
Identifying the Computer Experiencing a Problem


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

This topic helps you answer questions such as “I see an alert that says logical disk defragmentation is high. Where is it high?”

To identify the computer experiencing a problem

  1. Click the alert.

    Select alert in Results pane

  2. Look in the Details section for the Path.

    See Path in alert details

    Notice that this alert also includes the affected computer in the Description.

  3. Click Windows Computers to view the state of the computer.

    Windows Computers monitoring view

  4. Right-click the computer, point to Open, and click Health Explorer:

    Open Health Explorer

In this illustration, you see that the logical disk fragmentation levels for C: and D: on this computer are in a warning state. Notice that the state rolls up to the Performance state for each disk, then to Hardware Performance for the computer, then to Performance for the computer, and finally to Entity Health for the computer.