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Utilisez Azure Resource Graph pour identifier l’état de l’extension Azure pour SQL Server sur vos serveurs avec Azure Arc. Cet article présente les requêtes qui identifient les extensions non saines.


Si vous n’êtes pas déjà familiarisé avec les concepts liés, consultez Azure Resource Graph :

Identifier les extensions non saines

Cette requête retourne des instances de SQL Server sur des serveurs avec des extensions installées, mais pas saines.

| where type == "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines/extensions" 
| where properties.type in ("WindowsAgent.SqlServer", "LinuxAgent.SqlServer") 
| extend targetMachineName = tolower(tostring(split(id, '/')[8])) // Extract the machine name from the extension's id
| join kind=leftouter (
    | where type == "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines"
    | project machineId = id, MachineName = name, subscriptionId, LowerMachineName = tolower(name), resourceGroup , MachineStatus= properties.status , MachineProvisioningStatus= properties.provisioningState, MachineErrors = properties.errorDetails //Project relevant machine health information.
) on $left.targetMachineName == $right.LowerMachineName and $left.resourceGroup == $right.resourceGroup and $left.subscriptionId == $right.subscriptionId // Join Based on MachineName in the id and the machine's name, the resource group, and the subscription. This join allows us to present the data of the machine as well as the extension in the final output.
| extend statusExpirationLengthRange = 3d // Change this value to change the acceptable range for the last time an extension should have reported its status.
| extend startDate = startofday(now() - statusExpirationLengthRange), endDate = startofday(now()) // Get the start and end position for the given range.
| extend extractedDateString = extract("timestampUTC : (\\d{4}\\W\\d{2}\\W\\d{2})", 1, tostring(properties.instanceView.status.message)) // Extracting the date string for the LastUploadTimestamp. Is empty if none is found.
| extend extractedDateStringYear = split(extractedDateString, '/')[0], extractedDateStringMonth = split(extractedDateString, '/')[1], extractedDateStringDay = split(extractedDateString, '/')[2] // Identifying each of the parts of the date that was extracted from the message.
| extend extractedDate = todatetime(strcat(extractedDateStringYear,"-",extractedDateStringMonth,"-",extractedDateStringDay,"T00:00:00Z")) // Converting to a datetime object and rewriting string into ISO format because todatetime() does not work using the previous format.
| extend isNotInDateRange = not(extractedDate >= startDate and extractedDate <= endDate) // Created bool which is true if the date we extracted from the message is not within the specified range. This bool will also be true if the date was not found in the message.
| where properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent: Healthy" // Begin searching for unhealthy extensions using the following 1. Does extension report being healthy. 2. Is last upload within the given range. 3. Is the upload status in an OK state. 4. Is provisioning state not in a succeeded state.
    or isNotInDateRange
    or properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "uploadStatus : OK"
    or properties.provisioningState != "Succeeded"
    or MachineStatus != "Connected"
| extend FailureReasons = strcat( // Makes a String to list all the reason that this resource got flagged for
        iif(MachineStatus != "Connected",strcat("- Machine's status is ", MachineStatus," -"),"") ,
        iif(MachineErrors != "[]","- Machine reports errors -", ""),
        iif(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent: Healthy","- Extension reported unhealthy -",""), 
        iif(isNotInDateRange,"- Last upload outside acceptable range -",""),
        iif(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "uploadStatus : OK","- Upload status is not reported OK -",""), 
        iif(properties.provisioningState != "Succeeded",strcat("- Extension provisiong state is ", properties.provisioningState," -"),"") 
| extend RecommendedAction = //Attempt to Identify RootCause based on information gathered, and point customer to what they should investigate first.
    iif(MachineStatus == "Disconnected", "Machine is disconnected. Please reconnect the machine.",
        iif(MachineStatus == "Expired", "Machine cert is expired. Go to the machine on the Azure Portal for more information on how to resolve this issue.",
            iif(MachineStatus != "Connected", strcat("Machine status is ", MachineStatus,". Investigate and resolve this issue."),
                iif(MachineProvisioningStatus != "Succeeded", strcat("Machine provisioning status is ", MachineProvisioningStatus, ". Investigate and resolve machine provisioning status"),
                    iff(MachineErrors != "[]", "Machine is reporting errors. Investigate and resolve machine errors",
                        iif(properties.provisioningState != "Succeeded", strcat("Extension provisioning status is ", properties.provisioningState,". Investigate and resolve extension provisioning state."),
                            iff(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent:" and properties.instanceView.status.message contains "SQL Server Extension Agent Deployer", "SQL Server extension employer ran. However, SQL Server extension seems to not be running. Verify that the extension is currently running.",
                                iff(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "uploadStatus : OK" or isNotInDateRange or properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent: Healthy", "Extension reported as unhealthy. View FailureReasons and LastExtensionStatusMessage for more information as to the cause of the failure.",
                                    "Unable to recommend actions. Please view FailureReasons."
| project ID = id, MachineName, ResourceGroup = resourceGroup, SubscriptionID = subscriptionId, Location = location, RecommendedAction, FailureReasons, LicenseType = properties.settings.LicenseType, 
    LastReportedExtensionHealth = iif(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent: Healthy", "Unhealthy", "Healthy"),
    LastExtensionUploadTimestamp = iif(indexof(properties.instanceView.status.message, "timestampUTC : ") > 0,
        substring(properties.instanceView.status.message, indexof(properties.instanceView.status.message, "timestampUTC : ") + 15, 10),
        "no timestamp"),
    LastExtensionUploadStatus = iif(indexof(properties.instanceView.status.message, "uploadStatus : OK") > 0, "OK", "Unhealthy"),
    ExtensionProvisioningState = properties.provisioningState,
    MachineStatus, MachineErrors, MachineProvisioningStatus,MachineId = machineId,
    LastExtensionStatusMessage = properties.instanceView.status.message

