

Hardware offloaded audio driver implementation

When you implement a driver for offloaded audio, you develop a driver that is able to process offloaded audio streams, and to expose that ability to the Windows audio system.

This topic presents the implementation details for an audio driver that is developed for an audio adapter that is capable of processing hardware-offloaded audio streams.

These additional topics in this section discuss the issues that you should be aware of when you develop an audio driver for an audio adapter that implements a hardware audio engine to handle offloaded audio streams.

Portcls Helper Interfaces for Offloaded Audio Processing

Glitch Reporting for Offloaded Audio

Hardware offload - KS filter topology

Windows supports the use of an audio adapter that can use an on-board hardware audio engine to process audio streams. When you develop such an audio adapter, the associated audio driver must expose this fact to the user mode audio system in a specific manner, so that the audio system can discover, use and properly expose the features of this adapter and its driver.

Diagram showing a DSP-equipped system implementing effects in hardware.

The KSNODETYPE_AUDIO_ENGINE GUID for node descriptors

If an audio adapter is capable of processing offloaded audio streams, the adapter’s audio driver exposes this capability by using a node in the KS-filter for the adapter.

If an audio adapter is capable of processing offloaded audio streams, the adapter’s audio driver exposes this capability by using a specific node in the KS-filter for the adapter.

Each node in the path of the audio stream has a node descriptor, for hardware off load, the driver must set the Type GUID to KSNODETYPE_AUDIO_ENGINE.

Here’s an example of how the driver could configure the node descriptor for this node:

typedef struct _KSNODE_DESCRIPTOR {
  const KSAUTOMATION_TABLE *AutomationTable;    // drv specific
  const GUID               *Type;       // must be set to KSNODETYPE_AUDIO_ENGINE
  const GUID               *Name;       // drv specific (KSNODETYPE_AUDIO_ENGINE?)  

If the Name GUID is set to KSNODETYPE_AUDIO_ENGINE, then you must create a default name string for this node. You then add that string to ks.inf, so that during installation of the driver, the string can be used to populate the MediaCategories registry key.

The definition of the GUID for the node type, KSNODETYPE_AUDIO_ENGINE, is as follows:

Code style
    0x35caf6e4, 0xf3b3, 0x4168, 0xbb, 0x4b, 0x55, 0xe7, 0x7a, 0x46, 0x1c, 0x7e

For more information, see the ksmedia.h header file.

And based on the preceding information, a descriptor for a miniport node could look like the following:

        0,                          // Flags
        NULL,                       // AutomationTable
        NULL                        // Name

The KSPROPSETID_AudioEngine KS property set for audio engines

The KSPROPSETID_AudioEngine property set is used to support hardware audio engines and hardware-offloaded audio processing. So the driver for an adapter that can process offloaded audio streams must support the properties in this new property set.

The property set, KSPROPSETID_AudioEngine, is defined as follows:

#define STATIC_KSPROPSETID_AudioEngine\
    0x3A2F82DCL, 0x886F, 0x4BAA, 0x9E, 0xB4, 0x8, 0x2B, 0x90, 0x25, 0xC5, 0x36
DEFINE_GUIDSTRUCT("3A2F82DC-886F-4BAA-9EB4-082B9025C536", KSPROPSETID_AudioEngine);

The names of the properties in this property set are defined in the KSPROPERTY_AUDIOENGINE enum, and the driver must support these names.

Here are the properties in the KSPROPSETID_AudioEngine property set:










Required properties in the KSPROPSETID_ Audio property set

In addition to supporting the properties in the KSPROPSETID_AudioEngine property set, the driver must also support the following existing properties in the KSPROPSETID_Audio property set:




And to complete the implementation of driver support for hardware-offloaded audio processing, properties are available to the KSPROPSETID_ Audio property set.




Port-class driver updates and glitch reporting

In addition to the support described in the preceding sections for hardware-offloaded audio processing, the Windows port-class driver provides "helper interfaces" to make it simple to develop a driver that can work with offloaded audio streams. And when such a driver detects glitches, there is a mechanism in place to allow the driver to report the glitch errors. The following topics provide more details about the helper interfaces and glitch reporting:

Portcls Helper Interfaces for Offloaded Audio Processing In addition to the support described in the preceding sections for hardware-offloaded audio processing, the Windows port-class driver has also includes "helper interfaces" to make it simple to develop a driver that can work with offloaded audio streams. And when such a driver detects glitches, there is a mechanism in place to allow the driver to report the glitch errors. The following topics provide more details about the helper interfaces and glitch reporting:

Hardware Offloaded Audio Driver Implementation

Windows Audio Processing Objects