
        Item9 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product28,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-18",
            ListPrice => 16.50,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Invidious",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-nosyfish-invidious.gif"
        Item10 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product28,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-19",
            ListPrice => 17.50,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Beastly",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-nosyfish-beastly.gif"
        Item11 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product22,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-2",
            ListPrice => 17.50,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Camouflage",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-meno-camouflage.gif"
        Item12 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product28,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-20",
            ListPrice => 18.50,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Mean",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-nosyfish-mean.gif"
        Item13 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product28,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-21",
            ListPrice => 19.50,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Sneaky",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-nosyfish-sneaky.gif"
        Item14 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product29,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-22",
            ListPrice => 28.50,
            UnitCost => 20.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Toothless",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-toothferry-toothless.gif"
        Item15 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product29,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-23",
            ListPrice => 29.50,
            UnitCost => 20.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "With Teeth",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-toothferry-withteeth.gif"
        Item16 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product10,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-24",
            ListPrice => 120.95,
            UnitCost => 99.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Fuzzy",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-sheep-fuzzy.gif"
        Item17 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product10,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-25",
            ListPrice => 130.95,
            UnitCost => 99.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Ironed",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-sheep-ironed.gif"
        Item18 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product11,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-26",
            ListPrice => 14.95,
            UnitCost => 2.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Transparent",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-cat-transparent.gif"
        Item19 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product11,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-27",
            ListPrice => 15.95,
            UnitCost => 2.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Patterned",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-cat-patterned.gif"
        Item20 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product11,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-28",
            ListPrice => 18.95,
            UnitCost => 2.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Uncolored",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-cat-uncolored.gif"
        Item21 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product12,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-29",
            ListPrice => 42.95,
            UnitCost => 30.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Long Tongue",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-raccoon-long-tongue.gif"
        Item22 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product22,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-3",
            ListPrice => 15.90,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Worried",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-meno-worried.gif"
        Item23 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product12,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-30",
            ListPrice => 45.95,
            UnitCost => 30.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Rough Tongue",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-raccoon-rough-tongue.gif"
        Item24 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product12,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-31",
            ListPrice => 48.95,
            UnitCost => 30.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Hairy Tongue",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-raccoon-hairy-tongue.gif"
        Item25 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product13,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-32",
            ListPrice => 20.95,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Feathered",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-goose-feathered.gif"
        Item26 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product13,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-33",
            ListPrice => 22.95,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Plucked",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-goose-plucked.gif"
        Item27 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product14,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-34",
            ListPrice => 12.95,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Red",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-crab-red.gif"
        Item28 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product14,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-35",
            ListPrice => 13.95,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Orange",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-crab-orange.gif"
        Item29 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product14,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-36",
            ListPrice => 14.95,
            UnitCost => 10.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Dotted",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-crab-dotted.gif"
        Item30 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product15,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-37",
            ListPrice => 18.95,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Bad Smell",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-skunk-bad-smell.gif"
        Item31 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product15,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-38",
            ListPrice => 20.95,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Really Bad Smell",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-skunk-really-bad-smell.gif"
        Item32 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product15,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-39",
            ListPrice => 22.95,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Worst Smell",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-skunk-worst-smell.gif"
        Item33 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product23,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-4",
            ListPrice => 17.50,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Extra Stretch",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-balloon-extra-stretch.gif"
        Item34 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product16,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-40",
            ListPrice => 859.95,
            UnitCost => 500.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Tiny",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-zebra-tiny.gif"