Pour identifier les problèmes possibles, examinez la valeur dans la colonne RecommendedAction ou FailureReasons. La colonne RecommendedAction fournit les premières étapes possibles pour résoudre le problème ou les indices pour savoir comment vérifier en premier. La colonne FailureReasons répertorie les raisons pour lesquelles la ressource a été considérée comme non saine. Enfin, vérifiez LastExtensionStatusMessage pour voir le dernier message signalé par l’agent.

Identifier une extension non saine (PowerShell)

Cet exemple s’exécute dans PowerShell. L’exemple retourne le même résultat que la requête précédente, mais via un script PowerShell.

# PowerShell script to execute an Azure Resource Graph query using Azure CLI
# where the extension status is unhealthy or the extension last upload time isn't in this month or the previous month.

# Requires the Az.ResourceGraph PowerShell module

# Login to Azure if needed
#az login

# Define the Azure Resource Graph query
$query = @"
| where type == "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines/extensions" 
| where properties.type in ("WindowsAgent.SqlServer", "LinuxAgent.SqlServer") 
| extend targetMachineName = tolower(tostring(split(id, '/')[8])) // Extract the machine name from the extension's id
| join kind=leftouter (
    | where type == "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines"
    | project machineId = id, MachineName = name, subscriptionId, LowerMachineName = tolower(name), resourceGroup , MachineStatus= properties.status , MachineProvisioningStatus= properties.provisioningState, MachineErrors = properties.errorDetails //Project relevant machine health information.
) on $left.targetMachineName == $right.LowerMachineName and $left.resourceGroup == $right.resourceGroup and $left.subscriptionId == $right.subscriptionId // Join Based on MachineName in the id and the machine's name, the resource group, and the subscription. This join allows us to present the data of the machine as well as the extension in the final output.
| extend statusExpirationLengthRange = 3d // Change this value to change the acceptable range for the last time an extension should have reported its status.
| extend startDate = startofday(now() - statusExpirationLengthRange), endDate = startofday(now()) // Get the start and end position for the given range.
| extend extractedDateString = extract("timestampUTC : (\\d{4}\\W\\d{2}\\W\\d{2})", 1, tostring(properties.instanceView.status.message)) // Extracting the date string for the LastUploadTimestamp. Is empty if none is found.
| extend extractedDateStringYear = split(extractedDateString, '/')[0], extractedDateStringMonth = split(extractedDateString, '/')[1], extractedDateStringDay = split(extractedDateString, '/')[2] // Identifying each of the parts of the date that was extracted from the message.
| extend extractedDate = todatetime(strcat(extractedDateStringYear,"-",extractedDateStringMonth,"-",extractedDateStringDay,"T00:00:00Z")) // Converting to a datetime object and rewriting string into ISO format because todatetime() does not work using the previous format.
| extend isNotInDateRange = not(extractedDate >= startDate and extractedDate <= endDate) // Created bool which is true if the date we extracted from the message is not within the specified range. This bool will also be true if the date was not found in the message.
| where properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent: Healthy" // Begin searching for unhealthy extensions using the following 1. Does extension report being healthy. 2. Is last upload within the given range. 3. Is the upload status in an OK state. 4. Is provisioning state not in a succeeded state.
    or isNotInDateRange
