Cyrus' Blather
They grow up so fast
So we were taking a look a the C# language service in VS 2002 and 2003 and we were comparing it to...
Author: CyrusN Date: 03/19/2005
Choose a category
Ok Alex, I'll take "Anime movies or series containing 'Blue'" for $200 Alex: This 1997 psychological...
Author: CyrusN Date: 03/18/2005
Ok, the Xine install has been going on for like 30 minutes now and doesn't seem to have any end in...
Author: CyrusN Date: 03/16/2005
Media player
Ok, i desperately need a good media player for linux. Something that plays WMAs and M4As and is...
Author: CyrusN Date: 03/15/2005
The Hoary Hedgehog
It's alive! Only one small glitch and i was able to get into a fully functional Ubuntu desktop....
Author: CyrusN Date: 03/14/2005
It's baloontiful!
Sometimes you see a picture, and it just makes you go "wow". I've never seen a snow sculpture as...
Author: CyrusN Date: 03/08/2005
So we’re deep in the drive toward beta2 right now. Lots of pressure and an incredibly high quality...
Author: CyrusN Date: 02/23/2005
ph34r my l33t skillz
You've probably already seen this, but in case you haven't you should check out A parent's primer to...
Author: CyrusN Date: 02/17/2005
A nifty little preprocessor trick for C++
We found out something a little surprising about C++ enums a while back. It turns out that if you...
Author: CyrusN Date: 02/01/2005
Refactoring code that uses the PreProcessor
I got to go to great presentation today about work being done on providing refactorings for C code...
Author: CyrusN Date: 02/01/2005
What to do when the unexpected happens (part 2)
Thanks all for the fantastic feedback on the previous post. Based on your response we've decided to...
Author: CyrusN Date: 01/27/2005
What to do when the unexpected happens
Quite recently I made a pretty visible change to the C# language service for Beta2. For many...
Author: CyrusN Date: 01/27/2005
Simplifying boolean expressions (part 3)
or "Where we wrap together all that prototype code and get something actually useful" So now we get...
Author: CyrusN Date: 01/24/2005
Simplifying boolean expressions (part 2)
So where do go about simplifying a boolean expression? Well, we can go about it through a series of...
Author: CyrusN Date: 01/24/2005
Simplifying boolean expressions
i was doing a little fun C# coding on the side and i was running into one of those cases where i had...
Author: CyrusN Date: 01/24/2005
You can’t make an omelet…
Sorry about the lack of updates. I haven’t been able to work on the Managed Language Service like I...
Author: CyrusN Date: 01/18/2005
I feel kinda weird posting about a topic as trivial as this when there are infinitely more important...
Author: CyrusN Date: 01/04/2005
Out with the old, in with the new
I've had the pleasure of spending a bit of time recently with Don Syme during a visit from Cambridge...
Author: CyrusN Date: 12/15/2004
Code cleanup
I while back i wrote a post concerning what i called Informational Observations. These were snippets...
Author: CyrusN Date: 12/04/2004
It's like Deja-vu
Many months ago I wrote a blog discussing an issue we were having with the Implement-Interface smart...
Author: CyrusN Date: 11/17/2004
Suspenders, a codpiece and me
I need are white suspenders and a codpiece and my costume will be complete. All in all a...
Author: CyrusN Date: 10/17/2004
So Google Desktop is currently indexing my computer. I'm at home now, but I'm hoping that when i get...
Author: CyrusN Date: 10/15/2004
Big Step/Small step
I’ve been spending the last couple of days responding to a customer bug complaining about the...
Author: CyrusN Date: 10/11/2004
Microsoft Interview Questions
It's quite interesting how suprised people were here when I was talking to them at the engineering...
Author: CyrusN Date: 09/25/2004
Legend of Zelda 2
I love coming back to college. After spending a great day with friends I'm not watching one of my...
Author: CyrusN Date: 09/25/2004
Just checked into my hotel here. I'm going to be here for the rest of the week recruiting the best...
Author: CyrusN Date: 09/21/2004
Symphony of the Night
I'm sitting here at the company meeting. Slightly bored. MS MS MS, yadda yadda yadda. So I'm playing...
Author: CyrusN Date: 09/14/2004
I love what they've done to
Actually, i really don't. However, if you do like it please let me know. Seriously, if there is...
Author: CyrusN Date: 09/12/2004
I hate what they've done to
I have the summaries, the lack of formatting, no pictures, having to visit each page in the browser...
Author: CyrusN Date: 09/12/2004
Extract method to class (part 2)
Check out the previous post for some context on this. Let’s start with a simple example and walk...
Author: CyrusN Date: 09/11/2004
Extract method to class (part 1)
I've been working on a refactoring i like to call "extract method to class". It's a refactoring I...
Author: CyrusN Date: 09/11/2004