        Item35 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product16,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-41",
            ListPrice => 879.95,
            UnitCost => 500.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Small",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-zebra-small.gif"
        Item36 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product16,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-42",
            ListPrice => 899.95,
            UnitCost => 500.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Medium",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-zebra-medium.gif"
        Item37 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product16,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-43",
            ListPrice => 949.95,
            UnitCost => 500.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Large",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/item-zebra-large.gif"
        Item38 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product30,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-44",
            ListPrice => 41.95,
            UnitCost => 30.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Flower Loving",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-pelican-flowerloving.gif"
        Item39 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product30,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-45",
            ListPrice => 45.95,
            UnitCost => 30.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Grass Loving",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-pelican-grassloving.gif"
        Item40 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product0,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-46",
            ListPrice => 120.99,
            UnitCost => 99.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Adventurous",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-penguine-adventurous.gif"
        Item41 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product0,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-47",
            ListPrice => 130.99,
            UnitCost => 99.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Homey",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-penguine-homey.gif"
        Item42 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product1,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-48",
            ListPrice => 130.99,
            UnitCost => 99.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Old",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-pteranodon-old.gif"
        Item43 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product1,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-49",
            ListPrice => 130.99,
            UnitCost => 99.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Ancient",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-pteranodon-ancient.gif"
        Item44 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product23,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-5",
            ListPrice => 18.90,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Natural",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-balloon-natural.gif"
        Item45 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product2,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-50",
            ListPrice => 80.99,
            UnitCost => 50.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Day",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-owl-day.gif"
        Item46 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product2,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-51",
            ListPrice => 85.99,
            UnitCost => 50.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Night",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-owl-night.gif"
        Item47 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product3,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-52",
            ListPrice => 33.99,
            UnitCost => 20.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Domestic",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-duck-domestic.gif"
        Item48 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product3,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-53",
            ListPrice => 38.99,
            UnitCost => 20.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Wild",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/item-duck-wild.gif"
        Item49 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product4,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-54",
            ListPrice => 0.25,
            UnitCost => 0.02,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Worker",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-ant-worker.gif"
        Item50 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product4,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-55",
            ListPrice => 0.30,
            UnitCost => 0.02,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Queen",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-ant-queen.gif"
        Item51 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product4,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-56",
            ListPrice => 0.50,
            UnitCost => 0.02,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Soldier",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-ant-soldier.gif"
        Item52 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product5,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-57",
            ListPrice => 0.70,
            UnitCost => 0.10,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Larva",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-butterfly-larva.gif"
        Item53 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product5,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-58",
            ListPrice => 0.80,
            UnitCost => 0.10,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Pupa",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-butterfly-pupa.gif"
        Item54 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product5,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-59",
            ListPrice => 0.90,
            UnitCost => 0.10,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Adult",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-butterfly-adult.gif"
        Item55 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product23,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-6",
            ListPrice => 19.50,
            UnitCost => 12.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Flammable",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-balloon-flammable.gif"
        Item56 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product6,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-60",
            ListPrice => 2.50,
            UnitCost => 1.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Arniladisplicata",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-spider-aranielladisplicata.gif"
        Item57 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product6,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-61",
            ListPrice => 2.60,
            UnitCost => 1.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Dysdera Crocata",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-spider-dysderacrocata.gif"
        Item58 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product7,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-62",
            ListPrice => 0.89,
            UnitCost => 0.15,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Naked",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-slug-naked.gif"
        Item59 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product7,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-63",
            ListPrice => 0.99,
            UnitCost => 0.15,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Habitat",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-slug-habitat.gif"
        Item60 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product8,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-64",
            ListPrice => 8.99,