    or properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "uploadStatus : OK"
    or properties.provisioningState != "Succeeded"
    or MachineStatus != "Connected"
| extend FailureReasons = strcat( // Makes a String to list all the reason that this resource got flagged for
        iif(MachineStatus != "Connected",strcat("- Machine's status is ", MachineStatus," -"),"") ,
        iif(MachineErrors != "[]","- Machine reports errors -", ""),
        iif(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent: Healthy","- Extension reported unhealthy -",""), 
        iif(isNotInDateRange,"- Last upload outside acceptable range -",""),
        iif(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "uploadStatus : OK","- Upload status is not reported OK -",""), 
        iif(properties.provisioningState != "Succeeded",strcat("- Extension provisiong state is ", properties.provisioningState," -"),"") 
| extend RecommendedAction = //Attempt to Identify RootCause based on information gathered, and point customer to what they should investigate first.
    iif(MachineStatus == "Disconnected", "Machine is disconnected. Please reconnect the machine.",
        iif(MachineStatus == "Expired", "Machine cert is expired. Go to the machine on the Azure Portal for more information on how to resolve this issue.",
            iif(MachineStatus != "Connected", strcat("Machine status is ", MachineStatus,". Investigate and resolve this issue."),
                iif(MachineProvisioningStatus != "Succeeded", strcat("Machine provisioning status is ", MachineProvisioningStatus, ". Investigate and resolve machine provisioning status"),
                    iff(MachineErrors != "[]", "Machine is reporting errors. Investigate and resolve machine errors",
                        iif(properties.provisioningState != "Succeeded", strcat("Extension provisioning status is ", properties.provisioningState,". Investigate and resolve extension provisioning state."),
                            iff(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent:" and properties.instanceView.status.message contains "SQL Server Extension Agent Deployer", "SQL Server extension employer ran. However, SQL Server extension seems to not be running. Verify that the extension is currently running.",
                                iff(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "uploadStatus : OK" or isNotInDateRange or properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent: Healthy", "Extension reported as unhealthy. View FailureReasons and LastExtensionStatusMessage for more information as to the cause of the failure.",
                                    "Unable to recommend actions. Please view FailureReasons."
| project ID = id, MachineName, ResourceGroup = resourceGroup, SubscriptionID = subscriptionId, Location = location, RecommendedAction, FailureReasons, LicenseType = properties.settings.LicenseType, 
    LastReportedExtensionHealth = iif(properties.instanceView.status.message !contains "SQL Server Extension Agent: Healthy", "Unhealthy", "Healthy"),
    LastExtensionUploadTimestamp = iif(indexof(properties.instanceView.status.message, "timestampUTC : ") > 0,
        substring(properties.instanceView.status.message, indexof(properties.instanceView.status.message, "timestampUTC : ") + 15, 10),
        "no timestamp"),
    LastExtensionUploadStatus = iif(indexof(properties.instanceView.status.message, "uploadStatus : OK") > 0, "OK", "Unhealthy"),
    ExtensionProvisioningState = properties.provisioningState,
    MachineStatus, MachineErrors, MachineProvisioningStatus,MachineId = machineId,
    LastExtensionStatusMessage = properties.instanceView.status.message

