1.1 Glossary
This document uses the following terms:
ASCII: The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is an 8-bit character-encoding scheme based on the English alphabet. ASCII codes represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that work with text. ASCII refers to a single 8-bit ASCII character or an array of 8-bit ASCII characters with the high bit of each character set to zero.
asynchronous context handle: A remote procedure call (RPC) context handle that is used by a client when issuing RPCs against a server on AsyncEMSMDB interface methods. It represents a handle to a unique session context on the server.
binary large object (BLOB): A discrete packet of data that is stored in a database and is treated as a sequence of uninterpreted bytes.
callback address: An object that encapsulates an Internet address that is registered by a client and that a server can use for push notifications.
datagram: A style of communication offered by a network transport protocol where each message is contained within a single network packet. In this style, there is no requirement for establishing a session prior to communication, as opposed to a connection-oriented style.
handle: Any token that can be used to identify and access an object such as a device, file, or a window.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): An application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web.
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6): A revised version of the Internet Protocol (IP) designed to address growth on the Internet. Improvements include a 128-bit IP address size, expanded routing capabilities, and support for authentication and privacy.
mailbox: A message store that contains email, calendar items, and other Message objects for a single recipient.
message class: A property that loosely defines the type of a message, contact, or other Personal Information Manager (PIM) object in a mailbox.
Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI): A messaging architecture that enables multiple applications to interact with multiple messaging systems across a variety of hardware platforms.
notification subscription: A request to receive notifications from a server when specific events occur on that server.
outstanding RPC call: An asynchronous remote procedure call (RPC) that has not been completed by a server yet.
remote operation (ROP): An operation that is invoked against a server. Each ROP represents an action, such as delete, send, or query. A ROP is contained in a ROP buffer for transmission over the wire.
remote procedure call (RPC): A communication protocol used primarily between client and server. The term has three definitions that are often used interchangeably: a runtime environment providing for communication facilities between computers (the RPC runtime); a set of request-and-response message exchanges between computers (the RPC exchange); and the single message from an RPC exchange (the RPC message). For more information, see [C706].
ROP request: See ROP request buffer.
ROP request buffer: A ROP buffer that a client sends to a server to be processed.
ROP response: See ROP response buffer.
ROP response buffer: A ROP buffer that a server sends to a client to be processed.
search folder: A collection of related items to be crawled by a search service.
session context handle: A remote procedure call (RPC) context handle that is used by a client when issuing RPCs against a server on EMSMDB interface methods. It represents a handle to a unique session context on the server.
table object: A group of shapes that are arranged in rows and columns to form a table.
Unicode: A character encoding standard developed by the Unicode Consortium that represents almost all of the written languages of the world. The Unicode standard [UNICODE5.0.0/2007] provides three forms (UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32) and seven schemes (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16 BE, UTF-16 LE, UTF-32, UTF-32 LE, and UTF-32 BE).
User Datagram Protocol (UDP): The connectionless protocol within TCP/IP that corresponds to the transport layer in the ISO/OSI reference model.
MAY, SHOULD, MUST, SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT: These terms (in all caps) are used as defined in [RFC2119]. All statements of optional behavior use either MAY, SHOULD, or SHOULD NOT.