            UnitCost => 2.50,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "False",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-frog-false.gif"
        Item61 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product8,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-65",
            ListPrice => 9.99,
            UnitCost => 2.50,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "True",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-frog-true.gif"
        Item62 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product9,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-66",
            ListPrice => 1.20,
            UnitCost => 0.80,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Omnivore",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-dragonfly-omnivore.gif"
        Item63 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product9,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-67",
            ListPrice => 1.30,
            UnitCost => 0.80,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Vegetarian",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-dragonfly-vegetarian.gif"
        Item64 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product9,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-68",
            ListPrice => 1.40,
            UnitCost => 0.80,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Vegan",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/item-dragonfly-vegan.gif"
        Item65 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product17,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-69",
            ListPrice => 150.00,
            UnitCost => 100.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Male",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-skeleton-male.gif"
        Item66 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product24,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-7",
            ListPrice => 21.50,
            UnitCost => 15.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Blind",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-blindfish-blind.gif"
        Item67 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product17,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-70",
            ListPrice => 160.00,
            UnitCost => 100.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Female",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-skeleton-female.gif"
        Item68 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product17,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-71",
            ListPrice => 170.00,
            UnitCost => 100.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Aphrodite",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-skeleton-aphrodite.gif"
        Item69 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product17,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-72",
            ListPrice => 180.00,
            UnitCost => 100.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Hermaphrodite",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-skeleton-hermaphrodite.gif"
        Item70 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product18,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-73",
            ListPrice => 45.00,
            UnitCost => 22.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Rover",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-pet-rover.gif"
        Item71 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product18,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-74",
            ListPrice => 48.00,
            UnitCost => 22.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Trumpet",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-pet-thumper.gif"
        Item72 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product18,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-75",
            ListPrice => 49.00,
            UnitCost => 22.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Kitty",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-pet-kitty.gif"
        Item73 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product19,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-76",
            ListPrice => 349.00,
            UnitCost => 220.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Spiky",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-dino-spiky.gif"
        Item74 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product19,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-77",
            ListPrice => 379.00,
            UnitCost => 220.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Shaved",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-dino-shaved.gif"
        Item75 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product19,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-78",
            ListPrice => 399.00,
            UnitCost => 220.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Pointy",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-dino-pointy.gif"
        Item76 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product20,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-79",
            ListPrice => 1999.00,
            UnitCost => 1500.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Exclusive",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-panda-exclusive.gif"
        Item77 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product24,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-8",
            ListPrice => 22.50,
            UnitCost => 15.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Short Sighted",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-blindfish-shortsighted.gif"
        Item78 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product21,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-80",
            ListPrice => 22.95,
            UnitCost => 16.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Lost",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-fish-lost.gif"
        Item79 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product21,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-81",
            ListPrice => 22.95,
            UnitCost => 16.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Drunk",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-fish-drunk.gif"
        Item80 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product21,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-82",
            ListPrice => 22.95,
            UnitCost => 16.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Caught",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/item-fish-caught.gif"
        Item81 {
            ProductId => dbo2.Product.Product24,
            Supplier => dbo2.Supplier.Supplier0,
            ItemId => "EST-9",
            ListPrice => 24.50,
            UnitCost => 15.00,
            Status => "P",
            Name => "Far Sighted",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/item-blindfish-farsighted.gif"

    Product {
        Product0 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category0,
            ProductId => "BD-02",
            Name => "Penguin",
            Descn => "Guaranteed to stay by your side",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/icon-penguin.gif"
        Product1 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category0,
            ProductId => "BD-03",
            Name => "Pteranodon",
            Descn => "Can't let go of the past? This is your bird",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/icon-pteranodon.gif"
        Product2 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category0,
            ProductId => "BD-04",
            Name => "Owl",
            Descn => "Your personal dictionary – night & day",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/icon-owl.gif"
        Product3 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category0,
            ProductId => "BD-05",
            Name => "Duck",
            Descn => "Lisps but otherwise sings well",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/icon-duck.gif"
        Product4 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category1,
