Partager via

IAppHostChildElementCollection, interface

Représente les éléments de configuration enfants imbriqués dans l’élément actuel.


interface IAppHostChildElementCollection: IUnknown  


Le tableau suivant répertorie les méthodes exposées par l’interface IAppHostChildElementCollection .

Méthode Description
Count Obtient le nombre d’éléments de configuration dans la collection.
Item Obtient un élément de configuration de la collection.


L’exemple de code suivant répertorie tous les éléments enfants sous la system.webServer/asp section configuration pour le chemin MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST.

#pragma once

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ahadmin.h>

int main()
    IAppHostAdminManager            * pMgr        = NULL;
    IAppHostElement                 * pParentElem = NULL;
    IAppHostChildElementCollection  * pChildElems = NULL;
    IAppHostElement                 * pChildElem  = NULL;
    HRESULT    hr                = S_OK;
    BSTR    bstrSectionName      = SysAllocString( L"system.webServer/asp" );
    BSTR    bstrChildElemName    = NULL;
    DWORD   dwElementCount       = 0;

    // Initialize
    hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED );
    if ( FAILED( hr ) )
        printf_s( "ERROR: Unable to initialize\n" );
        goto exit;

    // Create an admin manager
    hr = CoCreateInstance( __uuidof( AppHostAdminManager ), NULL, 
            __uuidof( IAppHostAdminManager ), (void**) &pMgr );
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        printf_s( "ERROR: Unable to create an IAppHostAdminManager\n" );
        goto exit;
    // Get the admin section
    wprintf_s( L"Getting %s\n", bstrSectionName );

    hr = pMgr->GetAdminSection( bstrSectionName, NULL, &pParentElem );
    if ( FAILED( hr ) || ( &pParentElem == NULL ) )
        if ( E_ACCESSDENIED == hr )
            printf_s( "ERROR: Access to configuration denied.\n" );
            printf_s( "       Run sample as an administrator.\n" );
            printf_s( "ERROR: Unable to get asp configuration section.\n" );
        goto exit;

    // Get the child elements
    wprintf_s( L"Getting child elements\n" );
    hr = pParentElem->get_ChildElements( &pChildElems );
    if ( FAILED( hr ) || ( &pChildElems == NULL ) )
        wprintf_s( L"ERROR: Unable to access child elements of %s\n", bstrSectionName );
        goto exit;
    // Loop through child elements
    wprintf_s( L"Seaching for child elements of %s\n", bstrSectionName );

    hr = pChildElems->get_Count( &dwElementCount );
    for( USHORT i = 0; i < dwElementCount; i++ )
        VARIANT vtItemIndex;
        vtItemIndex.vt = VT_I2;
        vtItemIndex.iVal = i;

        // Get the section group
        hr = pChildElems->get_Item( vtItemIndex, &pChildElem );
        if ( FAILED( hr ) || ( &pChildElem == NULL ) )
            wprintf_s( L"ERROR: Unable to find child element: %d\n", i );
            goto loop_cleanup;

        // Get the name

        hr = pChildElem->get_Name ( &bstrChildElemName );
        if ( FAILED( hr ) )
            wprintf_s( L"ERROR: Unable to get child element name.\n" );
            goto loop_cleanup; 

        wprintf_s( L"\tChild element found: %s\n", bstrChildElemName );

        if ( pChildElem != NULL )
            pChildElem = NULL;
        SysFreeString( bstrChildElemName );

    // Exiting / Unwinding
    if ( pChildElems != NULL )
        pChildElems = NULL;
    if ( pParentElem != NULL )
        pParentElem = NULL;
    if ( pMgr != NULL )
        pMgr = NULL;

    SysFreeString( bstrChildElemName );
    SysFreeString( bstrSectionName );

    // Uninitialize

    return 0;

Hiérarchie d'héritage




Type Description
Client - IIS 7.0 sur Windows Vista
- IIS 7.5 sur Windows 7
- IIS 8.0 sur Windows 8
- IIS 10.0 sur Windows 10
Serveur - IIS 7.0 sur Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.5 sur Windows Server 2008 R2
- IIS 8.0 sur Windows Server 2012
- IIS 8.5 sur Windows Server 2012 R2
- IIS 10.0 sur Windows Server 2016
Produit - IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0
- IIS Express 7.5, IIS Express 8.0, IIS Express 10.0
En-tête Ahadmin.h

Voir aussi

IAppHostChildElementCollection, interface