# Execute the Azure Resource Graph query
$result = Search-AzGraph -Query $query

# Output the results
$result | Format-Table -Property ExtensionHealth, LastUploadTimestamp, LastUploadStatus, Message

Pour identifier les problèmes possibles, examinez la valeur dans la colonne RecommendedAction ou FailureReasons. La colonne RecommendedAction fournit les premières étapes possibles pour résoudre le problème ou les indices pour savoir comment vérifier en premier. La colonne FailureReasons répertorie les raisons pour lesquelles la ressource a été considérée comme non saine. Enfin, vérifiez LastExtensionStatusMessage pour voir le dernier message rapporté par l’agent.

Identifier les mises à jour manquantes des extensions

Identifiez les extensions qui n’ont pas récemment mis à jour l’état. Cette requête retourne une liste d’extensions Azure pour SQL Server classées par le nombre de jours depuis la dernière mise à jour de l’extension. La valeur « -1 » indique que l’extension s’est bloquée et qu’il existe une pile d’appels dans l’état de l’extension.

// Show the timestamp extracted
// If an extension has crashed (i.e. no heartbeat), fill timestamp with "1900/01/01, 00:00:00.000"
| where type =~ 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines/extensions'
| extend extensionStatus = parse_json(properties).instanceView.status.message
| extend timestampExtracted = extract(@"timestampUTC\s*:\s*(\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}, \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3})", 1, tostring(extensionStatus))
| extend timestampNullFilled = iff(isnull(timestampExtracted) or timestampExtracted == "", "1900/01/01, 00:00:00.000", timestampExtracted)
| extend timestampKustoFormattedString = strcat(replace(",", "", replace("/", "-", replace("/", "-", timestampNullFilled))), "Z")
| extend agentHeartbeatUtcTimestamp = todatetime(timestampKustoFormattedString)
| extend agentHeartbeatLagInDays = datetime_diff('day', now(), agentHeartbeatUtcTimestamp)
| project id, extensionStatus, agentHeartbeatUtcTimestamp, agentHeartbeatLagInDays
| limit 100
| order by ['agentHeartbeatLagInDays'] asc

Cette requête retourne le nombre d’extensions regroupées selon le nombre de jours depuis la dernière mise à jour de l’extension. La valeur « -1 » indique que l’extension s’est bloquée et qu’il existe une pile d’appels dans l’état de l’extension.

// Aggregate by timestamp
// -1: Crashed extension with no heartbeat, we got a stacktrace instead
//  0: Healthy
// >1: Stale/Offline
| where type =~ 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines/extensions'
| extend extensionStatus = parse_json(properties).instanceView.status.message
| extend timestampExtracted = extract(@"timestampUTC\s*:\s*(\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}, \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3})", 1, tostring(extensionStatus))
| extend timestampNullFilled = iff(isnull(timestampExtracted) or timestampExtracted == "", "1900/01/01, 00:00:00.000", timestampExtracted)
| extend timestampKustoFormattedString = strcat(replace(",", "", replace("/", "-", replace("/", "-", timestampNullFilled))), "Z")
| extend agentHeartbeatUtcTimestamp = todatetime(timestampKustoFormattedString)
| extend agentHeartbeatLagInDays = iff(agentHeartbeatUtcTimestamp == todatetime("1900/01/01, 00:00:00.000Z"), -1, datetime_diff('day', now(), agentHeartbeatUtcTimestamp))
| summarize numExtensions = count() by agentHeartbeatLagInDays
| order by numExtensions desc