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Use role-based access control in your Node.js web application

Applies to: White circle with a gray X symbol. Workforce tenants Green circle with a white check mark symbol. External tenants (learn more)

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a mechanism to enforce authorization in applications. Microsoft Entra External ID allows you to define application roles for your application and assign those roles to users and groups. The roles you assign to a user or group define their level of access to the resources and operations in your application. When External ID issues a security token for an authenticated user, it includes the names of the roles you've assigned the user or group in the security token's roles claim.

You can also configure your external tenant to return the group memberships of the user. Developers can then use security groups to implement RBAC in their applications, where the memberships of the user in specific groups are interpreted as their role memberships.

Once you assign users and groups to roles, the roles claim is emitted in your security token. However, to emit the groups membership claim in security tokens, you need additional configuration in your external tenant.

In this article, you learn how to receive user roles or group membership or both as claims in a security token for your Node.js web app.


Receive groups and roles claims in your Node.js web app

Once you configure your external tenant, you can retrieve your roles and groups claims in your client app. The roles and groups claims are both present in the ID token and the access token, but your client app only needs to check for these claims in the ID token to implement authorization in the client side. The API app can also retrieve these claims when it receives the access token.

You check your roles claim value as shown in the following code snippet example:

const msal = require('@azure/msal-node');
const { msalConfig, TENANT_SUBDOMAIN, REDIRECT_URI, POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI } = require('../authConfig');

class AuthProvider {
    async handleRedirect(req, res, next) {
        const authCodeRequest = {
            code: req.body.code, // authZ code
            codeVerifier: req.session.pkceCodes.verifier, // PKCE Code Verifier
        try {
            const msalInstance = this.getMsalInstance(this.config.msalConfig);
            const tokenResponse = await msalInstance.acquireTokenByCode(authCodeRequest, req.body);
            let roles = tokenResponse.idTokenClaims.roles;
            //Check roles
            if (roles && roles.includes("Orders.Manager")) {
                //This user can view the ID token claims page.
            //User can only view the index page.
        } catch (error) {

If you assign a user to multiple roles, the roles string contains all roles separated by a comma, such as Orders.Manager,Store.Manager,.... Make sure you build your application to handle the following conditions:

  • absence of roles claim in the token
  • user hasn't been assigned to any role
  • multiple values in the roles claim when you assign a user to multiple roles

You can also check your groups claim value as shown in the following code snippet example:

const tokenResponse = await msalInstance.acquireTokenByCode(authCodeRequest, req.body);
let groups = tokenResponse.idTokenClaims.groups;

The groups claim value is the group's objectId. If a user is a member of multiple groups, the groups string contains all groups separated by a comma, such as 7f0621bc-b758-44fa-a2c6-...,6b35e65d-f3c8-4c6e-9538-....


If you assign a user Microsoft Entra in-built roles or commonly known as directory roles, those roles appear in the groups claim of the security token.

Handle groups overage

To ensure that the size of the security token doesn’t exceed the HTTP header size limit, External ID limits the number of object IDs that it includes in the groups claim. The overage limit is 150 for SAML tokens and 200 for JWT tokens. It's possible to exceed this limit if a user belongs to many groups, and you request for all the groups.

Detect group overage in your source code

If you can't avoid groups overages, then you need to handle it in your code. When you exceed the overage limit, the token doesn't contain the groups claim. Instead, the token contains a _claim_names claim that contains a groups member of the array. So, you need to check the existence of _claim_names claim to tell that an overage has occurred. The following code snippet shows you how to detect a groups overage:

const tokenResponse = await msalInstance.acquireTokenByCode(authCodeRequest, req.body);

if(tokenResponse.idTokenClaims.hasOwnProperty('_claim_names') && tokenResponse.idTokenClaims['_claim_names'].hasOwnProperty('groups')) {
    //overage has occurred

Use the instructions in Configuring group claims and app roles in tokens article to learn how request for the full groups list when groups overage occurs.

How to use groups and roles values in your Node.js web app

In the client app, you can verify whether a signed-in user has the necessary role(s) to access a protected route or call an API endpoint. To do so, you check the roles claim in the ID token. To implement this protection in your app, you can build guards by using a custom middleware.

In your service app (API app), you can also protect the API endpoints. After you validate the access token sent by the client app, you can check for the roles or groups claims in the payload claims of the access token.

Do I use App Roles or Groups?

In this article, you have learned that you can use App Roles or Groups to implement RBAC in your application. The preferred approach is to use app roles as it provides more granular control when managing access/permissions at the application level. For more information on how to choose an approach, see Choose an approach.

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