Canadian IT Manager's Blog
Broadly connecting Canadian Infrastructure and Development Managers through career, industry and technology insight.
Windows Client Roadmap
Today a letter from Bill Veghte, Senior VP of Windows at Microsoft, has gone out to all Windows...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 06/23/2008
Upcoming July IT Manager Webcast
There weren’t any IT Manager webcasts to tell you about in June but there is one coming up in July...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 06/20/2008
MSDN & TechNet -- What's New!
Here's something different. Two video links from the MVP Newsletter courtesy of Canadian MVP Lead...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 06/19/2008
Strategic Architecture Forum 2008
I'm back having completed more than 10 keynotes/presentations the last few weeks. I'm providing a...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 06/10/2008
Interview with Internationally Renowned Entrepreneur Merrill Brown
This is the next blog in the continuing series of interviews with top-echelon and renowned...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 06/03/2008
Merrill Brown Interview Time Index (MM:SS) and Topic
:00:26:Merrill profiles how he got to his present position and what his current role entails....
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 06/03/2008
Client Satisfaction Success
Stuart R. Crawford (Calgary, AB - Business Development Manager of IT Matters) In business, we are...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 06/02/2008
The IT Manager Podcast Series Goes on the Road
This episode, we tried something totally new, and as with all new things there are usually lessons...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/30/2008
The Case for UAC
Vista's User Account Control (UAC) feature has been much maligned by users and IT professionals...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/28/2008
IT Professionals Go Home Energized
What a weekend! EnergizeIT is the most upbeat, motivational, energetic event Microsoft Canada puts...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/26/2008
Countdown to EnergizeIT
Yikes! Where did the last 2 weeks disappear to? The IT Managers Connection blog has been a bit quiet...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/23/2008
Interview with Security Gurus Sean Smith and John Marchesini
This is the next blog in the continuing series of interviews with top-echelon and renowned...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 05/07/2008
Top Recommended Resources
<Previous Back to Beginning> Q9: Which are your top recommended resources and why? A:...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/07/2008
Challenges and Stories
<Previous Next> Q7: In your current role, what are the biggest challenges, and their...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/07/2008
Thoughts on Industry Trends
<Previous Next> Q5: The industry is changing. What advice would you give to IT professionals...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/07/2008
Key Lessons and Tips From Their Book
<Previous Next> Q3: Can you profile the key lessons from your book from each of the topics...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/07/2008
<Previous Next> Opening Comment: You bring a lifetime of proven experience and accumulated...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/07/2008
Winners Announced for the 2007-2008 Innovation Awards
Thanks to all of you that took the time to nominate candidates as well as you who participated by...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 05/01/2008
An Energizing Way to Spend a Saturday
Our 3rd annual EnergizeIT event is less than a month away. For those of you who have joined us on...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 04/29/2008
Microsoft System Management Goes Cross-Platform
Today at the Microsoft Management Summit, the beta release of the System Center Operations Manager...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 04/29/2008
SMB Nation Toronto
If you're in the Toronto area May 3rd and 4th and work with Small Business Server, you'll want to be...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 04/24/2008
Professionalizing the Profession
Graham Jones (Surrey, BC - IT Professional and President of VANTUG) The Opportunity to Spread the...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 04/23/2008
Blogging is Big Business
Stuart R. Crawford (Calgary, AB - Business Development Manager of IT Matters) How many blogs do you...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 04/21/2008
Best Canadian Technology Bloggers
Well, we always knew he was good, but it was a real bonus to see Stephen Ibaraki's name on the list...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 04/17/2008
Upcoming May IT Manager Webcasts
Each month I post the upcoming IT manager focused webcasts for the following month. But don't forget...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 04/17/2008
Architect Session Recordings Online
The Canadian Strategic Architect Forum is happening right now in Vancouver and if you're reading...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 04/10/2008
Interview with Dr. Yan Xu, World-Renowned Researcher and Educational Leader
This is the next blog in the continuing series of interviews with top-echelon and renowned...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 04/08/2008
Dr Yan Xu Interview Time Index (MM:SS) and Topic
:00:28:With a Ph.D. in Physics from McGill, how did you get into computing?"....My self-taught...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 04/08/2008
Animating with High Performance Computing
Last July, we talked on the IT Manager Podcast series about how high performance computing (HPC) is...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 04/07/2008
Global MVP Summit 2008
There's an extraordinary event happening in a matter of a few weeks. It's the MVP Global Summit 2008...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 03/28/2008
Release of SP1 to the Public and More Vista Deployment Resources
We've been talking quite a bit about various aspects of Vista on the IT Manager Connection blog as...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 03/18/2008
Most Useful MS Resource Sites
This article "The 20 most useful Microsoft sites for IT professionals" is worth a look...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 03/18/2008
Upcoming April IT Manager Webcasts
Below is the list of upcoming IT Manager webcasts available live online throughout April. Remember...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 03/17/2008
A Small Business Rolls Out Vista and Office 2007
Alan is the top IT guy (as well as the only IT guy) for a small vibrant...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 03/13/2008
Podcast Interview with Cathy Shaughnessy of ShaughnessyHowell, Inc.
This is the next blog in the continuing series of interviews with top-echelon and renowned...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 03/11/2008
Did You Miss It?
Earlier this week, on March 5, Mark Russinovich got together with a panel of experts to talk frankly...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 03/07/2008
Being Present to Win
Stuart R. Crawford (Calgary, AB - Business Development Manager of IT Matters) How many times...
Author: cdnitmgr Date: 03/06/2008
Looking for IT Events in Calgary? Check This Out...
I often talk about events that I attend or that are going on in southern Ontario, because that's...
Author: Ruth Morton Date: 03/05/2008