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VoiceCallNotAttempted in CustomerInsightsJourneys

Latest version of the JSON entity definition is available on GitHub.


Traits for this entity are listed below.


ParameterValueData typeExplanation
versionNumber"1.1"stringsemantic version number of the entity

A level of abstraction assigned to an Entity schema. Logical schema descriptions use complex dataTypes, inheritance, and entities as attributes. Resolved descriptions contain none of those things, only final trait and attribute sets are shown. A composition schema manipulates, guides or re-states parts of logical schemas to produce one resolved schema.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
level"resolved"stringPossible values: logical, composition, resolved


Name Description First Included in Instance
BusinessUnitId Unique identifier of the Business unit. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
CustomerJourneyId Unique identifier of the Customer journey CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
Details Additional details CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
IdempotencyId Idempotency ID defines uniqueness of an analytics event. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
InteractionType Type of the interaction. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
InternalMarketingInteractionId Internal marketing interaction Id. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
IsUnresolvedProfile CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
JourneyActionId GUID of the journey action step associated with this event. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
JourneyRunId Flow run ID of the Power Automate run instance associated with this event. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
MessageId Message ID CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
MessageTemplateVersion Message template version CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
OrganizationId Organization Id. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
ProactiveEngagementConfigId The ID of proactive engagement entity CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
ProfileId Unique identifier of the profile. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
ProfileType The profile type (Contact, Lead or CI Profile) CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
Reason Failure reason codes with a root cause of the failure CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
RecipientPhoneNumber The recipient's phone number. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
SourceSystem Refers to the source system that generated the interaction. Outbound marketing (OBM) is represented by value 1. Any other value than 1 represents Real\x2dtime journeys (RTJ). CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
Timestamp Indicates the exact date and time when the interaction was emitted. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted
Version Interaction version. Used for updating the interaction. CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted


Unique identifier of the Business unit.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionUnique identifier of the Business unit.


List of traits for the BusinessUnitId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Marks the attribute(s) that hold foreign key references to a linked (used as an attribute) entity. This attribute is added to the resolved entity to enumerate the referenced entities.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of entity references

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enUnique identifier of the Business unit.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Unique identifier of the Customer journey
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


description Unique identifier of the Customer journey


List of traits for the CustomerJourneyId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
en Unique identifier of the Customer journey
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Additional details
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionAdditional details


List of traits for the Details attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enAdditional details
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Idempotency ID defines uniqueness of an analytics event.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionIdempotency ID defines uniqueness of an analytics event.


List of traits for the IdempotencyId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enIdempotency ID defines uniqueness of an analytics event.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Type of the interaction.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionType of the interaction.


List of traits for the InteractionType attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enType of the interaction.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Internal marketing interaction Id.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionInternal marketing interaction Id.


List of traits for the InternalMarketingInteractionId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enInternal marketing interaction Id.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)




List of traits for the IsUnresolvedProfile attribute are listed below.



GUID of the journey action step associated with this event.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionGUID of the journey action step associated with this event.


List of traits for the JourneyActionId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enGUID of the journey action step associated with this event.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Flow run ID of the Power Automate run instance associated with this event.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionFlow run ID of the Power Automate run instance associated with this event.


List of traits for the JourneyRunId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enFlow run ID of the Power Automate run instance associated with this event.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Message ID
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionMessage ID


List of traits for the MessageId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enMessage ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Message template version
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionMessage template version


List of traits for the MessageTemplateVersion attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enMessage template version
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Organization Id.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionOrganization Id.


List of traits for the OrganizationId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enOrganization Id.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


The ID of proactive engagement entity
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionThe ID of proactive engagement entity


List of traits for the ProactiveEngagementConfigId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe ID of proactive engagement entity
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Unique identifier of the profile.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionUnique identifier of the profile.


List of traits for the ProfileId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enUnique identifier of the profile.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


The profile type (Contact, Lead or CI Profile)
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionThe profile type (Contact, Lead or CI Profile)


List of traits for the ProfileType attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe profile type (Contact, Lead or CI Profile)
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Failure reason codes with a root cause of the failure
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionFailure reason codes with a root cause of the failure


List of traits for the Reason attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enFailure reason codes with a root cause of the failure
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


The recipient's phone number.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionThe recipient's phone number.


List of traits for the RecipientPhoneNumber attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe recipient's phone number.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that shoud be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, Array of Byte is a Binary Object


Refers to the source system that generated the interaction. Outbound marketing (OBM) is represented by value 1. Any other value than 1 represents Real\x2dtime journeys (RTJ).
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


description Refers to the source system that generated the interaction. Outbound marketing (OBM) is represented by value 1. Any other value than 1 represents Real-time journeys (RTJ).


List of traits for the SourceSystem attribute are listed below.

indicates the capability to represent values less than zero.

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
en Refers to the source system that generated the interaction. Outbound marketing (OBM) is represented by value 1. Any other value than 1 represents Real-time journeys (RTJ).
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



Indicates the exact date and time when the interaction was emitted.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionIndicates the exact date and time when the interaction was emitted.


List of traits for the Timestamp attribute are listed below.

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enIndicates the exact date and time when the interaction was emitted.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



Interaction version. Used for updating the interaction.
First included in: CustomerInsightsJourneys/VoiceCallNotAttempted (this entity)


descriptionInteraction version. Used for updating the interaction.


List of traits for the Version attribute are listed below.

indicates the capability to represent values less than zero.

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enInteraction version. Used for updating the interaction.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text
