
How to Close an Alert Generated by a Monitor


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

Monitors define the health states of objects. An object can have one of three health states: green (successful or healthy), yellow (warning), or red (critical or unhealthy). For example, a monitor for disk drive capacity might define green as less than 85 percent full, yellow as over 85 percent full, and red as over 90 percent full. A monitor can be configured to generate an alert when a state change occurs.

When you receive an alert, you can see in the alert details whether the alert was generated by a rule or a monitor. If the alert was generated by a monitor, as a best practice, you should allow the monitor to auto-resolve the alert when the health state returns to healthy. If you close the alert while the object is in a warning or unhealthy state, the problem remains unresolved but no further alerts will be generated.

If the monitor generates an alert when the health state changes to red and you do resolve the alert, you must also reset the health state for the monitor. If the monitor is not reset, the same condition that generated an alert can occur again but no alert will be generated because the health state has not changed.

To determine if an alert is resolved automatically

  1. Select the alert, and then in the alert details, click the name of the alert monitor. The properties dialog box for the monitor opens.

  2. In the monitor properties, click the Alerting tab to see if the option Automatically resolve the alert when the monitor returns to a healthy state is selected.

To close an alert that is generated by a monitor

  1. Read the alert and examine its properties. Check the alert details to determine if the alert was generated by a monitor or a rule. Use the product knowledge for the alert to help determine the cause of the alert.

  2. Troubleshoot the cause(s) of the alert and take the actions needed to resolve the problem.

  3. When the problem is resolved, click Source in the alert details. This will open the State view for the object associated with the alert.

  4. Right-click the object, point to Open, and then click Health Explorer for  object name.

  5. Select the monitor that generated the alert and click Reset Health on the toolbar. Close the Health Explorer and the State view.

  6. Refresh the alerts view. If the alert is still listed, click the alert and then click Close Alert in the Actions pane.