            ProductId => "BG-01",
            Name => "Ant",
            Descn => "Trash your vacuum cleaner",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/icon-ant.gif"
        Product5 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category1,
            ProductId => "BG-02",
            Name => "Butterfly",
            Descn => "Increased beauty with age",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/icon-butterfly.gif"
        Product6 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category1,
            ProductId => "BG-03",
            Name => "Spider",
            Descn => "Loves a good massage",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/icon-spider.gif"
        Product7 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category1,
            ProductId => "BG-04",
            Name => "Slug",
            Descn => "Your soft hugging buddy",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/icon-slug.gif"
        Product8 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category1,
            ProductId => "BG-05",
            Name => "Frog",
            Descn => "Want to get rid of an insect previously bought?",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/icon-frog.gif"
        Product9 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category1,
            ProductId => "BG-06",
            Name => "Dragonfly",
            Descn => "Beware of the meat lover",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Bugs/icon-dragonfly.gif"
        Product10 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category2,
            ProductId => "BY-01",
            Name => "Sheep",
            Descn => "Your soft hugging buddy",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/icon-sheep.gif"
        Product11 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category2,
            ProductId => "BY-02",
            Name => "Cat",
            Descn => "The friend you will never see",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/icon-cat.gif"
        Product12 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category2,
            ProductId => "BY-03",
            Name => "Raccoon",
            Descn => "Always keeps your dishes clean",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/icon-raccoon.gif"
        Product13 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category2,
            ProductId => "BY-04",
            Name => "Goose",
            Descn => "For your protection delivered in our special safety-bag",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/icon-goose.gif"
        Product14 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category2,
            ProductId => "BY-05",
            Name => "Crab",
            Descn => "The common house crab which lives in the refrigerator",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/icon-crab.gif"
        Product15 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category2,
            ProductId => "BY-06",
            Name => "Skunk",
            Descn => "You will love it - especially when you have your in-laws visiting",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/icon-skunk.gif"
        Product16 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category2,
            ProductId => "BY-07",
            Name => "Zebra",
            Descn => "The horse of the modern girl",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Backyard/icon-zebra.gif"
        Product17 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category3,
            ProductId => "DR-01",
            Name => "Skeleton",
            Descn => "Dumb but hollow",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/icon-skeleton.gif"
        Product18 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category3,
            ProductId => "DR-02",
            Name => "Pet",
            Descn => "The originals – honestly!",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/icon-pet.gif"
        Product19 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category3,
            ProductId => "DR-03",
            Name => "Dino",
            Descn => "Special offer: only for a limited time",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/icon-dino.gif"
        Product20 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category3,
            ProductId => "DR-04",
            Name => "Panda",
            Descn => "Last one – go for it!",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/icon-panda.gif"
        Product21 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category3,
            ProductId => "DR-05",
            Name => "Fish",
            Descn => "They are waiting for your help",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Endangered/icon-fish.gif"
        Product22 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category4,
            ProductId => "FI-01",
            Name => "Meno",
            Descn => "Your worried tiny friend warns you about life's dangers",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/icon-meno.gif"
        Product23 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category4,
            ProductId => "FI-02",
            Name => "Balloonfish",
            Descn => "It's your thermometer - the hotter it gets the bigger it gets",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/icon-ballonfish.gif"
        Product24 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category4,
            ProductId => "FI-03",
            Name => "Blindfish",
            Descn => "Likes pressure - ideal for divorcing couples",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/icon-blindfish.gif"
        Product25 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category4,
            ProductId => "FI-04",
            Name => "Crabfish",
            Descn => "Dances and sings every time you feed it!",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/icon-Crabfish.gif"
        Product26 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category4,
            ProductId => "FI-05",
            Name => "Eucalyptus",
            Descn => "For the tickle on your hands: you'll love the massage",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/icon-eucalyptus.gif"
        Product27 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category4,
            ProductId => "FI-06",
            Name => "Mister No",
            Descn => "Need a companion for the dark times?",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/icon-misterno.gif"
        Product28 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category4,
            ProductId => "FI-07",
            Name => "Nosyfish",
            Descn => "Don't underestimate this one - it bites!",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/icon-nosyfish.gif"
        Product29 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category4,
            ProductId => "FI-08",
            Name => "Tooth Ferry",
            Descn => "Very sensitive vegetarian, needs food every two months",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Fish/icon-toothferry.gif"
        Product30 {
            CategoryId => dbo2.Category.Category0,
            ProductId => "BD-01",
            Name => "Pelican",
            Descn => "Will sit in your garden and admire nature",
            Image => "~/Prod_Images/Birds/icon-pelican.gif"

    Supplier {
        Supplier0 {
            SuppId => 1,
            Name => "XYZ Pets",
            Status => "AC",
            Addr1 => "600 Avon Way",
            Addr2 => "",
            City => "Los Angeles",
            State => "CA",
            Zip => "94024",
            Phone => "212-947-0797"
        Supplier1 {
            SuppId => 2,
            Name => "ABC Pets",
            Status => "AC",
            Addr1 => "700 Abalone Way",
            Addr2 => "",
            City => "San Francisco",
            State => "CA",
            Zip => "94024",
            Phone => "415-947-0797"

See Also


How to: Create a Database from "M" in "Quadrant"
How to: Explore Data In "Quadrant"
How to: Edit Data in "Quadrant"
How to: Edit Stale Data in "Quadrant"
How to: Resolve Change Conflicts in "Quadrant"
How to: Edit Complex Data in "Quadrant"

Other Resources

"Quadrant" Pet Shop Tutorial
"Quadrant" Tutorials