tired / wired marketing
Mike Manuel points to this WOMMA post that provides this tired / wired chart describing the differences between old-school marketing and cluetrain marketing.
Update, the chart was created by the folks at 'Creating Passionate Users' blog, thanks to James for the nudge.
- Anonymous
September 01, 2005
hey thanks for the open link!
however i do think you need to cite the original creator of the rather cool chart.
it came from a blog at Creating Passionate Users.
i know you cited "a" source, but not "the" source...
http://headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/2005/08/you_are_a_marke.html - Anonymous
September 01, 2005
Thanks James have updated accordingly,
Alex. - Anonymous
September 03, 2005
Very very good, will copy and use this ......