

Set Energy Source Temperature Warning Threshold (Function Index 9)

This _DSM Interface for Byte Addressable Energy Backed Function Class (Function Interface 1) function sets the warning threshold for operating Energy Source (ES) temperature. This function may return a failure status if the ES is host-managed and thresholds aren't supported by the platform.

Registers are defined in the Byte Addressable Energy Backed Interface specification.



Field Byte length Byte offset Description
ES Lifetime Temperature Warning Threshold 1 0 The new value (in degrees Celsius) of the warning threshold. The platform shall write this value to the ES_TEMP_WARNING_THRESHOLD (0, 0x99) register.


Field Byte length Byte offset Register Description
Status 4 0 This function can return the following Function-Specific Error Code: The platform does not support ES thresholds. For more information, see _DSM Method Output.

Set Energy Source Lifetime Warning Threshold (Function Index 8)

Get Energy Source Thresholds (Function Index 7)